Гаджеты:аргументы за и против
презентация к уроку (9 класс)

Гераськина Надежда Анатольевна

Открытый урок для уч-ся 9 классов, учить вести разговор о современных технологиях, компьютерах и Интернете, электронных новинках, научить выражать сове мнение(положительное и отрицательное), сомнение, предлагать решения проблем и оценивать решения других


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Warming up What are gadgets? Why does the modern man need them? What are they for?

Слайд 2

2 A digital camera A laptop A TV A Mobile phone A Microwave oven E-book Games console Personal Computer A Washing machine Gadgets

Слайд 3

computer m icrowave oven m obile phone camera TV TV remote control fridge Use: I can hardly live without … I can’t imagine my life without … The most important thing for me is … calculator

Слайд 4

Gadgets in our life Advantages ( +) 2. Gadgets can make life more enjoyable for teens. 3.Technology has taught young people new skills 5.Computer skills can help teens at school and later in their working lives. 8.Technology can make our life a lot easier. 11.Devices such as computers and mobiles are convenient and save our time. Disadvantages ( - ) 1.Teens can get distracted by gadgets. 4.Teens can waste a lot of time using technology. 6.Teens can’t concentrate on their schoolwork. 7. Young people prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face. 9.Technology can be unreliable. 10.Using technological devices has brought security problems. 12.There have been many cases of people having mobile phones stolen in the street .

Слайд 5

Your marks 5 if there are 10-11 right answers 4 if there are 8-9 right answers 3 if there are 6-7 right answers You are unlucky today if you have 5 or less right answers

Слайд 6

Computers are playing the most important part in peoples lives. They offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their imagination, memory and many other mental abilities. Computers

Слайд 7

Computers allow to access the latest of information really quickly Interaction with the world is a great advantage of a computer Large amounts of information become available through them.

Слайд 8

Computer problems Have a virus reboot the system Can not connect run a search to the Internet Computer crashed use anti-virus software Lost some files call your Internet service provider The screen is freezing take it to the Computer service

Слайд 9

Computer addiction: symptoms strange behaviour spending large sums of money on computers and software mental health problems Neglecting school or family obligations Using the computer for pleasure or relief from stress

Слайд 10

Learn some of the Net Slang, which is developing over the Internet. It can be useful and a lot of fun. Study the list of such expressions : Cu Ty L8er   :-o Rl Bbl N 2 m Btw Sys Ly 4u Gf F2f Asap

Слайд 11

The Internet Slang rl bbl n2m btw sys ly 4u gf f2f asap cu ty l8er Real life Be back later Not too much By the way See you soon Love you For you Girlfriend Face to face As soon as possible See you Thank you later

Слайд 12

IF YOU WANT TO BE AN UP-TO-DATE PERSON: You have to keep up with all the latest gadgets You have to learn about new technology Visit the website http://fnd.five. tv\gadget-show.

Слайд 13

Thank you for being with us today See you soon

Слайд 14

Презентация к открытому уроку английского языка в 9 Б классе

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Гаджеты:аргументы за и против

Учить вести разговор о современных технологиях, компьютерах и Интернете, электронных новинках, научить выражать сове мнение(положительное и отрицательное), сомнение, предлагать решения проблем и оцени...

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