Using technology in the lesson
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We live in the 21st century. Computers, smartphones, tablets, the Internet, apps, and websites are all around us. People of many professions can’t do without technological instruments. Teachers have learnt how to integrate educational technologies into their classroom. And it really works if the usage of technological tools is reasonable and purposeful.
I am lucky to teach in a school that uses smart boards. It allows me and my students to interact. I can create engaging, active lessons using the many tools that a digital whiteboard provides. There are many ways to add variety to my lesson plans: games, puzzles, conversation, crafts, music etc. My students rise from their seats, go up to the board and interact with the figures and exercises projected onto the whiteboard. It increases language learners engagement and motivation towards learning.
In our school we have embraced online education for disabled children by creating virtual classrooms. It is very important for these people because they can attend classes without leaving their homes and also have a chance to interact with other students virtually.
Despite many advantages of using special devices in the language classroom, it may present some challenges. First of all, teachers have to keep up to date on the latest gadgets and know how to use them. When I started my teaching career six years ago, I had to spend much time on learning how to use different devices in my classes. And still I often consult our IT teachers when I make a presentation or create my own interactive learning activities for the lesson.
Another main challenge of using technology in school is that students may be easily distracted by different websites. In order to avoid such situations, our IT teacher made the most popular entertainment portals inaccessible for our learners.
Connection problems, downloading issues, policing software and other difficulties can cause road blocks when implementing a lesson in the technology based classroom. That is the reason why I prepare printable materials with a similar task to give them to the students who are not able to use a gadget.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom. But we have to remember that it is not a replacement for a live teacher, it is just instrument in his or her hands. For that reason I believe that teachers need ongoing training in new technology and use those which help their students to succeed.
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