Проверочная работа Present Simple/Present Continuous

Донгидон Анастасия Викторовна

Проверочная работа Present Simple/Present Continuous


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Проверочная работа по теме Present Simple/ Present Continuous

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

2. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.

3. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.

4. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

5. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.

6. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.

7. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.

8. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.

9. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.

10. We ____________ (have) lunch now.

11. My sister (travel) every year.

12. I ____________ (go) to the cinema now.

13. My mum ____________ (not work) today.

14. Peter ____________ (not like) rap music.

15. He ____________ (listen) to pop music at the moment.

16. Donna usually ____________ (go) shopping on Saturdays.

17. Let´s go out. It ____________ (not rain) now.

18. Hurry up! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you!

19. The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.

20. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

21. The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?

22. I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.

23. I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.

24. It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.

25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

26. Who is that man? What _____________ he _____________ (want)?

27. Who is that man? Why _____________ he _____________ (look) at us?

28. _____________ you _________ (believe) in God?

29. Gilbert says he is 80, but nobody _____________ (believe) him.

30. Every Monday Maite _____________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

31. Be quiet. Arturo _____________ (sleep).

32. Don´t forget to take your umbrella. It _____________ (rain).

33. I don´t like living in England. It always _____________ (rain).

34. Look!. It _____________ (snow). We are going to have a white Christmas.

35. Maila _____________ (watch) TV every morning.

36. I have to go now. It _____________ (get) dark

37. Right now I _____________ (spend) time with my father.

38.We usually _____________ (go) to the gym on Mondays.

39. She _____________ (talk) to Pete at the moment.

40. He _____________ (look) good in jeans.

41. She _____________ (wear) a dress today.

42. We _____________ (drive) on the left in England.

43. I _____________ (not want) to go to the Cinema.

44. We _____________ (go) dancing every weekend.

45. I _____________ (take) a pill every day.

46. He _____________ (speak) Dutch and Italian.

47. We always _____________ (stay) at the Village.

48. I _____________ (need) to see the doctor.

49. Ray _____________ (drink) very much coffee.

50. I _____________ (not feel) very well.

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