Игра по станциям "I Know Britain"
материал (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
The bird in the hands is worth two in the bush.
All`s wee that ends well. |
Better late than never. |
East or West - home is best. |
Two heads are better than one |
Every day is not Sunday. |
1. The official name of Great Britain is………
2. The UK consists of …………countries.
3. The name of the British national flag is……..
4. The Scottish national costume for men is……..
5. The capital of the UK is……….
6. London is situated on the river………..
7. Big Ben is…………
8. A double-decker is…….
9. Now the Tower of London is……..
10. The famous museum of wax works is called……
"Sometimes one day spent in other places
gives more than ten years of life at home."
Anatole France”
Лингвострановедческая игра для учащихся 7-8 классов «Путешествуем по Великобритании»
Автор: Изотова Татьяна Юрьевна
Организация: МКОУ СОШ №12
Населенный пункт: г. Сухиничи
Методический комментарий
При подготовке мероприятия выбирается тема, определяются задачи, разрабатывается положение игры. Исходя из поставленных задач и темы, подбирается литература, техническое обеспечение, Интернет-ресурсы. На основе собранного материала создаётся сценарий мероприятия.
Участники игры – учащиеся одного или нескольких классов формируют команды, придумывают название, девиз, представление участников, эмблемы.
Форма проведения игры – станции, где учащиеся выполняют задания, отвечают на вопросы, смотрят видеофильмы, презентации.
Для проведения мероприятия подготавливают станции , оснащённые компьютером , экраном и проектором . Количество станций может быть различным. Но оно должно быть равным количеству команд-участниц.
Время проведения игры – внеурочное или каникулярное время.
Участники - команды учащихся 7-8 классов.
Время отводимое на каждую станцию – 10 минут . Начало и окончание работы на станциях регламентируется звонком.
Каждой команде выдаётся маршрутный лист, где прописывается порядок прохождения командами маршрута и на котором судьи выставляют баллы за выполненные задания. В конце все баллы суммируются. По результатам игры команды награждаются грамотами за первое, второе , третье места , а также сертификатами участников игры.
Тема: Лингвострановедческая игра « Путешествуем по Великобритании»
- Углубление и расширение знаний учащихся в области лингвострановедения.
- Формирование социокультурной компетенции
- Расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование активного познавательного
интереса к предмету.
- Формирование коммуникативной культуры учащихся
Основные задачи
- Познакомить учащихся с новой информацией о стране изучаемого языка
- Систематизировать имеющиеся знания.
- Углублять связи с другими предметами.
- Повышать интеллектуальный уровень учащихся.
- Формировать умение работать в команде.
Межпредметные связи: география, история, страноведение.
Сценарий лингвострановедческой игры « Путешествуем по Великобритании»
"Sometimes one day spent in other places
gives more than ten years of life at home."
Anatole France”
Команды, представляющие каждая свою школу, строятся на линейку для приветственного слова и получения инструкций по работе станций. Каждая команда имеет свои эмблемы и одета в одном стиле. Организаторы игры берут слово.
Ход игры.
- Hello, boys and girls. We are glad to see you here. Let's begin our linguistic game
“ We travel around Great Britain” We want you to introduce the teams.
(The example of greeting : Hi! We are Pilgrims. We are curious, smart and brave. Our motto is: Small steps –big results.)
- Each game has its rules. And our game is not an exception. Listen to the rules of the game, please:
1.Switch off your mobile phones, please.
2.Each team gets the rout list. Here you can see the numbers of your stations. You should follow them. There are 5 stations: “History”, “Geography”, “Use of English”, “Political system”, ”Traditions and Culture”, where you can earn points and the station “Waiting area”, where the teams do not earn points but relax and enjoy.
3.The working time at the station is 10 minutes. You mustn't leave the station before the bell rings.
4. All the members of the team should work together, collectively.
5. The team with most points wins.
- Сaptains, come here and get your rout lists!
- Ready, Set, Go.
The Station “ History”
- Hi, guys! The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a long and rich history. You know the names of great people and events of this country from the lessons of English and History. This presentation brings you back to the old times.( Children watch the presentation.. After that they do tasks.
( Application “History”)
The Station “Geography”
- Hello , children! You are at the station “Geography”. Listen to some interesting facts about Great Britain.
Do you know that:
- That the national anthem of The United Kingdom is very similar to the national anthem of the Russian Empire? Just compare them.( Children listen to the anthems. Application“ Geography”)
Do you know that:
- The capital of Great Britain has changed its name several times? It was Londinium during the Roman invasion, Ludenwic and Ludenburg when the Anglo-Saxons came.
Do you know that:
- There is a city of London in Canada? Justin Bieber, a Canadian R&B singer, was born there.
( Application“ Geography”)
Do you know that:
- The English used to call their capital The Big Smoke ?
And what do you know about this country and its cities? ( Children do the tasks. Application “Geography”)
The Station “Use of English”.
- Children, welcome to our station. This is the station where you can test your English skills.
But would you like “to practice” your tongue, before you practice your English language? Who can pronounce a tongue twister as quickly as he can?
( An example of a tongue twister :Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not, whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot, we 'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. Children try to pronounce the tongue twister and choose somebody who is able to do it successfully. After that they do the tasks (Application“ Use of English” )
The Station “ Culture and Traditions”
- Hello! You are at the station “Culture and Traditions” British people are very true to their traditions and respect their great culture. Some of their traditions are hundreds years old. You will see one of them. Be attentive. You will have to answer the questions then.
( Children watch the video and do the task (Application“ Culture and Traditions”)
The Station “Political system”.
- Hi , guys! Here you can get some new information about political system and the English Parliament.. The work of the Parliament is a part of the tradition which was born many hundred years ago. The Queen of England opens the Parliament. Watch the video.
( Children watch the video and do the task ( Application “Political system)
The Station “Waiting area”
- We are glad to see you here, children. This is the station where you don't have to earn points. Just relax and enjoy the information about Great Britain and its people!(Application “ Waiting area”)
По окончании игры жюри собирает маршрутные листы для подсчёта баллов. Команды собираются на линейку. Происходит награждение команд грамотами и сертификатами. Организаторы обращаются к участникам.
- Thank you for your work. Today you have learned a lot about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You have broadened your knowledge in English, History, Geography. You worked in teams collectively and did your best to win. We hope this skills and knowledge will help you in your future life. And what do you think about our linguistic game? Would you like to say it in some words? (Children express their opinions:P1: It was interesting. P2:I got a lot of information about the country.etc.)
- Good bye!
Литература :
1.Кауфман К.И. , Кауфман М.Ю учебники для 7 , 8 классов,Обнинск: Титул 2013
2.Голицынский Ю.В. Великобритания. Пособие по страноведению. СПб:. Каро 2012
3.Володина С.В. Уроки мастерства. Москва: Планета 2016
4.Шереметьева А.В. English – speaking countries . Английский язык. Саратов: Лицей .2008
5.Томахин Т.Д. Язык и культура Великобритании. Москва: Просвещение 2002
6.Кауфман К.И. , Кауфман М.Ю. Страницы Британской истории. Книга для чтения по английскому языку в 7-11 классах общеобразовательных учреждений. Обнинск:Титул 2013
Culture and Traditions of the UK
«Every country has its customs» The UK has many interesting traditions. Some of them are very old.
1.According to the tradition the Queen opens the new session of Parliament each autumn by reading the Queens Speech in the House of Lords. Another tradition is that the Queen is not allowed (не разрешается) to enter the House of Commons. The tradition reminds (напоминает) everybody that the monarch must not…..
What mustn’t the monarch do ?
2.This tradition is 700 years. It takes place every night and never was interrupted (не была перервана) ever during the air-raids (воздушныеналеты) by the Germans.
The Chief-Warder (Главный страж) of the Tower of London lights a candle lantern and goes, accompanied by his Escort, towards the Bloody Tower….
The Ceremony is ended with the words: «God preserve Queen Elizabeth!» «Amen»
What is the name of the Ceremony?
- Changing of the Guard,
- The Ceremony which they called «The Lord Mayors Show»
- The Ceremony of the Keys
- The Ceremony of Mounting the Guards
3. English women like to wear hats. Sometimes they have to wear fancy, extravagant, very big and unusual hats because of tradition such as Royal Ascot horse racing event.
How do they call the hat the women put on at Easter holiday?
- glengarry;
- tam- o'-shanter;
- bonnet.
4. This monument is one of the best known monuments in Edinburgh, its one of the modest (скромный) monuments. It is a symbol of devotion (преданность).
Whom does this monument devoted to?
- to Sir Walter Scott;
- to Robert Burns;
- to a dog called Bobby.
5. In England they call the first of April Fools Day, or All Fools Day. It is the day of jokes, the day for fun.
What is an old name for this holiday in Scotland? (They concern it with a bird which is a symbol of folly (глупость)
1) аpril- hen;
2) аpril- cuckoo (кукушка);
3) аpril- turkey.
6. Guess, please
What do they speak about two hundred times a day in England?
- about tea;
- about weather;
- about politics.
Answer the questions in short or full form:
- What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?
2. What Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland?
3. What is the capital of Wales?
4. Where is the Loch Ness situated?
5. What Channel separates Britain from France?
6. What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land?
- What region is known as the “ Garden of England” ?
8.What is the largest industrial part of England?
9.What English cities are famous for their universities?
- Find 5 countries and one city in the square and write them down.
A | I | R | E | L | A | N | D | G |
P | C | O | N | I | F | A | S | I |
O | P | K | G | E | D | H | C | M |
W | I | D | L | O | N | D | O | N |
E | Q | W | A | L | E | S | T | P |
P | I | C | N | F | O | R | L | B |
F | U | W | D | P | E | N | A | R |
U | B | R | I | T | A | I | N | A |
T | A | L | E | E | N | T | D | V |
History of the UK
1. Read the information and answer the question: What was the name of the king?
…He was very well educated. He knew Latin. He built the first navy. He worked out a code of laws. He started the famous Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which is the first history of England. He was the only king of England who got the name «the Great».
a) Edward
b) Alfred
c) Henry
2. What important document was the king made to sign in 1215?
а) the Code of laws ( Свод законов)
b) the Bill of Rights ( Билль о правах)
c) the Great Charter ( Великая Хартия вольностей)
3. Choose the right answer: What was happened in England in 1381?
a) Walt Tyler’s Peasant’s Revolt
b) the Hundred Years War ended
c) The War of the Roses began
4. In what years was Britain a republic?
a) 1478-1501
b) 1649-1660
d) 1896-1910
5. This year (2016) English Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her 90thanniversary. When is her birthday?
a) on the 30th of May
b) on the 21st of April
d) on the 4th of June
(Choose a, b, c or d)
- The UK is …
a – a republic c - a federation
b – a monarchy d – a union
- The head of the state is …
a – the queen c – the prime minister
b – the president d – the parliament
- … had limited the king' s power ( 1215 )
a – Constitution c – Magna Carta
b – Declaration d – Emancipation
- … presides over the House of Commons
a – the Prime Minister c – the Lord Chancellor
b – the queen d – the Speaker
- The first British Parliament seats were in …
a – English c – German
b – French d – Russian
- The UK has no …
a – Declaration c – Parliament
b - Constitution d – Government
- Lord Chancellor sits on the …
a - chair c – woolsack
b – throne d – rucksack
- … forms the government
a – the queen c – the Speaker
b – the Prime Minister d – the Lord Chancellor
- The Chamber of the House of Lords seats are …
a – red c – yellow
b - green d – gold
10.The symbol of the power which Parliament has won from the King is…
a – the Mace c – the crown
b – the woolsack d – the rose
Use of English
- Spell the words:
[ 'lΛndәn] -
['taυә brıdƷ ] -
['әυ∫әn] -
['maυntın] -
2. Circle the right word in bracket to complete the sentence:
Oxford is (a/an) university city. (Its/It’s) colleges are famous all over the world.
3. Complete the verb charts:
| lost |
| thought |
buy |
| left |
catch |
4 . Make up 5 English words, using the parts of the words:
to squ mus
tou pal ing
eum rist are
ace build wn
5. Make a question for the underlined word:
- Lake District, the most beautiful region in the British Isles, is situated in the west. (Where?)
6. Write the definite article where necessary.
1. ____ North Sea
2. ____ France
3. ____ Hyde Park
4. ____ Europe
5. ____ Atlantic Ocean
6. ____ Thames
7. ____ Trafalgar Square
7. Choose and write the right verb forms to complete the sentences.
1. Last Sunday my parents ________ me a hamster and a big cage for it.
a) buy b) went c) bought
2. My parents and I _____ to the picture gallery soon.
a) go b) went c) will go
3. When my father was young, he _______ a lot of time doing sports.
- spend b) spent c) will spend
Culture and traditions:
1The monarch mustn't rule the country
2.the ceremony of the key
4.a monument to the dog called Bobby
5. an April- cuckoo
6/ the weather
History of the UK:
2.the Great Charter
3.Walt Tyler's Peasant Revolt
5.on the 21st of April
Political quiz:
1.a monarchy
2.the queen
3.Magna Carta
4.the Speaker
8. the Prime Minister
10. the Mace
1.The UK consists of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
2.The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland
3.Cardiff is
4.The Loch Ness is situated in Scotland
5.The English Channel separates Great Britain from France
6.Northern Ireland borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land
7.The County of Kent is known as “Garden of England”
8. The largest industrial part of England is the Midlands
9.Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their universities
1.London, Tower Bridge, The Thames, ocean, mountain
6.the North Sea, France, Hyde park, Europe, the Atlantic ocean, the Thames, Trafalgar square
7. 1-c 2-c 3-b
Опубликовано: 28.08.2017
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