get, put
учебно-методический материал на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна
get, put


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Предварительный просмотр:

Phrasal Verbs: to get, to put

I. Complete the sentences using the following phrasal verbs: get, get away, get back, get off, get on, get along with smb., get over, get together, get ready, get rid of smth., get up. 

1.  My mother usually gets……….. at 6 a.m.

2. It took him two months to get ……….. his illness.

3.  I and my younger sister get …….. well with each other.

4.  Our relatives got ………………….. at granny’s place after a long separation.

5.  I wanted to go by bus but I don’t know where to get …….

6.  Jill has recently left our school and she gets ………. fine at college.

7. What time did you get…………… from the party yesterday? – At about 12 p.m.

8. I like to get…….. Christmas postcards.

9. My jeans are out-of-date. I want to get ………….. them and buy a new pair.

10. The teacher said: “Get………… for the lesson!”

II.  Put in the phrasal verbs from ex.1.  Mind the Grammar.

  1. She …………………………………… her old books and magazines. She took them to a recycling center.
  2. I …………………………………………………. at 7a.m. every day except Saturdays and Sundays.
  3. In my opinion, Kate’s family is friendly. They……………………………………………. well with each other.
  4. He …………………………………. the bus and hurried to the church.
  5. Pete was terribly hurt in a car accident last week. I think he………………………………….this accident in several months only.

 III. Complete the sentences using the following phrasal verbs: put down, put off, put on, put up with

  1. She put ……………………………… her torn jeans and a T-shirt .
  2. Put …………………………… the new words and learn them by heart.
  3. He is a heavy smoker. His family has to put ……………………….. with his smoking  every day.
  4. I entered the room and put …………….. the light.
  5. They put ………………………… the concert till next week.

IV. Put in the phrasal verbs from ex.3. Mind the Grammar.

  1. I don’t want to ……………………………………… it till tomorrow.
  2. He ……………………………… his black hat and left the flat.
  3. Don’t …………………………………….. your books here.
  4. I ……………………………………….. my hometask yesterday. What shall I do?
  5. They often have conflicts. How …… you …………………..with their quarrels?

Phrasal Verbs: to get, to put

I. Complete the sentences using the following phrasal verbs: get, get away, get back, get off, get on, get along with smb., get over, get together, get ready, get rid of smth., get up. 

1.  My mother usually gets……….. at 6 a.m.

2. It took him two months to get ……….. his illness.

3.  I and my younger sister get …….. well with each other.

4.  Our relatives got ………………….. at granny’s place after a long separation.

5.  I wanted to go by bus but I don’t know where to get …….

6.  Jill has recently left our school and she gets ………. fine at college.

7. What time did you get…………… from the party yesterday? – At about 12 p.m.

8. I like to get…….. Christmas postcards.

9. My jeans are out-of-date. I want to get ………….. them and buy a new pair.

10. The teacher said: “Get………… for the lesson!”

II.  Put in the phrasal verbs from ex.1.  Mind the Grammar.

  1. She …………………………………… her old books and magazines. She took them to a recycling center.
  2. I …………………………………………………. at 7a.m. every day except Saturdays and Sundays.
  3. In my opinion, Kate’s family is friendly. They……………………………………………. well with each other.
  4. He …………………………………. the bus and hurried to the church.
  5. Pete was terribly hurt in a car accident last week. I think he………………………………….this accident in several months only.

 III. Complete the sentences using the following phrasal verbs: put down, put off, put on, put up with

  1. She put ……………………………… her torn jeans and a T-shirt .
  2. Put …………………………… the new words and learn them by heart.
  3. He is a heavy smoker. His family has to put ……………………….. with his smoking  every day.
  4. I entered the room and put …………….. the light.
  5. They put ………………………… the concert till next week.

IV. Put in the phrasal verbs from ex.3. Mind the Grammar.

  1. I don’t want to ……………………………………… it till tomorrow.
  2. He ……………………………… his black hat and left the flat.
  3. Don’t …………………………………….. your books here.
  4. I ………………………………………my hometask yesterday. What shall I do?
  5. They often have conflicts. How …… you …………………..with their quarrels?