Презентация Web квесты
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Веб - квест Quest в переводе с английского языка - продолжительный целенаправленный поиск, который может быть связан с приключениями или игрой; также служит для обозначения одной из разновидностей компьютерных игр. Веб-квест ( webquest ) в педагогике - это современная образовательная технология, предполагающая целенаправленную поисковую деятельность обучающихся с использованием информационных ресурсов Интернета для выполнения определенного учебного задания . Разработчиками веб-квеста как учебного задания являются Bernie Dodge и Tom March.
Классификация веб-квеста По длительности выполнения Краткосрочные Цель: приобретение знаний и их интеграция. Долгосрочные Цель: расширение и уточнение знаний.
Классификация веб-квеста По предметному содержанию Монопроекты Межпредметные
Классификация веб-квеста По форме проведения Компьютерные Образовательные Медиа - квесты
Классификация веб-квеста По типу заданий Пересказ Планирование и проектирование компиляция Творческая работа Аналитическая задача Детектив, головоломка Достижение консенсуса Оценка Убеждение Научные исследования
Структура веб-квеста Введение – тема, роли участников, сценарий, план работы; Задание – описание проблемной задачи и формы представления результата; Выполнение – описание работы, руководоство , советы; Оценивание – описание критериев и параметров оценки выполнения веб-квеста ; Заключение – описание чему можно научиться; Использованные материалы – ссылки, литература; Комментарии для педагога – методические рекомендации.
Цели веб-квеста
Критерии оценивания исследовательской и творческой работы, качества аргументации, оригинальности работы, навыков работы в микрогруппе , устного выступления, мультимедийной презентации, письменного текста и т.п.
Результат веб-квеста Презентация; Доклад; Театральная постановка; Буклет; Статья Интервью и т.д.
Методический потенциал: формирование мотивации к самообучению; формирование новых компетенций; развитие креативного потенциала; развитие коммуникативных умений; развитие мышления; развитие творческого потенциала; ( поэтические, музыкальные, художественные способности).
Развитие компетенций Информационные : работать с информацией, анализировать, обобщать ее, устанавливать ассоциации с ранее изученным, делать выводы. Проективные : генерировать идеи, находить варианты решения проблемы, предвидеть возможные последствия принимаемых решений. Коммуникативные : вступать в общение, отстаивать свою точку зрения, сотрудничать с другими, принимать их точку зрения. Медийные : умение работать с компьютерными средствами. ).
Веб-квест как образовательная технология критическое и творческое мышление; проблемное обучение; ситуационно обусловленное обучение в аутентичных условиях; обучение в группе.
Алгоритм создания веб-квеста 1. Выбор темы; 2. Создание заданий и описание роли для учащихся. Выбор задания - это наиболее трудная часть создания Веб-квеста ; 3. Заполнение критериев для оценки учащихся. Продублируйте это в секции для преподавателей. 4. Подбор источников информации, Интернет — ресурсов, необходимых учащимся для выполнения задания. 5. Написанием введения и заключения.
Заключение Веб – квест является полезным инструментом для внедрения элементов игры в обучение. Процесс обучения становится более интересным, кроме того повышается мотивация. Современные преподаватели, применяющие веб - квесты , меняют традиционные методы обучения на более перспективные.
Источники Электронное учебно-методическое пособие « Веб-квесты как способ организации проектной деятельности и развития универсальных учебных действий основной школы. Автор М. А. Мосина . Пермь, 2013г, ПГГПУ; Методичка по созданию веб-квеста [ Электронный ресурс ] URL: https://mega-talant.com/biblioteka/metodichka-po-sozdaniyu-veb-kvesta-85237.html ; Кузнецова Т.А. Технология веб-квест как интерактивная образовательная среда. [ Электронный ресурс ] URL: - http://ito.edu.ru/2011/Ivanovo/II/II-0-12.html Образовательный веб-квест . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL: http://www.spodon.ru/usefull/quest/ Романцова Ю.В. Веб-квест как способ активизации учебной деятельности учащихся . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/513088 / Нурмиева Р.Р. Использование веб-квест технологий в обучении иностранным языкам [ Интернет ресурс ] URL https://mega-talant.com/biblioteka/metodichka-po-sozdaniyu-veb-kvesta-85237.html
Web-Quest " Regions of the USA" Ахунова А.Ш. Группа 61аИЯ
INTRODUCTION This web-quest is devoted to the USA. Imagine you are the young journalists working on the article about the USA for geographical magazine. So, you are invited to go on a trip around the USA in order to have a quick overview of the US regions and tourist attractions of the country. You will know about the US geography, history, the American symbols, amazing things to see and interesting places to visit. Let`s get started and explore those places of interest which are most of all worth visiting. Some additional materials such as words, exercises, tasks and video will help you in your research. You can also find extra information in the presentations. Finally, you must make a presentation for our lesson using a multi-medium to tell the readers about the places you would like to see and visit in the USA. To fulfill what we have planned for, you must answer all the questions. Surf the Net and gather as much information as possible about the USA. You are supposed to be active, creative and curious in doing this project.
TASK The continental states fall into four regions. What are they? Each of these regions has special features and interesting places to visit. What region of the USA would you like to go to? What places would you like to visit there? To answer these questions, you will need to work in small groups or individually. And complete tasks and assignments. To begin you will also need a travel notebook. In this notebook you must write down all the information needed for your research. Don`t forget to save some images for your research. They must help you to reflect the peculiarity of the places you are talking about.
PROCESS For the lesson on the USA the whole class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will get one aspect (one of the regions of the USA). Your task will include the following: PRE-CLASS PREPARATION. study Web-based materials using links suggested; do additional Internet search for information on the target issue, if necessary; answer the questions; divide the material between all team members for presentation in class for the members of other groups; illustrate the results of your search by examples and create a Power Point presentation reflecting your ideas. IN-CLASS ACTIVITY Report to the whole class what you have learned on the topic for your group activity.
PROCESS Phase 1 – Background information For the lesson I decided to break “The USA” into 4 parts. Each group will need to study only one part and inform the whole class about its major features and subjects. Phase 2 – Roles You will be working in teams. It will be up to you to divide roles in each team. For efficiency, there should be a leader, who will organize the work and divide the issues within each topic to make sure everything is covered and there is no overlap. However, all team members are responsible for presenting information in class, regardless their role in pre-class preparation process.
PROCESS Group 1: The Northeast Regions of the USA ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_the_United_States ) The first Europeans who settle the USA ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeastern_United_States ) American studies ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_studies ) The nickname of NY ( http://www.infoplease.com/askeds/big-apple.html ) The Northeast Region of the US ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64PpR8vM7AE ) Tourist attractions ( http://www.jurnii.com/rv/rv_guide/us_ne_reg_attractions.php )
PROCESS QUESTIONS Where did first Europeans come to? Who were they? Where were they from? What are the largest cities in the region? Americans say that this city likes to live in the past. What city is it? What is the city famous for? What is the oldest and the most populous city in the Northeast? What is it famous for? What is unofficial nickname of New York? Where does American President work? What is the Capitol? What are the most important mountains in the Northeast? What are the major water attractions of the region? What is the Liberty Bell? Where is it?
PROCESS Group 2: The South Regions of the USA ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_the_United_States ) Southern United States ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_United_States ) Regional Overview of the South region of the U.S. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0c-ZizZ88M ) Grand Canyon National Park ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Canyon_National_Park ) Miami ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami ) QUESTIONS Why has the South been a very important region in the history of the USA? Why is the South economically important? What National Park in the region is the home to all kinds of water birds? Miami is the popular tourist destination? What can you say about it? Miami is nicknamed the "Capital of Latin America". What are popular cultural destinations in the area?
PROCESS Group 3: The Midwest Midwestern United States ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midwestern_United_States ) Geography ( https://study.com/academy/lesson/geography-of-the-midwestern-united-states.html ) Great Lakes ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes ) Mount Rushmore ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Rushmore ) The Midwest Region ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8otW-lCkFbM ) List of national parks of the United States ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_parks_of_the_United_States ) QUESTIONS Why do Americans call the Midwest “ the breadbasket ”? What are the main cities of the region and what are they famous for ? What city is the oldest one ? What is the greatest river in the USA? “A sculpture carved into the granite faces ”. What is it about ? Why do many people visit the Great Lakes ? What is Minnessota known as ?
PROCESS Group 4: The West Western United States ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_United_States ) Las Vegas ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas ) Disneyland ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disneyland ) Disneyland Travel Guide ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhNyRM5HGcc ) The West Region ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO1OOm7uH2E ) Hollywood ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood ) QUESTIONS The West is famous for its many mountains. What are the major mountains in the region? What are the cities of the West and what can see and visit there? What city is the popular tourist destination? Why do people take their vacations in the West? Where can you see the largest tree on Earth? Arizona state slogan: Grand Canyon State. Why?
PROCESS Phase 3- Reaching Consensus Work in groups. Discuss the following questions and be ready to participate in the whole class discussion. What do you know about geography of the USA? What places would you like to see and visit in the USA and why? Which region of the USA is the most suitable and attractive for the tourists? Give your arguments.
Conclusion Great! You`ve explored the most exciting places of the USA. You have travelled all over the country, learned lots of information about the places, "took pictures" of its beauties, presented it in the best way to your classmates and teacher. Now you have in store: extensive vocabulary on the topic, good skills of public speech and presentation, Internet competence, and of course... your impression of the place and your burning desire to visit it in the future. Now you are suggested do the task and the Quiz on the USA and check yourselves how much you know of the country. ( Приложение 1а, 1b ) Would you like to know more about the country and other English-speaking countries? Good luck to you in your future achievements.
Приложение 1а Christmas of Liberty The Great Forests The Liberty Day George Columbus The United for Independence The Statue Claus The War Tree Redwood Lakes Santa Tea Party Boston States of America Independence Washington Christopher Bell Make the word combinations. Write them: Keys: Christmas tree The Great Lakes The Liberty Bell George Washington The United States of America The Statue of Liberty The War for Independence Redwood Forests Santa Claus Boston Tea Party Independence Day Christopher Columbus.
Приложение 1b Choose the right item: 1. The United States of America is a … a) state b) country c) continent 2. America was discovered by: a) Christopher Columbus b) George Washington c) the Native Americans 3. The USA is situated: a) in the northern part of Asia b) in the middle part of North America c) in the Northeast of the USA 4. The US borders on … a) Italy and Canada b) Mexico and England c) Canada and Mexico 5. The USA is made of … states. a) fifteen b) fifty c) thirteen 6. Which is the closest state to Russia? a) Alabama b) Alaska c) California 7. The capital of the USA is… a) Washington b) New York c) Chicago 8. The American flag is often called … a) ”Jack Union” b) “Stars and Stripes” c) – 9. The American flag has: a) fifty stripes b) thirty stars c) thirteen stripes 10. The first president of the USA was … a) Barack Obama b) George Washington c) George Bush 11. What river is not in the USA? a) the Mississippi b) the Colorado c) the Thames 12. The Statue of Liberty is situated in … a) Chicago b) Washington c) New York 13. New York is called … a) “The Big Orange” b) “The Big Apple” c)” The Tasty Apple” 14. Washington, D.C. is situated on the … a) Mississippi b) Potomac River c) Hudson River 15. The USA is the … largest country in the world. a) second b) sixth c) fourth 16. The Great Lakes in the … of the USA are very deep. a) north b) south c) west Keys 1.-b 2-a 3- b 4- c 5- b 6-b 7-a 8-b 9-c 10-b 11-c 12-c 13-b 14-b 15-c 16-a
Evaluation Приложение 2
Beginning (2) Developing (3) Accomplished (4) Examplary (5) Score Content The information is not clear or does not support the task in any way. There is a lot of information that is not clearly connected to the task. The role is not acted out at all. There are no images enclosed. Sufficient information that relates to the task, but some material doesn`t correspont to the task. Parts of the presentation are not connected well enough. The chosen role is not fully acted out. Abundance of matirial . All the material strictly corresponds to the task and meets the requirements of the chosen role. The content is structured. The information is presented in a clear logical way. Composing No Clear focus, structure or elaboration. No central idea. Text is disorganized. Maintains clear focus and structure. No elaboration. Central idea is clear, but could be organized better. Maintains clear focus, structure. Some elaboration. Central idea is clear and delivered in an organized text. Shows some unity and organization. Establishes and maintains clear focus, structure and elaboration. Central idea is clear and delivered in an organized text. Shows unity and organization. Speaking Skills Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; speech tempo too slow/fast; uninterested monotone speech. Muttering; little eye contact; uneven speech tempo; little expressiveness. Clear articulation but not polished. Balanced articulation, clear pronunciation; proper volume; steady speech tempo; good posture and eye contact; enthusiasm; confidence. Spelling / Grammar Untyped. Over 6 spelling or grammatical mistakes. Poor vocabulary. Inappropriate use of words. 4-6 spelling or 1 grammatical mistakes. Words are nonspecific and redundant. No more than 3 spelling or grammatical mistakes. Good vocabulary. Typographical/printing problems. No spelling or grammatical mistakes. Perfect vocabulary. Sentence Formation Incomplete sentences. Hard to follow writer's thought. No standard word order. Complete sentences and easy to follow writer's thoughts. Standard word order. Sentences are formed completely and express writer's thoughts. Sentences are formed completely and are appropriately mature to express writer's thoughts. Some expressiveness is also achieved with the help of word order. Style Writer has no language control. Writing is dull with no sentence variation. Writer controls language, shows some vividness with selected vocabulary, information. Good sentence variety. Writer shapes and controls language most of the time, shows vividness most of the time, uses selected vocabulary, information, and sentence variety. Writer purposefully shapes and controls language to affect reader. Writing shows vividness with selected vocabulary, selected vocabulary, selected information, and sentence variety. Audience Response Incoherent; audience lost interest and could not determine the point of the presentation. Some related facts but went off topic and lost the audience; mostly presented facts with little or no imagination. Presented facts with some interesting "twists"; held the audience's attention most of the time. Involved the audience in the presentation; points made in creative way; held the audience's attention throughout. Приложение 2
Teacher Page Introduction Students will enlarge their vocabulary on the topic "The USA", improve their listening or reading skills (according to the type of exercises they`ve got), exercise their creative writing skills and their knowledge of the world`s places of interest. Learners and Standards This web-quest can be adjusted for students (grades 7-9). It is currently formatted for 7th grade students specifically. It can be included in that part of school curriculum which is dedicated to study of "The USA". This web-quest will help you to awake students' interest in the topic, improve their Internet competence, their ability in finding and working up information on the specified topic. You can also give them a chance to practice their public speech skills. The students can present their works and then you may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of their presentations together. It is better if the students will use only English language to express their opinions. Process This web-quest is designed as an individual activity, but students can also work in pairs if you prefer so. Students can work in class, but Internet access is necessary. Students can also work at home and a final product from everyone will be required. You can choose one of the places yourself and prepare the necessary material for studying (download, print the texts, prepare audio or video for listening/watching in class). Within a lesson you can do the first exploratory work as an example. Then students will make their own choice working at home and prepare their own presentation. Talk to the students about key information and what to look for. Encourage the students to use resources that are given in the list.
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