Проверочные работы 7-11 класс
материал (7, 8, 11 класс)
Проверочные работы английский язык для 7-11 классов
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-E for each part 1-4 of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Выберете самое подходящее заглавие из списка А-Е для каждой части 1-4 этого текста и запишите его в рамочку. Есть одно лишнее заглавие, которое вам не надо использовать.
Some traditions of the Chinese New Year
A1 |
The Chinese think that as they meet a new year, they should put behind them the things of the past. They clean their houses, pay off debts, buy new clothes, paint their doors and windows frames, and even get new haircuts.
A2 |
Red is the traditional colour of the New Year. It frightens away evil spirits and brings good luck! So many Chinese people decorate their houses with red lanterns. They often wear red clothes as well. At midnight firecrackers and fireworks scare away evil spirits.
A3 |
On New Year’s Eve, families gather for a meal. But they never eat meat, that’s traditional. It’s bad luck to use knives, scissors and any other sharp things on New Year’s Day.
A4 |
Children wake up early on New Year’s Day. They usually find small red envelopes with sweets or money under their pillows.
A5 |
You have to be happy and polite for 15 days after New Year’s Day.
- Getting presents
- Wearing special colour
- Eating special food
- Doing something about the house
- Never using sharp things
- Being nice
Определите, являются ли данные утверждения соответствующими тексту (True) или не соответствующими (False).
A5 The Chinese think that as they meet a new year, they should take the things of the past.
A6 Hiss traditional colour of New Year isn’t red.
A7 The Chinese gather for a meal on New Year’s Eve.
A8 Their traditional food on New Year is fish and chips.
A9 Red colour brings bad luck..
A10 The Chinese never use sharp things on New Year’s Day.
A11 After New Year’s Day children get presents or money.
A12 Nobody does something about the house, buys new clothes, gets new haircuts, because it brings bad luck.
II. Use of English.
Прочитайте предложения. Выберете из предложенных вариантов (a,b,c,d)
А13 . Cats … eating fish.
a) like b) are liking c) likes d) is liking
А14 Look! The cat … on your bed.
a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) sleep d) sleeping
А15 Dolphins are more intelligent … chimpanzees.
a) as b)from c) than d) to
А16 What … to do?
a) are you want b) is you want c) do you want d) does you want
А17 My brother can cook very …, can’t he?
a) best b) well c) good d) better
А18 Yuri … breakfast at half past eight yesterday morning.
a)has b)have c) were d) had
А19 Did you see the news on TV … ten o’clock?
a)at b)on c)in d)from
А20 Franco … to the cinema after the lesson.
a)did go b) went c)waned d) gone
А21 Sao Paolo is … biggest city in South America.
a) a b) an c) the d)than
А22 Is in Moscow usually warm … summer?
a) at b) for c) to d) in
А23 Terry drives too fast, … he?
a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) won’t d) don’t
А24 Where did you see Titanic? – I ... it at Cineworld.
a) saw b) see c) seen d) look
А25 Today is … than yesterday.
a)much cold b) more cold c) colder d) cold
Преобразуйте слова в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
The Ox and the Frog
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 | Once Mr. Frog and his two ________ went to a pond to get a drink of water. There, for the _______ time in their lives, they saw an Ox (бык). “What a big, ______ animal,” thought Mr. Frog. “In the Frog world I am big and nice, but this animal makes ______ feel very little. I will puff myself up (надуюсь) and become as big as that Ox”. Mr. Frog took a big breath and asked little frogs, “________I as big and nice as that Ox?” “No, Dad,” answered his sons. Mr. Frog puffed himself up again and asked, “And now?” “No, Dad,” _____ his sons. “They must never know that I am small,” thought Mr. Frog. “They must think that their father is ______ and more beautiful than any other animal.” So Mr. Frog took another breath, and then another, and then he burst (лопнул). Poor silly Mr. Frog. | Child One Beauty I Be Cry Big |
Предварительный просмотр:
Progress check 1 8 form
1 Read the texts (A–F) and match them with the titles (1–7). There is one extra title. Fill in your answers in the table
below. (6 points max.)
1 Some like it cold 5 The taste of tea
2 Debate over tea 6 Tea phrases
3 An accidental discovery 7 Modern tea drinking
4 Changing history
A Tea bags were invented in America in the early twentieth century, but they became popular in Britain in
the 1970s. Nowadays you can hardly imagine life without teabags. There are about 1,500 varieties of tea
having their own taste and colour. Today tea is grown in over 30 countries of the world. The taste of tea
is influenced by the geographical position of the plantation, the soil, the climate and weather conditions
and other factors.
B Do you know what iced tea is? Iced tea is cold tea poured into glasses over ice cubes. It was first served
at the 1904 World Trade Fair in St Louis, USA, where it was very hot at that time. More than 80% of all
the tea consumed in the US is served as iced tea. Iced tea is becoming more popular in the UK and other
countries. If you don’t want to buy bottled iced tea and prefer to make it yourself, use either Ceylon or
China Keemun for the best results.
C Tea is considered the national beverage of the British. It is so important in the British culture that it gave
rise to several idioms. You may hear the following dialogue: ‘Disco isn’t my cup of tea, I prefer rap.’ –
‘Right. I wouldn’t listen to disco for all the tea in China.’ It means that the first person doesn’t like disco
music and the second person refuses to listen to it.
D There has been furious argument about whether tea drinking was good or bad for the health. We now
know that four cups of tea a day is good for your health, but 250 years ago tea drinkers did not have this
information. Many were worried that excessive tea drinking would lead to weakness and melancholy.
The situation changed in the middle of the 19th century when the results of the medical research were
E Nowadays tea is nearly always associated with the British. Tea time is considered by many people to be
the quietest and the most enjoyable moment of the day. But a little over 250 years ago tea was a hot
political issue in America which led to the so-called Boston Tea Party. It was a protest against tea duties
in December 1773, which eventually led to the United States of America becoming an independent
nation instead of a group of British colonies.
F With the invention of tea bags our tea-drinking habits have changed. Tea bags were first developed in
America. In around 1908 Thomas Sullivan, a New York tea merchant, started to send samples of tea to
his customers in small silken bags. Some assumed that these were supposed to be put into the tea pot,
rather than emptied. It was thus by accident that the tea bag was born!
Text A B C D E F
2 Complete the sentences with the right word : many, much, little, a little, few, a few. (7 points max.)
When I studied at school I had to work hard. I did not have 1 --------talents and had to spend all my time
on studies. I knew 2 -------------------- about maths or physics, but was naturally talented in spelling. 3 ------------------------------pupils
in my class were as good as I was at writing dictations. One day I said to myself, ‘If I get As in maths and
physics, I’ll come top of the class.’ To reach the goal I began to work even harder. I spent 4 ------------------------ hours
reading and doing exercises. ‘You should give yourself 5 -------------------- rest,’ my mother used to say, ‘you will end
up in hospital if you do not go out for a walk once in a while.’ But I said to myself, ‘Knowledge is power, and
I want to be powerful.’ In 6 -------------------months I made so 7 ----------- progress that all the teachers agreed Ishould be awarded ‘Top of the Class’ badge.
3 Paraphrase the sentences using First Conditional. (10 points max.)
1 John should apply for this job, he’ll get it.
2 You should study hard, or you will fail the exam.
3 You should go to bed early, or you’ll feel tired tomorrow.
4 We shouldn’t be late, or we’ll miss the start of the film.
5 You should come to the party tonight, or you won’t meet my sister. She’s leaving tomorro
Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная работа по английскому языку
11 класс
Вариант 1 Норматив времени: 40 минут
Задания А1 – А11.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски, обозначенные номерами А1 – А11, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным.
I ____ never ____ (A1) my first lesson at school. The pupils ____ (A2) very noisy and they ____ (A3) ____ (A4) to me. At first I ____ (A5) loudly at them. But soon they completely ____ (A6). I ____ (A7) believe it. They ____ (A8) me that they ____ (A9) awfully sorry for their bad behavior. I ____ (A10) to enjoy teaching them and I ____ (A11) there for a few more years.
(A1) 1) will … forget 2) didn’t forget 3) won’t forget 4) forget
(A2) 1) were 2) are 3) are being 4) would be
(A3) 1) had refused 2) have refused 3) refused 4) have been refusing
(A4) 1) to be listened 2) to listen 3) to be listening 4) listen
(A5) 1) did shout 2) was shouted 3) were shouting 4) shouted
(A6) 1) have changed 2) changed 3) were changed 4) have been changed
(A7) 1) won’t 2) aren’t 3) hadn’t 4) couldn’t
(A8) 1) have told 2) had told 3) told 4) tell
(A9) 1) have been 2) had been 3) were 4) are
(A10) 1) had begun 2) begun 3) was beginning 4) began
(A11) 1) stay 2) stayed 3) to stay 4) had stayed
Задания А12.
Прочитайте тексты 1 – 4 и установите их рубрикам А – Е, к которым они могут быть соотнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте одну букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.
1. Russia’s Alexei Yagudin is just one of the defending champions under pressure before this week’s world figure skating championships, which promise to be the most unpredictable in recent memory.
2. Those on the left don’t like it because they would prefer an increase in state spending. Those on the right don’t like it because they want more fiscal austerity. And it is with the liberals that Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov will have his toughest debates.
3. This time, exhibits arrived from the Kovalenko Krasnodar Regional Museum of Arts – a total of 42 color paintings and 12 drawings and sketches from artists such as Kazimir Malevich, Vasily Kandinsky and Mark Chagal.
4. The designer presented her new collection of fur coats with a symbolic name, “Warm Up Your Soul”, in the National Hotel on Sept. 7.
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. |
Задание В1.
Дополните вопросы к предложениям из приведенного выше текста.
1. _______ is just one of the defending champions?
2. _______ will Mikhail Fradkov have his toughest debates with?
3. _______ did exhibits arrive from?
4. _______ did the designer present?
Задания В2 – В7.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров В2 – В7 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В2 – В7.
(B2) Athens is being more and more __________________ ATTRACT
(B3) to tourists. Although the city is big and ____________ NOISE
(B4) ____________________________________________ TOUR
(B5) can still find a lot of quiet places with a ____________ ROMANCE
(B6) atmosphere to enjoy a __________________________ TASTE
(B7) Greek meal and listen to ________________________ TRADITION
Задание С.
This is a postcard that your friend Mark Jenkins sent you from London. Read it and answer him. Don’t forget to thank him for his congratulation and present. He lives in London, at 29 Tower Street, 1EZ. (Объем текста – не менее 25 слов).
Alexander Sedov,
Flat 28,12, Lesnaya Street,
Moscow, 121512, Russia
Dear Sasha,
Hoping Christmas brings all your favourite things. Happy holidays.
I’m sending a single of the group “The Beatles” as a Christmas present. Hope you’ll enjoy listening to their music.
With all good wishes for the coming year from
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