тексты для чтения с заданиями
занимательные факты (6 класс) на тему
тексты для чтения с заданиями 5-6 класс
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Текст 1. «British Cuisine!»
I. Предтекстовый этап.
1. Вводная беседа учителя.
В работе над данным текстом предлагается показать учащимся картинку с изображением зажаренной индейки и попросить учащихся сформулировать предложения о тематике текста, конечно же предложений может быть много, но и может быть так что учащиеся сразу догадаются, что речь в тексте пойдет о британской национальной кухни.
T- Today we are going to read an interesting text, but before reading the story, please, look at the picture and guess what the text is about.
P- I think the text is about food.
T- Yes, you are right, but who can say in what country this kind of food is traditional?
P- I guess, that the text is about traditional British food.
T- Yes, you are absolutely right. Have you ever heard about this?
P- Yes, once, I have read some information about it but not so much.
T- Ok, I think, that this information which you can read in this text will be interesting for you.
2. Снятие языковых трудностей
Прежде чем приступить к чтению текста, учитель должен выписать на доске незнакомые слова и дать их перевод чтобы облегчить понимание текста. Из данного текста следующие слова могут быть незнакомые ученикам: сuisine-кухня; disparagement-унижение; wholesome- здоровый, полезный; damage- вред; decline-ухудшение; treacle tart- приторный торт с фруктами; consumption- потребление; horseradish –хрен; gravy- соус. Кроме незнакомых учащимся слов, текст содержит слова, о значении которых можно догадаться, например: culinary, reputation, gastronomic, chips. В тексте так же имеются слова, которые не играют значительной роли при понимании основной идеи текста. И так, поработав над словами из текста, приступаем к следующему этапу.
3. Предваряющее задание.
После прочтения и перевода данных слов, учителю следует предложить учащимся составить небольшие предложения с использованием данных слов. Работа над закреплением слов может быть следующей: ученик читает предложение на родном языке, а другой переводит его на иностранный, в данной работе участвуют все ученики и, по возможности, надо сделать так чтобы слова не повторялись.
Далее учитель предлагает учащимся ознакомится с заданиями предложенными в тесте, заранее составленным учителем для контроля уровня понимания учащимися прочитанного текста.
III. Текстовый этап .
Чтение текста “British Cuisine!”. На этом этапе учитель обязательно должен ограничит время чтения текста (8-10 минут).
British Cuisine!
Yes, we do have a wide and varied cuisine in Britain today, no more do we suffer under the image of grey boiled meat! After years of disparagement by various countries (especially the French) Britain now has an enviable culinary reputation. In fact some of the great chefs now come from Britain, However Britain's culinary expertise is not new! In the past British cooking was amongst the best in the world. Traditional British cuisine is substantial, yet simple and wholesome. We have long believed in four meals a day. Our fare has been influenced by the traditions and tastes from different parts of the British empire: teas from Ceylon and chutney, kedgeree, and mulligatawny soup from India.
Unfortunately a great deal of damage was done to British cuisine during the two world wars. Britain is an island and supplies of many goods became short. The war effort used up goods and services and so less were left over for private people to consume. Ships importing food stuffs had to travel in convoys and so they could make fewer journeys. During the second world war food rationing began in January 1940 and was lifted only gradually after the war.
The British tradition of stews, pies and breads, according to the taste buds of the rest of the world, went into terminal decline. What was best in England was only that which showed the influence of France, and so English food let itself become a gastronomic joke and the French art of Nouvell Cuisine was adopted.
But some traditional dishes such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, Cornish pasties, steak and kidney pie, bread and butter pudding, treacle tart, spotted dick or fish and chips, remain popular, there has been a significant shift in eating habits in Britain. Rice and pasta have accounted for the decrease in potato consumption and the consumption of meat has also fallen. Vegetable and salad oils have largely replaced the use of butter.
Roast beef is still the national culinary pride. It is called a "joint," and is served at midday on Sunday with roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, two vegetables, a good strong horseradish, gravy, and mustard.
Today there is more emphasis on fine, fresh ingredients in the better restaurants and markets in the UK offer food items from all over the world.
In fact fish is still important to the English diet, we are after all an island surrounded by some of the richest fishing areas of the world. Many species are the most popular choice for fish and chips, and very often fish are cooked into a wonderful pie with lemon, parsley, and shallots, all topped with puff pastry.
Among English cakes and pastries, many are tied to the various religious holidays of the year. Hot Cross Buns are eaten on Good Friday, Simnel Cake is for Mothering Sunday, Plum Pudding for Christmas, and Twelfth Night Cake for Epiphany.
III. Послетекстовый этап.
После прочтения текста учитель проверяет его понимание. Для этого ученикам предлагается выполнить задания, предлагаемые в тесте по данному тексту.
Test Yourself.
Text «British Cuisine!»
- Are these statements true or false? Circle the “T” box if true.
Circle the “F” box if false.
True | False | |
1. After years of disparagement by various countries (especially the French) Britain now has an enviable culinary reputation. | ||
2. Chips and fish are still the national culinary prides. | ||
3. A great deal of damage was done to British cuisine during the two world wars. | ||
4. Among English cakes and pastries, many are tied to the various religious holidays of the year. | ||
5. In fact fish is still important to the English diet |
II. Fill the gaps.
1. After years of disparagement by various countries (especially the French) Britain now has………………………………………………………………..
2. In fact some of the great chefs now come from ……………………………
3. Unfortunately ………………………..was done to British cuisine during the two world wars.
4. What was best in England was only that which showed the influence of ………..
5. But some traditional dishes such as …………………………........remain popular.
6. ……………………..have accounted for the decrease in potato consumption and the consumption of meat has also fallen.
7.Among English cakes and pastries, many are tied to the……………………
III. Complete the sentences using the words below.
British cuisine, fish, cakes and pastries, vegetable and salad oils, roast beef.
1. In fact ……is still important to the English diet
2. …….is still the national culinary pride.
3. Among English,………many are tied to the various religious holidays of the year.
4. ……….......have largely replaced the use of butter.
5. Unfortunately a great deal of damage was done to ……………during the two world wars.
IV. Match the phrases on the left with the phrases on the right
1.we do have a wide and varied | a) during the two world wars |
2.Traditional British cuisine is. | b)the decrease in potato consumption |
3.A great deal of damage was done to British cuisine | c) cuisine in Britain today |
4.Rice and pasta have accounted for | d) still the national culinary pride |
5. Roast beef is | e)substantial, yet simple and wholesome |
V. Make the sentence from the following words:
1. Britain, in, some, fact, the, great, of, now, come, chefs, from.
2. pride, beef, is, Roast, still, culinary, national, the.
3. fact, diet, is, still, fish, In, to, the, English, important.
4. Very, are, fish, shallots, often, a, wonderful, cooked, pie, lemon, parsley, all, topped, with, and, puff , with, pastry, into.
5. holidays, Among, of, English, various, pastries, year, cakes, many, and, tied, are, the, to, religious, the.
VI. Answer the questions, please.
1. When was done a great deal of damage to British cuisine?
2. What kind of traditional dishes in Britain remain popular?
3. What kind of food have accounted for the decrease in potato consumption?
4. What can you say about Roast beef?
5. What kind of meat is important to the diet?
После того как учащиеся дали полные ответы на поставленные вопросы, им предлагается передать основную идею данного текста несколькими предложениями.
Последним заданием по данному тексту может быть выделение учащимися того, что они узнали нового из текста.
Текст. 2 «The invention of the wheel»
Данный текст "The invention of the wheel" погружает нас в историю создания роликовых коньков и предлагается к разделу IV. Be a good sport.
I. Предтекстовый этап:
1. Вводная беседа.
Т.- Today we continue to study the topic “Be a good sport”. Different inventions make our life easier. And now I would like to suggest you to read the text about an invention in sport. And first off all, I ask you to have a look at the title off the story and think it over.
В работе над данным текстом учеников можно попросить взглянуть на заголовок и спросить о чем пойдет речь, причем намекнуть, что речь пойдет не о создании простого колеса. Не исключено, что предположений может быть множество. Если среди высказываний не окажется правильного, то учитель может описать современные роликовые коньки, не называя название предмета. Конечно же, после описания ученики сразу догадаются о чем пойдет речь в тексте.
PI-1 guess the text is about the invention of a simple wheel.
T- No, you are not right.
P2- Maybe this text is about the car's or cart's wheels?
T- You are right in a some way, but the story tells us not only about invention of the wheel.
PS-1 think the text is about the invention of a bicycle.
Т.- No, you are wrong. O.k. I'll describe this thing and you'll guess. Listen to me very attentively. A lot of people of different ages use it. They put it on their feet and they skate. This thing on the wheels can be used in summer.
P4- The text is about roller blades.
Т.- Yes, you are right.
2. Снятие языковых трудностей.
Как и в работе над любым текстом, учащихся следует познакомить с новыми словами. В данном тексте могут представлять трудность следующие слова: spool (катушка); pizzazz (энтузиазм, энергия); sole (подошва); patron (постоянный покупатель, клиент); boost (создание популярности, рекламирование); backwards (пятиться); flaw (недостаток, изъян); to adjust (приспосабливаться, поправлять); prone (склонный); о значении некоторых слов можно догадаться, например: masquerade (маскарад); entrance (приводить в состояние транса, восторга); ballroom (танцевальный зал) и др. Данные слова учитель вместе с учащимися должны правильно прочитать и перевести.
3. Предваряющее задание.
На данном этапе учитель дает учащимся задание просмотреть содержание предложенного теста по данному тексту, и выясняет не вызовут ли трудностей данные задания и при необходимости учитель объясняет порядок и способ выполнения данных заданий.
II. Текстовый этап.
Идет чтение текста: "The invention of the wheel ":
«The Invention of the Wheel»
Early 1700s- In Holland, an unknown Dutchman decided to go ice skating in the summer, ice skating was the widespread method used in the Netherlands to travel the numerous frozen canals in winter. The unknown inventor accomplished dry land skating by nailing wooden spools to strips of wood and attaching them to his shoes. "Skeelers " was the nickname given to the new dry-land skaters.
1760- A London instrument maker and inventor, Joseph Merlin, attended a masquerade party wearing one of his new inventions, metal-wheeled boots. Joseph desiring to make a grand entrance added the pizzazz of rolling in while playing the violin. Lining the huge ballroom was a very expensive wall-lenght mirror. The fiddling skater stood no chance and Merlin crashed solidly into the mirrored wall, as his roller skates crashed into society.
- In Berlin, roller skates made a more graceful entrance into society, with the premier of the German ballet Der Maler oder die Wintervergn Ugungen (The Artist or Winter Pleasures). The ballet called for ice-skating but because it was impossible at that time to produce ice on a stage, roller skates substituted.
- In France, the first patent for a roller skate issued to a Monsieur Petibledin. The skate was made of a wood sole that attached to the bottom of a boot, fitted with two to four rollers made of copper, wood or ivory, and arranged in a straight single line.
- 1823- Robert John Tyers of London patented a skate called the "Rolito" with five wheels in a single row on the bottom of a shoe or boot. The "Rolito " was unable to follow a curved path, unlike the in-line skates of today.
1840- In a beer tavern known as Corse Halle, near Berlin, barmaids on roller skates served thirsty patrons. This was a practical decision, given the size of beer halls in Germany, which gave dry land skating a publicity boost.
1857- Huge public rinks opened in the Floral Hall and in the Strand of London.
1863- American, James Plimpton found a way to make a very useable pair of skates. Plimptons skates had two parallel sets of wheels, one pair under the ball of the foot and the other pair under the heel. The four wheels were made of boxwood and worked on rubber springs. Plimptons design was the first dry-land skate that could maneuver in a smooth curve. This considered the birth of the modern four-wheels roller skates, which allowed for turns and the ability to skate backwards.
1884- The invention of pin ball-bearing wheels made rolling easier and skates lighter.
1902- The Coliseum in Chicago opened a public skating rink. Over 7000 people attended the opening night.
1908- Madison Square Gardens in New York became a skating rink Hundreds of rink openings in the United States and Europe followed. The sport was becoming very popular and various versions of the roller skating developed: recreational skating on indoor and outdoor rinks, polo skating, ballroom roller dancing and competitive speed skating.
1960s-Technology (with the advent of plastics) helped the wheel truly come of age with new designs.
The late 70s through mid 80- A second big skating boom occurred with the marriage of disco and roller-skating. Over 4000 roller-discos were in operation and Hollywood began making roller-movies.
1979- Scott Olson and Brennan Olson, brothers and hockey players who lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, found an antique pair of roller skates. It was one of the early skates that used the "in-line " wheels rather than the four-wheeled parallel design of George Plimpton. Intrigued by the in-line design, the brothers began redesigning roller skates, taking design elements from the found skates and using modern materials. They used polyurethane wheels, attached the skates to ice hockey boots, and added a rubber toe-brake to their new design.
1983- Scott Olson founded Rollerblade, jnc. and the term "rollerblading" meant the sport of in-line skating because , Rollerblade, jnc, was the only manufacturer of in-line skates for a long time. The first mass-produced roller blades, while innovative had some design flaws: they were difficult to put on and adjust, prone to collecting dirt and moisture in the ball-bearings, the wheels were easily damaged and the brakers came from the old roller skate toe-brake and were not very effective. The Olson brothers sold Rollerblade, jnc. and the new owners had the money to really improve the design. The first massively successful Rollerblade skate was the Lightning TRS. In this pair of skates the flaws had vanished, fiberglass was used to produce the frames, the wheels were better protected, the skates were easier to put on and adjust and stronger brakes were placed at the rear. With the success of the Lightning TRS, other in-line skate companies appeared: Ultra Wheels, Oxygen, K2 and others.
1989- Rollerbladejnc. produced the Macro and Aeroblades models, the first skates fastened with three buckles instead of long laces that needed threading.
1990- Rollerbladejnc. switched to a glass-reinforced thermoplastic resin (durethan polyamide) for their skates, replacing the polyurethane compounds previously used. This decreased the average weight of skates by nearly fifty percent.
1993- Rollerbladejnc. developed ABT or "Active Brake Technology". A fiberglass post attached at one end to the top of the boot and to a rubber-brake, hinged the chassis at the back wheel. The skater had to straighten one leg to stop, driving the post into the brake, which then hit the ground. Skaters had been tilting their foot back to make contact with the ground, before ABT. The new brake design increased safety.
Presently the best way for you to experience the latest inventions in the world of wheels is up-close and personal. Please do so, try in-line skating and keep rolling.
III. Послетекстовый этап.
После того, как ученики прочитали текст, учитель спрашивает перевод нескольких слов, которые учащиеся должны были понять по контексту, например: maneuver in a smooth curve (маневрировать на гладком изгибе); или the first skates fastened with three buckles instead of long laces that needed threading, (первые коньки, застегивающиеся тремя пряжками вместо длинных шнурков, которые нужно было шнуровать). Если ученики поняли текст и у них нет вопросов, для контроля понимания прочитанного текста им предлагается выполнить все задания из теста.
Test Yourself.
Text «The Invention of the Wheel»
I. Please write down and then say what events are associated with the following dates:
1. Early 1700s- 6. 1863- 11. 1983-
2. 1760- 7. 1884- 12. 1993-
3. 1820 – 1823 8. 1902-
4. 1840- 9. 1908-
5. 1857- 10. 1960s-
II. Complete the sentences.
1. In Holland, an unknown Dutchman decided to go__________in the summer
2. In France, the first patent for a roller skate issued to a Monsieur Petibledin. The skate was made of _________________________________________
3. Robert John Tyers of London patented a skate called the "Rolito " with __________ in a single row on the bottom of a shoe or boot.
4.Huge public rinks opened in the____________________________________
5. Plimptons skates had two parallel sets of wheels, one pair under__________ and the other pair under _______. The four wheels were made of _________ and worked on rubber springs.
6. The Coliseum in Chicago opened a _____________. Over 7000 people attended the opening night.
7. Rollerblade developed ABT or "_______________". A fiberglass post attached at one end to the top of the boot and to a rubber-brake, hinged the chassis at the back wheel.
III. Match the translation with the phrase.
1. fastened with three buckles a) энтузиазм
2. maneuver in a smooth curve b) застегивающиеся тремя пряжками
3. backwards c) постоянный покупатель, клиент
4. patron d) пятиться
5. pizzazz e) маневрировать на гладком изгибе
IV. Indicate the letter (“a”, “b” or “c”) against the number of each sentence for the word or phrase you choose.
1. Joseph Merlin was a ………..
a) the writer
b) instrument maker and inventor
c) The seaman
2. In France, the first patent for a roller skate issued to a Monsieur Petibledin. The skate was made of ………………
a) a wood
b) a steel
c) a plastic
3. Huge public rinks opened in the ……………..
a) in Paris
b) in Russia
c) Floral Hall and in the Strand of London.
4. American, James Plimpton found a way to make a very useable pair of skates. Plimptons skates had ……….parallel sets of wheels
a) two
b) three
c) five
5. Rollerblade switched to a glass-reinforced thermoplastic resin (durethan polyamide) for their skates, replacing the polyurethane compounds previously used. This decreased the average……… of skates by nearly fifty percent.
a) weight
b) size
c) Thickness
В качестве следующего задания учитель может попросить рассказать о том, в каких случаях, ситуациях применялись роликовые коньки (например, в 1760г. Джозеф Мерлин, чтобы произвести впечатление катался на роликах и одновременно играл на скрипке; в 1840г. официант обслуживал посетителей бара, катаясь на роликовых коньках;), попросить описать первые роликовые коньки; спросить в каком году изобрели роликовые коньки, которые считаются аналогом современных. Данные вопросы так же задаются для проверки понимания текста.
Последним заданием по данному тексту можно предложить учащимся выделить то новое, что они узнали из данного текста или прокомментировать часть текста, которая показалась им наиболее интересной.
Текст 3. «The Great British Breakfast!»
Работа над данным текстом «The Great British Breakfast!» проходит в тех же этапах что и предыдущие.
I. Предтекстовый этап.
1. Вводная беседа учителя.
T- Today we continue to study the topic “ Traditions, manners”. As you know, Gr. Britain is the country of traditions, because people in Gr. Britain adhere a lot of different traditions. And the British Breakfast is also one of these traditions. So today we are going to read the text about the great British breakfast.
But what can you say about our breakfast?
What do you have for breakfast every morning?
P-As for me, every morning I have for breakfast milk or coffee and bread with butter.
P- Every morning me mother cooks for me scrambled eggs or porridge.
P- For breakfast I have tea with milk and rolls or sometimes I eat only yoghurt.
T-Ok, and do you know what do British people have for breakfast?
P- I do not know but I can suppose that they have for breakfast fresh juice and bun.
T- Ok, this information we can read today in this text.
2. Снятие языковых трудностей
Как и в работе над предыдущим текстом, учащихся следует познакомит с незнакомыми словами. В данном тексте могут представлять сложность следующие слова: bowl of cornflakes, feast, to indulge, copious, consumption.
3. Предваряющее задание.
После прочтения и перевода слов, учитель заранее приготовив тесты к данному тексту предлагает учащимся ознакомится со всеми заданиями предлагаемыми в тесте и объясняет порядок и способ их выполнения
II. Текстовый этап.
Идет чтение предложенного текста.
«The Great British Breakfast!»
"And then to breakfast, with what appetite you have." Shakespeare
The great British breakfast is famous (or notorious) throughout the world! Actually nowadays it is a bit of a myth, today many British people are more likely to have a bowl of cornflakes or a cup of coffee with a cigarette than to indulge in the wonders of this feast! However that is not to say that the traditional breakfast is dead, far from it, it's just not often eaten every day of the week. The typical English breakfast is a 19th century invention, when the majority of English people adopted the copious meal of porridge, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, that has now appeared on English breakfast tables for 100 years.
The annual consumption in the United Kingdom is 450,000 tones of bacon, 5,000 tones of sausages and millions of eggs, so you can see the Great British Breakfast is very much alive and well. It has retained its popularity as one of the country's favorite meals, and survived a whole series of eating trends and food fads.
Mrs Beeton would have recommended a large list of foods for breakfast such as, bread, rolls, toast, toasted teacakes, Sally Lunns; eggs cooked in various ways; fish, baked halibut steaks, fried whiting, broiled fresh herrings, soused herrings, fishcakes, broiled kippers, 'Findon' haddock, sprats fried in butter, fish kedgeree, fried salmon, salmon pie, baked lobster, codfish pie, cod's steak, croquettes of cod's roe, herrings stuffed with fish. Fruit such as stewed figs, stewed prunes, and fresh fruits in season. Game and pheasant legs, brawn, devilled drumsticks, and meat dishes both hot and cold, such as collared tongue, kidneys on toast, sausages with fried bread, pig's cheek, Melton pork pie, ham, galantine, spiced brisket, pressed beef...
So what does the great British breakfast consist of nowadays?
Simpsons in the Strand, a well know (and expensive) restaurant, serves breakfast daily. Their full English breakfast consists of the following:-
The GREAT BRITISH BREAKFAST at £13.95 includes:- Toast with jam or marmalade, pastries, fresh orange juice, freshly brewed coffee, a choice of cereals, porridge, stewed fruit or half a grapefruit, The Simpson’s Cumberland sausage, scrambled egg, streaky and back bacon, black pudding, grilled mushrooms and tomato and a daily newspaper (not for consumption).
In addition to the GREAT BRITISH BREAKFAST, for serious breakfast eaters, Simpson's offers THE TEN DEADLY SINS - at £15.95 per person this includes: Toast with jam or marmalade, pastries, fresh orange juice, freshly brewed coffee Choice of cereals, porridge, stewed fruit or half a grapefruit The Simpson’s Cumberland sausage, fried egg, streaky and back bacon, black pudding, lamb’s kidneys, fried bread, liver, bubble & squeak, baked beans, grilled mushrooms and tomato.
Guests may also choose from an à la carte selection of classic breakfast dishes such as: Smoked Haddock Kedgeree; Poached Finan Haddock; Quail’s eggs with haddock; Smoked Salmon with Scrambled Eggs; Grilled sirloin steak with grilled mushrooms and tomato and welsh rarebit. There is also a selection of plain, cheese, bacon, herb, mushroom and smoked salmon omelettes.
После прочтения данного текста, если ученики поняли текст и у них нет вопросов учитель может попросить учеников разбить текст на части и составить краткий план прочитанного. Далее учащимся предлагается передать основную идею текста несколькими предложениями.
III. Послетекстовый этап.
На данном этапе для контроля понимания прочитанного текста учащимся предлагается выполнить тестовые задания.
Test Yourself.
Text «The Great British Breakfast!»
- Are these statements true or false? Circle the “T” box if true.
True | False | |
1. The great British breakfast does not famous throughout the world. | ||
2. Today many British people are more likely to indulge in the wonders of the feast than to have a bowl of cornflakes or a cup of coffee with a cigarette | ||
3.The typical English breakfast is a 19th century invention, when the majority of English people adopted the copious meal of porridge, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, that has now appeared on English breakfast tables for 100 years. | ||
4.The Great British Breakfast is very much alive and well. | ||
5.The annual consumption in the United Kingdom is 450,000 tones of bacon, 5,000 tones of sausages and millions of eggs. |
Circle the “F” box if false.
II.. Complete the sentences.
1. Today many British people are more likely to _____________________than to indulge in the wonders of this feast!
2. The annual consumption in the United Kingdom is _________ tones of bacon, ________ tones of sausages and _________ of eggs, so you can see the Great British Breakfast is very much alive and well.
3. Their full English breakfast consists of the following___________________.
4. Guests may also choose from an à la carte selection of classic breakfast dishes such as_____________________________________
III Match the phrases on the left with the phrases on the right
1. British people are more likely | a) and survived a whole series of eating trends and food fads. |
2. The annual consumption in the United Kingdom | b) a large list of foods for breakfast such as, bread, rolls, toast, toasted teacakes, Sally Lunns; eggs cooked in various ways; |
3. It has retained its popularity as one of the country's favorite meals, | c) to have a bowl of cornflakes or a cup of coffee with a cigarette |
4Mrs Beeton would have recommended | d)is 450,000 tones of bacon, 5,000 tones of sausages and millions of eggs, |
IV. Explain the main idea of these statements using the sentences from the text.
1. The great British breakfast is famous (or notorious) throughout the world!
2. The typical English breakfast is a 19th century invention.
3. The Great British Breakfast is very much alive and well.
IV. Answer the questions, please.
1. What does the great British breakfast consist of nowadays?
2.What have Mrs. Beeton recommended for breakfast?
3. Why is the great British breakfast famous throughout the world?
4. Why is the typical English breakfast an invention of the 19th century?
5. How much does the great British breakfast cost in restaurant?
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