Решение конфликтов 9 класс
учебно-методический материал (9 класс) на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна
Решение конфликтов 9 класс


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NAME, SURNAME ____________________________________                                                               Unit 3, section 2 “Conflict Resolution”                                                                

1. Read the text and fill in the suitable word from the box. Some words are extra

generation,  haircuts, provide, adults, graffitimakers, important, silly, hardworking, arguments, the internet, commit suicide, get along

Generation conflict is one of the most (1) ____________________ problems nowadays. Kids and teenagers don`t want to act their ages and want to look and act like (2) ______________. They smoke, drink alcohol, and enter drug sub-cultures. They surf (3) ________________ and play computer games all day and night long. Many teenagers enter sub-cultures like goths and (4) __________________, wear defiant clothes and (5) ____________, and come home late. Their parents don`t like these things and have (6) __________________ with their children. Sometimes teens leave their homes or (7) ____________________because they think that nobody understands them. In my family, we haven`t got a problem with (8) __________________ conflict, but I know families which do have. I think to have arguments with parents is only a hobby of (9) ____________________  children.

2. Change the underlined word or the part of the sentence using their antonyms (the word with opposite meaning). Mind the grammar.

a) The pupils listened to the teacher attentively.

b) She often criticizes her classmates.

c) They were shouting when I come in.

d) To my mind, he has a good sense of humour.

e) I couldn’t believe my eyes, he felt relaxed at the meeting yesterday.

f) You often use words that hurt people.

g) In some ways I agree with you.

h) Is she shy? Do you really think so?

NAME, SURNAME ____________________________________                                                               Unit 3, section 2 “Conflict Resolution”                                                                

1. Read the text and fill in the suitable word from the box. Some words are extra

generation,  haircuts, provide, adults, graffitimakers, important, silly, hardworking, arguments, the internet, commit suicide, get along

Generation conflict is one of the most (1) ____________________ problems nowadays. Kids and teenagers don`t want to act their ages and want to look and act like (2) ______________. They smoke, drink alcohol, and enter drug sub-cultures. They surf (3) ________________ and play computer games all day and night long. Many teenagers enter sub-cultures like goths and (4) __________________, wear defiant clothes and (5) ____________, and come home late. Their parents don`t like these things and have (6) __________________ with their children. Sometimes teens leave their homes or (7) ____________________because they think that nobody understands them. In my family, we haven`t got a problem with (8) __________________ conflict, but I know families which do have. I think to have arguments with parents is only a hobby of (9) ____________________  children.

2. Change the underlined word or the part of the sentence using their antonyms (the word with opposite meaning). Mind the grammar.

a) The pupils listened to the teacher attentively.

b) She often criticizes her classmates.

c) They were shouting when I come in.

d) To my mind, he has a good sense of humour.

e) I couldn’t believe my eyes, he felt relaxed at the meeting yesterday.

f) You often use words that hurt people.

g) In some ways I agree with you.

h) Is she shy? Do you really think so?

3. Read the story “Stepmother” and decide if the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or there is no information in the text – NOT STATED

1. The author of the story is from the United Kingdom.

2. The author had an elder sister.

3. His father was a lawyer.

4. The author and his stepmother had awful (terrible, bad) relations.

5. His stepmother was a pretty, good-looking woman.

6. The author of the story had much to do about the house.

7. His stepmother helped the boy and took care of her stepdaughter.

8. The author’s father and stepmother never gave beating to the children.

9. The stepmother had three true friends.

10 Once the stepmother lost some money.

11. The boy supported her and told a lie (about the money) to his father.

12. The stepmother broke her promise and betrayed the boy.

4. Answer the questions:

- Will the author of the story and his stepmother have better relations in the future? Why? Why not? Express your opinion.

- What can you say about the relations between the son and the father?

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Упражнение на лексику по теме "Решение конфликтов" 9 класс

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