Примеры заданий на развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, говорения.
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Селивеева Клавдия Алексеевна

Примеры заданий на развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, говорения.



1. Read the text and fill in the correct words. Give the title of the text.

Element, fragment, mythology, belief, legend, ballad, fairy tale, fact, information, event, give, explain, offer, of, at, in, rollicking, somber, effective, vigorous, far, distant, remote, removed, insight, intrusion, penetrate, perceptiveness, understanding, indigenous, resident, natural, extrinsic.


Every culture in the world, past or present, has a (1) of some kind. In other words, it has stories about things it believes in, that contain a supernatural (2). These stories try to explain a (3) of some kind. They may (4) reason for the fact that the sun rises and sets each day, or an explanation (5) how the people came to be living where they do. Almost every mythology is packed with (6) good stories. But mythology is (7) more than that. It is a fascinating (8) into the people who develop these belief systems, where they came from, the way they lived, their (9) culture.


2. Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

1. Any religion is a complex phenomenon.

2. Paganism in different countries and cultures had much in common.

3. Paganism in different countries and cultures differed a lot.

4. Nothing is actually known about pagan times in any country.

5. People used to idolize only natural forces and phenomena.

6. The main deities in all cultures were associated with the sun and the sky.







1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. Then listen to the text and compare your ideas.

1. What do you know about A. Rublyov and his time?

2. Can you name any works of Andrei Rublyov that have survived through the ages?

3. Which of them is genuinely accepted as the peak of his artistic career?

4. What is symbolic in the Trinity of A. Rublyov?

5. What makes his art so different from other masters’ of Byzantine school?


2. Listen again. Complete the sentences.

1. In his paintings Rublyov avoids …, his palette is ….

2. Rublyov’s saints are so ….

3. Rublyov’s  Trinity  is  ….

4. The name of Andrei Rublyov  …  as  he  ….
















1.  Write a short essay on one of the statements.

1. Any religion is a complex phenomenon.

2.”All civilizations are to some extent the product of geographical factors, but history provides no clearer example of the profound influence of geography upon a culture than in the historic development of the Russian people.” G. Vernadsky


2. Make up your own guide-tour around the Kremlin. Write it down.





















1. Comment on the following statements.

1. Paganism stems from the personification of nature forces as well as human feelings and values.

2. Pagan deities have certain areas of responsibility.

3. Religious myths of ancient Greece constituted one of the most advanced and elaborate systems.

4. The more advanced the culture is the more human its deities are.

5. Only few pagan cultures associated achieving immorality with human behavior.

2. Work in groups. Speak about Paganism, using these word combinations and expressions.

1. Paganism- pagans; pagan beliefs; reflections of values; attitudes; hopes and livelihood; constitute mindset.

2. Idolise/personify-natural powers, feelings; invent/create-deities; dwell-dwellings/dwellers, denizens, spirits, souls.

3. Worship-pray to; bring sacrifices; priests-druids, shamans, wizards, sorcerers.

4. Scattered references; to be manifested in; oral epics, ballads, legends, myths;

heritage of.      









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Предварительный просмотр:

Примеры заданий на развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, говорения.


1. Read the text and fill in the correct words. Give the title of the text.

Element, fragment, mythology, belief, legend, ballad, fairy tale, fact, information, event, give, explain, offer, of, at, in, rollicking, somber, effective, vigorous, far, distant, remote, removed, insight, intrusion, penetrate, perceptiveness, understanding, indigenous, resident, natural, extrinsic.

Every culture in the world, past or present, has a (1) of some kind. In other words, it has stories about things it believes in, that contain a supernatural (2). These stories try to explain a (3) of some kind. They may (4) reason for the fact that the sun rises and sets each day, or an explanation (5) how the people came to be living where they do. Almost every mythology is packed with (6) good stories. But mythology is (7) more than that. It is a fascinating (8) into the people who develop these belief systems, where they came from, the way they lived, their (9) culture.

2. Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

1. Any religion is a complex phenomenon.

2. Paganism in different countries and cultures had much in common.

3. Paganism in different countries and cultures differed a lot.

4. Nothing is actually known about pagan times in any country.

5. People used to idolize only natural forces and phenomena.

6. The main deities in all cultures were associated with the sun and the sky.


1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. Then listen to the text and compare your ideas.

1. What do you know about A. Rublyov and his time?

2. Can you name any works of Andrei Rublyov that have survived through the ages?

3. Which of them is genuinely accepted as the peak of his artistic career?

4. What is symbolic in the Trinity of A. Rublyov?

5. What makes his art so different from other masters’ of Byzantine school?

2. Listen again. Complete the sentences.

1. In his paintings Rublyov avoids …, his palette is ….

2. Rublyov’s saints are so ….

3. Rublyov’s  Trinity  is  ….

4. The name of Andrei Rublyov  …  as  he  ….


1.  Write a short essay on one of the statements.

1. Any religion is a complex phenomenon.

2.”All civilizations are to some extent the product of geographical factors, but history provides no clearer example of the profound influence of geography upon a culture than in the historic development of the Russian people.” G. Vernadsky

2. Make up your own guide-tour around the Kremlin. Write it down.


1. Comment on the following statements.

1. Paganism stems from the personification of nature forces as well as human feelings and values.

2. Pagan deities have certain areas of responsibility.

3. Religious myths of ancient Greece constituted one of the most advanced and elaborate systems.

4. The more advanced the culture is the more human its deities are.

5. Only few pagan cultures associated achieving immorality with human behavior.

2. Work in groups. Speak about Paganism, using these word combinations and expressions.

1. Paganism- pagans; pagan beliefs; reflections of values; attitudes; hopes and livelihood; constitute mindset.

2. Idolise/personify-natural powers, feelings; invent/create-deities; dwell-dwellings/dwellers, denizens, spirits, souls.

3. Worship-pray to; bring sacrifices; priests-druids, shamans, wizards, sorcerers.

4. Scattered references; to be manifested in; oral epics, ballads, legends, myths;

heritage of.      

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