Рождество и Новый год в англии
план-конспект урока (5 класс)
Тема урока «Новый год и Рождество в Англии»
Цели урока:1. Развивающая;
а. повышение интереса к языку;
б. развитие умений и навыков владений;
в. развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
а. воспитание потребности в практическом использовании
б. воспитывать любовь к праздникам;
3. Образовательная - расширение эрудиции учащихся;
4. Практическая -совершенствование диалогической и монологич.
Задачи урока:1.Практиковать языковые навыки;
2.Закрепить речевые обороты и новые слова по теме
3.Познакомить ребят с английскими праздниками и едой;
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Тема урока «Новый год и Рождество в Англии»
Цели урока:1. Развивающая;
а. повышение интереса к языку;
б. развитие умений и навыков владений;
в. развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
а. воспитание потребности в практическом использовании
б. воспитывать любовь к праздникам;
3. Образовательная - расширение эрудиции учащихся;
4. Практическая -совершенствование диалогической и монологич.
Задачи урока:1.Практиковать языковые навыки;
2.Закрепить речевые обороты и новые слова по теме
3.Познакомить ребят с английскими праздниками и едой;
Оборудование и наглядные пособия;
Новогодняя елка, магнитофон, компьютер, маски,
Костюмы, елочные игрушки, карты со словами;
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning, my friends!
Glad to see you!
Children: Good morning, good morning, good morning to You
Good morning, good morning we are glad to see You!
Teacher: Thank you, my dear friends
sit down, please!
Teacher: Happy New Year, my friends.
Children: Happy New Year, teacher!
Teacher: I wish you to be healthy, wealthy and wise.
Children : Thank you
Teacher: I am very glad to see you today, because we are going to speak about one of the most favourite holiday of British children. It is Christmas. It reminds us the birth of Jesus Christ of Bethlehem star and three shepherds. They came to Mary, Joseph, and a baby Jesus and brought them their gifts or presents. Since then we celebrate Christmas, have a lot of fun, give and get presents.
We will speak about Christmas, decorations and Christmas traditional food.
Look at our New Year tree. It is very nice, isn’t it? But it has no toys. Lets decorate it right now. Please come to the board, take any toy you like, name it and hang on the Christmas tree. Then take a flashcard and stick it on the board.
P1, P2, P3, P4 ….
TEACHER : On , children ! Look at our Christmas tree again! How beautiful it is now! It’s time to lay the table! I’ll read about some popular Christmas dishes. Try to guess them! Don’t forget, please, to stick the cards with dishes on our board.
TEACHER : It’s the main Christmas dish.
P.1 : It’s a roast turkey
TEACHER : The British put a coin inside it for good luck. It has a piece of evergreen holly on the top. They have it with cream.
P.2 : Christmas pudding.
TEACHER : This bird was a symbol of life .To eat the bird meant to make your life longer. It’s usually served with vegetables;
P.3 : Goose with vegetables :
TEACHER : Our Christmas table is full of different dishes. Now we are ready to celebrate this wonderful holiday. But if you know, there is somebody, who doesnt like Christmas. He wants to stay at home and drink his hot chocolate. He is Donald Duck.
4) Now tell me, please, how the British celebrate Christmas. Let’s remember the cartoon ‘’Donald’s Gift ‘’
TEACHER : How do the animals celebrate Christmas?
P1. They sing the carol, go shopping and buy a lot of presents.
TEACHER : What are houses and streets decorated with?
P2. They are decorated with toys, lights. Everybody is happy but Donald is sad?
TEACHER : Why is Donald sad?
P3. He doesn’t like Christmas. He wants to listen to the radio, drink his chocolate.
TEACHER : Do you like the cartoon?
P4. Yes of course. It’s funny, interesting, merry and good.
TEACHER : Children ,in Russia we call this kind old man Father Frost. Do you know how children in different countries call him?
In Finland he is called Yollo Puk.
In England – Santa Claus.
In Germany – Shnay man
In France – Pere Noel .
In Brazil – Papa Noel .
In Kazakhstan – Kolotun-Babai
TEACHER : Children , everything is right. Now let’s speak about Russian winter holidays. Give short answer Yes’’ or No’’
1) Russian children like New Year. (Yes)
2) Father Frost is in London (No)
3) Snow maiden is Father Frost ‘s mother (No)
4. Children like to get presents. (No)
Some children give presents to Father Frost. (Yes).
TEACHER : I’m sure how you know a lot about Christmas and New Year . One of the traditions is writing postcards to your relatives, friends and Father Frost. I know, that you have written your postcards, read them, please.
P1. Dear Father Frost.
I’d like a new train or a plane for New Year. It is black and red. It’s very big. Thank you very much.
P2. Dear Father Frost,
I ‘d like a new doll. It’s a nice ballerina. She has a pink dress and pink shoes on. She can dance, her name is Bella. Thanks a lot.
P3. Dear Father Frost.
I’d like a new teddy bear. It’s yellow and brown. It can sleep, sing songs and dance. It’s very happy and funny. Thank you.
Yours ….
TEACHER : Well , children. I think that it’s time to call our Father Frost.
Pupils : Who are you??
FATHER FROST: It’s me. Father Frost. Open the door, please.
CHILDREN: Hurray, Father Frost has come!!! Welcome, Welcome Father Frost.
FATHER FROST : Good afternoon children. A Happy New Year to you. Here is a bag full of presents for you.
CHILDREN : Oh , thank you Father Frost.
FATHER FROST : But first I must ask you some questions.
CHILDREN : Please do, Father Frost.
FATHER FROST : Is there any naughty boy among you?
CHILDREN : No Father Frost. We have no naughty boys in our group.
FATHER FROST : Is there any lazy girl among you?
CHILDREN : No, we haven’t any lazy girls in our group.
FATHER FROST : Do you study well?
CHILDREN : Yes , we do.
FATHER FROST : Do you listen to your teachers?
CHILDREN : Yes , we do.
FATHER FROST : Well, will you show me now what you can do.
CHILDREN : With pleasure Father Frost.
P 1 . The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white,
All day and night.
P 2 . Come to the garden,
And play in the snow
Make a white Showman
The children will say,
What a fine game
For a gold winter day.
P 3 . This is the month
When mornings are dark.
And birds do not song
In the wood and in the park.
This is the month
When children ski
And Father Frost
Bring the New Year tree.
P 4 . How quietly the snow
Is falling on the ground,
It’s falling on the country side
And softly on the town.
P 5 . A Happy New Year to you,
A Happy New Year to me,
A Happy New Year to all our friends
Wherever they may be,
A Happy New Year to school,
And to our teachers , too
A Happy New Year to everyone.
And I wish my wish comes true.
Father Frost: Now I see you are clever little ones. Here are your presents.(The children in turn come up to Father Frost and take their presents. Each time they say «Thank you»)
Father Frost: Oh how late it is! I must hurry. Do you promise to be good children and learn well? If you do I will come to see you next year.
Children: We promise to be good children. Please, Father Frost, сome back next year and thank you.
Father Frost: All right, children, good bye.
Teacher: All of you have worked hard today. Thank you very much for your answers. Our lesson is over.
Good bye, children.
Children: Good bye, teacher.
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