Итоговая контрольная работа 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Итоговая контрольная работа - spotlight 6. 15 вопросов, включает в себя материал каждого модуля.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа

6 класс

  1. Answer the questions:  
  1. What's your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. Do you go to school? What form are you in?
  5. What's your hobby?                                                    

  1. Write three forms of verbs:

Draw, see, go, hear, write.

3.      Translate into English:

a.        Sam’s wife is Sue.

b.        Janet is Kim’s aunt.

c.        Mike’s brother is Sam.

d.        Beth is Gill’s granny.

e.        Mike is Bill’s father.

  1.  Complete the sentences with my or your, his or her.

•        Hello, _____ name is John.

•        Is Sandra _____ sister?

•        “What’s _____ name?” – “Kate”.

•        I have a cousin. ______ name is Patrick.

  1. Write in on/in/at.
  1. ____ 10 October
  2. ____half past four
  3. ____1987
  4. ____Friday morning
  5. ____the morning
  6. ____summer

  1. Write the ordinal numbers.
  1. One – __________________
  2. Three – _________________
  3. Five – _________________
  4. Twenty – ________________
  5. Thirty-three – ______________

  1. Which is right?
  1. Are you speaking English?/Do you speak English? – Yes, a little.
  2. Sometimes we’re going/we go to the country house at weekends.
  3. How often do you have/are you having holidays at school?
  4. Sue is a writer. She is writing/writes books for children.

  1. Look at the pictures and compare them. Use than and the adjectives in the box.

young, short, old, interesting, boring, tall

TallMan                 young_woman Old-woman          62910textbook

  Paul     Jim                   Mrs Brown   Ms Marple        Adventure stories      Textbook

  1. Put the instructions in the correct order

Wake-Up Breakfast Drink


1⁄2 cup cold orange juice

1⁄2 cup cold milk

1⁄4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Order the instructions:

___ Cover with the lid.

___Serve right away.

___Put the orange juice, milk, and vanilla in a blender.

___Pour the drink into a tall glass.

___Turn on the blender to high speed and blend until smooth and frothy.

  1. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences with going to.

Be late, Buy a new car, Be sick, Have an exam, Skate

•        The day is nice and frosty. I think I …………

•        Nick doesn’t feel well. I think he ………

•        John, it’s 8.30.I am afraid we ………

•        Kate looks worried. She ……………

•        Bob is happy. He …………….

  1. Choose the correct part of speech (an adjective or an adverb) and finish offers.
  1. It was (cold, coldly) in the garden. – В саду было холодно.
  2. Your wife looks very (cold, coldly) at my sister. – Твоя жена смотрит очень холодно на мою...
  3. Jane`s answer wasn`t (correct, correctly). – Ответ Джейн был неправильным.

  1. Write the specified time in figures.
  1. It’s half past three.
  2. It’s ten to six.
  3. It’s a quarter past two.
  4. It’s a quarter to twelve.
  5. It’s twenty to one.

  1. Insert much or many.
  1. Do you drink ________coffee?
  2. I like reading. I read _________.
  3. We have _______ lessons of English this year.
  4. I like this new teacher very _______
  5. I can't remember _______ from this text.

  1. Прочитайте, переведите письменно и вставьте пропущенные по смыслу слова в текст.

Born,  boy, gave, difficult, ice flowers, Museum

The snowflake man.

Wilson Bentley was ______in America in February 1865.His parents were farmers. He liked snowflakes

when he was a _____. When he was 15 years old his mother _____him a microscope.

He looked at the snowflakes through the microscope. So he began to take photographs.

It was _______to get a good photo of a snowflake. He tried and tried.

Wilson Bentley photographed his first snowflake on 15 January, 1885!

During his life he made more than 5,000 photos of snowflakes. He also saw that all snowflakes are different.

Bentley called snowflakes “_________”.

You can see his collection of photos in the Buffalo ________of Science in the USA.

  1. Напишите все, что вы знаете о Великобритании. (Не менее 5 пунктов)

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