Разделительные вопросы. Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.
рабочие листы (5 класс)

Доценко Дарья Николаевна

Задания на разделительные вопросы в английском языке. В задание нужно дописать вопрос. 

Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.


Предварительный просмотр:

Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.

  1. I am busy, ___________?
  2. The puppy were cute , ___________?
  3. It is a magazine, _______________?
  4. We aren’t tired, ______________?
  5. The film wasn’t a success, _____________?
  6. He will be famous, _______________?
  7. We won’t be ill, _________________?
  8. Sasha has got a parrot, ______________?
  9. Dima hasn’t got a goldfish, _____________?
  10. They have got a lesson, _______________?
  11. We can play football, ________________?
  12. You can’t speak English, _________________?
  13. They must visit Russia, __________________?
  14. He couldn’t read this book,  _______________?
  15. Milana could speak English, _______________?
  16. We mustn’t do it, _________________?
  17. He gets up at 7 o’clock, ________________?
  18. We go to school, __________________?
  19. You didn’t stop, _______________?
  20. Yesterday they came late, _____________?
  21. You have breakfast at home, ______________?

Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.

  1. I am busy, ___________?
  2. The puppy were cute , ___________?
  3. It is a magazine, _______________?
  4. We aren’t tired, ______________?
  5. The film wasn’t a success, _____________?
  6. He will be famous, _______________?
  7. We won’t be ill, _________________?
  8. Sasha has got a parrot, ______________?
  9. Dima hasn’t got a goldfish, _____________?
  10. They have got a lesson, _______________?
  11. We can play football, ________________?
  12. You can’t speak English, _________________?
  13. They must visit Russia, __________________?
  14. He couldn’t read this book,  _______________?
  15. Milana could speak English, _______________?
  16. We mustn’t do it, _________________?
  17. He gets up at 7 o’clock, ________________?
  18. We go to school, __________________?
  19. You didn’t stop, _______________?
  20. Yesterday they came late, _____________?
  21. You have breakfast at home, ______________?

Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.

  1. I am busy, ___________?
  2. The puppy were cute , ___________?
  3. It is a magazine, _______________?
  4. We aren’t tired, ______________?
  5. The film wasn’t a success, _____________?
  6. He will be famous, _______________?
  7. We won’t be ill, _________________?
  8. Sasha has got a parrot, ______________?
  9. Dima hasn’t got a goldfish, _____________?
  10. They have got a lesson, _______________?
  11. We can play football, ________________?
  12. You can’t speak English, _________________?
  13. They must visit Russia, __________________?
  14. He couldn’t read this book,  _______________?
  15. Milana could speak English, _______________?
  16. We mustn’t do it, _________________?
  17. He gets up at 7 o’clock, ________________?
  18. We go to school, __________________?
  19. You didn’t stop, _______________?
  20. Yesterday they came late, _____________?
  21. You have breakfast at home, ______________?

Complete the disjunctive / tag questions.

  1. I am busy, ___________?
  2. The puppy were cute , ___________?
  3. It is a magazine, _______________?
  4. We aren’t tired, ______________?
  5. The film wasn’t a success, _____________?
  6. He will be famous, _______________?
  7. We won’t be ill, _________________?
  8. Sasha has got a parrot, ______________?
  9. Dima hasn’t got a goldfish, _____________?
  10. They have got a lesson, _______________?
  11. We can play football, ________________?
  12. You can’t speak English, _________________?
  13. They must visit Russia, __________________?
  14. He couldn’t read this book,  _______________?
  15. Milana could speak English, _______________?
  16. We mustn’t do it, _________________?
  17. He gets up at 7 o’clock, ________________?
  18. We go to school, __________________?
  19. You didn’t stop, _______________?
  20. Yesterday they came late, _____________?
  21. You have breakfast at home, ______________?

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