Презентация по теме "Спорт"
презентация к уроку (7 класс)

Кузьмич Лилия Альбертовна

Презентация к уроку "Спорт"


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Слайд 1

Sports Имя Кузьмич Лилия Альбертовна, Должность учитель английского языка Организация МАОУ СОШ № 45 города Калининграда

Слайд 3

A healthy Mind in a Healthy Body. proverb)

Слайд 4

Sports are a great way to keep fit. Team sports teach us how to work together to achieve a common goal. Sports teach us to deal with success and failure Sports teach us to deal with success and failure. Sports teach us to balance competitiveness Sports bring people together. Sports help us to relax. Which points Does the Speaker Mention?

Слайд 5

Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals. A Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries. Even today, they 1) …………….. just companions, but also the only means of travel for many people who live in the Arctic. In parts of Greenland, for instance, dog sledding still 2) …………….. a major role in people’s lives as an essential mode of transport during the winter and spring. Although dog sledding 3) …………….. hundreds of years ago and was used for hunting and travel, today it is mainly used to promote tourism, especially through sled tours. Dog sledding is one of the best ways for visitors to enjoy the amazing arctic scenery. Most people may 4) …………….. about dog sledding, but actually experiencing it is completely different. In fact, many countries in the Arctic Circle 5) …………….. dog sled tours for decades. Some of them include catching a glimpse of icebergs and glaciers by day, and 6) …………….. in tents on the sea ice at night. A visit to the Arctic region is a life-long dream for many travellers. Dog sledding tours have a thrill and excitement that is incomparable to other adventure holidays. Without a doubt, dog sledding 7) …………….. to fascinate tourists in the future. NOT BE PLAY DEVELOP READ OR GANISE SLEEP CONTINUE

Слайд 6

Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals. A Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries. Even today, they 1) are not… ………….. just companions, but also the only means of travel for many people who live in the Arctic. In parts of Greenland, for instance, dog sledding still 2) …plays ………….. a major role in people’s lives as an essential mode of transport during the winter and spring. Although dog sledding 3) was developed …………….. hundreds of years ago and was used for hunting and travel, today it is mainly used to promote tourism, especially through sled tours. Dog sledding is one of the best ways for visitors to enjoy the amazing arctic scenery. Most people may 4) …… has read……….. about dog sledding, but actually experiencing it is completely different. In fact, many countries in the Arctic Circle 5) have been organising have .. dog sled tours for decades. Some of them include catching a glimpse of icebergs and glaciers by day, and 6) … sleeping… ……….. in tents on the sea ice at night. A visit to the Arctic region is a life-long dream for many travellers. Dog sledding tours have a thrill and excitement that is incomparable to other adventure holidays. Without a doubt, dog sledding 7) … will continue… ……….. to fascinate tourists in the future. TO BE PLAY DEVELOP READ OR GANISE S LEEP CONTINUE

Слайд 7

Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Underwater Hockey Underwater hockey is a fast-paced 1) …………….. sport played at the bottom of a swimming pool. It was invented by divers in and it is 2) …………….. becoming a sport that is drawing a lot of attention. Players wear a diving mask, fins, 3) …………….. gloves and a snorkel. Playing underwater hockey is quite challeging . The object of the game is to use a small stick to push the puck into a tray which acts as the opponents’ goal. Knowing when to dive and when to return to the surface for air is part of the game’s strategy. Although there are ten 4) …………….. in each team, only six are allowed in the water. As a result, player substitutions can happen at any time, increasing the speed and 5) …………….. of the game. Underwater hockey is growing in 6) …………….. and is a very exciting team water sport. COMPETE QUICK PROTECT PLAY EXCITE POPULAR

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