проверочная работа для 9 класса progress check 3
план-конспект урока (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Listen to the speaker and choose the sentences that reflect the feeling of the people in the most accurate way.
a) 1 Richard enjoys family reunion parties through some of his relatives are boring and he doesn't get along with them
2 Richard hates family reunion parties because some of his relatives are boring and he can't get along with them
3 Richard doesn't care about family reunion parties as he believes that people of different ages and characters can't have fun together
b) 1 Eddie enjoys family reunion parties because they give him an opportunity to demonstrate his success in languages
2 Eddie feels negatives about family reunion parties because he hates speaking in public but his father makes him recite poems in French, German, Spanish
3 Family reunion parties give him the creeps because he had serious conflict with some of his relatives
- 1 Eddie's relatives truly enjoy his reciting because they are good in languages as well
2 Eddie's relatives don't enjoy his reciting because they don't like Eddie
3 Eddie's relatives evidently like his reciting even through they don't understand anything he says
- Complete the sentences with the words on the right in its appropriate form
1... moment have caused a lot of serious military conflicts in different parts of the word | separate |
2 If people says that their race is better than others, they are called... | racism |
3 In all civilized countries, any ...against people of others nationalities is prohibited | discriminate |
4 The President … that would use all possible means to prevent an ethnic conflict in the country | declaration |
5 The constitution guarantees the ... of people of defferent ethnic groups in the eyes of the low | equal |
6 Religious ... led to numerous religious wars in Europe in the sexteenth centuries | tolerance |
3. Red the text. Than mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F)
Start Smiling Now
The United Nations was founded to bring peace, human rights and solidarity to people of the world. Now the organisation includes 185 Member States and its aim is to prevent discrimination, armed conflicts and terrorism. To achieve it, the UN is publishing books that encourage people to resolve racial, religious or territorial conflicts without using arms. One of these books is called Peace Museums Worldwide. Most of the peace museums that exist in the world appeared after World War II.
According to the authors of the book, peace museums can be of two kinds. Some of them concentrate on the past. They demonstrate historical events, such as wars, violence and terrorism.
1.Listen to the speaker and choose the sentences that reflect the feeling of the people in the most accurate way.
a) 1 Richard enjoys family reunion parties through some of his relatives are boring and he doesn't get along with them
2 Richard hates family reunion parties because some of his relatives are boring and he can't get along with them
3 Richard doesn't care about family reunion parties as he believes that people of different ages and characters can't have fun together
b) 1 Eddie enjoys family reunion parties because they give him an opportunity to demonstrate his success in languages
2 Eddie feels negatives about family reunion parties because he hates speaking in public but his father makes him recite poems in French, German, Spanish
3 Family reunion parties give him the creeps because he had serious conflict with some of his relatives
- 1 Eddie's relatives truly enjoy his reciting because they are good in languages as well
2 Eddie's relatives don't enjoy his reciting because they don't like Eddie
3 Eddie's relatives evidently like his reciting even through they don't understand anything he says
- Complete the sentences with the words on the right in its appropriate form
1... moment have caused a lot of serious military conflicts in different parts of the word | separate |
2 If people says that their race is better than others, they are called... | racism |
3 In all civilized countries, any ...against people of others nationalities is prohibited | discriminate |
4 The President … that would use all possible means to prevent an ethnic conflict in the country | declaration |
5 The constitution guarantees the ... of people of defferent ethnic groups in the eyes of the low | equal |
6 Religious ... led to numerous religious wars in Europe in the sexteenth centuries | tolerance |
3. Red the text. Than mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F)
Start Smiling Now
The United Nations was founded to bring peace, human rights and solidarity to people of the world. Now the organisation includes 185 Member States and its aim is to prevent discrimination, armed conflicts and terrorism. To achieve it, the UN is publishing books that encourage people to resolve racial, religious or territorial conflicts without using arms. One of these books is called Peace Museums Worldwide. Most of the peace museums that exist in the world appeared after World War II.
According to the authors of the book, peace museums can be of two kinds. Some of them concentrate on the past. They demonstrate historical events, such as wars, violence and terrorism.
For example, if you visit the museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (founded in 1955), you will seepictures of the nuclear bombing in Japan in 1945. The aim of these museums is to prevent a tragedy like this in the future.
There are also museums that aim to educate people about peace. They organize different art exhibitions, as art helps people of different nations and nationalities understand each other. One of the most famous museums of this kind is the International Museum of Peace and Solidarity in Samarkand. Its collection includes over 20,000 examples from more than 100 countries of the world, including drawings, paintings, flags, books, stamps and records. The museum is proud of its wonderful collection of photographs, letters and articles, many signed by peacemakers from all the continents of the world.
In recent years, the Museum of Peace and Solidarity has organized exhibitions of children's artwork from many countries both within the museum and in other museums internationally. Many of these children suffered disease, violence and crime in wartime conditions.
Every year the museum holds a special Children's Peace Festival. The slogan of the festival is: "War is not a game. Why play with military toys? Peace starts with me." At the festival, children are invited to exchange their military toys for peaceful, non-violent and educational toys. Children who have no military toys can bring along a poem or a drawing and exchange it for a creative game, a pencil, a ball and so on.
The museum has got another wonderful collection: a worldwide collection of smiles. The smiles have come and are still coming in all different forms, including photographs, paintings, drawings, computer graphics, poems and jokes. The museum is planning to open a special Hall of Smiles. So start smiling now! Come on, today... right now.
1.The main aim Of theUnion Nations is privent discriminations,armed conflicts and terrorism
- The UN belives that pablishing books cannot help prevent wars and acts of terrorism
- The book Peace Museums Wordwide tells people about the most famous peacemekers from different countries
- According to the book, peace museum can be of to kind: educational museum that the exhibit different collections of art and the museum that demonstratedifferent armed conflicts of the past and theif results
- The musuem of Peace in Samarkand exhibit a loge collection of arms which have been used in different armed conflicts
- At an un ussual Children's Peace Festival, children can come to the museumand buy educational toys and creative games
- The Museum of Peace has openad the special Hall of Smiles there smiles in the form photos, paintings,computer graphics, poemsand jokes are exhibited
- People from any country can send their smiles in the different forms and they can be included in the museum's collections of smiles.
4.Write what you think can cause conflict and misunderstranding between:
- parents and teenager
-teeneger and teachers
For example, if you visit the museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (founded in 1955), you will seepictures of the nuclear bombing in Japan in 1945. The aim of these museums is to prevent a tragedy like this in the future.
There are also museums that aim to educate people about peace. They organize different art exhibitions, as art helps people of different nations and nationalities understand each other. One of the most famous museums of this kind is the International Museum of Peace and Solidarity in Samarkand. Its collection includes over 20,000 examples from more than 100 countries of the world, including drawings, paintings, flags, books, stamps and records. The museum is proud of its wonderful collection of photographs, letters and articles, many signed by peacemakers from all the continents of the world.
In recent years, the Museum of Peace and Solidarity has organized exhibitions of children's artwork from many countries both within the museum and in other museums internationally. Many of these children suffered disease, violence and crime in wartime conditions.
Every year the museum holds a special Children's Peace Festival. The slogan of the festival is: "War is not a game. Why play with military toys? Peace starts with me." At the festival, children are invited to exchange their military toys for peaceful, non-violent and educational toys. Children who have no military toys can bring along a poem or a drawing and exchange it for a creative game, a pencil, a ball and so on.
The museum has got another wonderful collection: a worldwide collection of smiles. The smiles have come and are still coming in all different forms, including photographs, paintings, drawings, computer graphics, poems and jokes. The museum is planning to open a special Hall of Smiles. So start smiling now! Come on, today... right now.
1.The main aim Of theUnion Nations is privent discriminations,armed conflicts and terrorism
- The UN belives that pablishing books cannot help prevent wars and acts of terrorism
- The book Peace Museums Wordwide tells people about the most famous peacemekers from different countries
- According to the book, peace museum can be of to kind: educational museum that the exhibit different collections of art and the museum that demonstratedifferent armed conflicts of the past and theif results
- The musuem of Peace in Samarkand exhibit a loge collection of arms which have been used in different armed conflicts
- At an un ussual Children's Peace Festival, children can come to the museumand buy educational toys and creative games
- The Museum of Peace has openad the special Hall of Smiles there smiles in the form photos, paintings,computer graphics, poemsand jokes are exhibited
- People from any country can send their smiles in the different forms and they can be included in the museum's collections of smiles.
4.Write what you think can cause conflict and misunderstranding between:
- parents and teenager
-teeneger and teachers
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