тесты по английскому языку 2-8 класс
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тесты по английскому языку 2-8 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ex. 1.
Вставьте подходящее слово в предложение, подходящее по смыслу (must, should, ought to, need not, could, was able to, will be able to)
- You ___________________ get a visa. (необходимо )
- You ___________________ read the leaflet. (следует)
- You ___________________ to get a visa. (не нужно)
- We ____________________ go for a walk. (могли бы)
- I _______________ go to London next year. (будет возможность)
- We ______________ go for a walk. (следует)
- I ______________________ get a visa. (удалось)
Ex 2
Выберите правильный вариант. Подчеркните его.
- I think we should/must go to Spain instead of Australia.
- You ought to/will be able to try to visit Scotland.
- My mum was very busy at work, but should/was able to take a short holiday over Christmas.
- In some countries you could not/ need not pay to visit public museums.
- Last year I should / was able to visit England twice.
- Do you know if we must / could not have visas to go to the Caribbian?
- We need not /could not book the tickets. We will go on a package holiday.
- Passengers must not / need not carry more than one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.
Ex. 3.
Сопоставьте фразы, используя неопределенный артикль:
Example: a handsome boy, an interesting book
Прилагательные: Picturesque, mysterious, amazing, exciting, attractive , unique, ancient. Существительные:travelling,palace, landscape, cathedral, monument, situation, person
Предварительный просмотр:
Ex 1
Записать глагол в скобках в настоящем длительном времени.
1. Paul (repair) Steve’s bike now.
2. Bill (help) granddad in the garden now.
3. Jane and Kath (watch) a video at this moment.
4. Mike and Sue (walk) in the park now.
5. Paul and Bill (fly) a kite now.
6. My Mum (make) a cake now.
7. My friends (play) on the stadium at this moment.
8. He (sleep) now.
9. We (dance) at the party now.
10. I (go) to the supermarket at this moment.
11. Dad (try out) a mini micro car now.
12. They (look for) a present for Jack now.
Ex 2
Вставить в вопросы глаголы Are, Am, Is.
1)……you writing now?
2)……I reading now?
3)…..Jane doing homework?
4)……rabbits feeding?
5)……Ken and Tom fighting?
6)……I chatting now?
7)……he doing an experiment?
Предварительный просмотр:
Ex 1
Вставить is, am, или are
1. They…nice rabbits
2. I…a pupil
3. He…brave and strong
4. It…a nice song
5. We…pupils
6. You…pupils
7. It…a thick book
8. The dog and the cat…funny
9. They…grey rabbits
10. You…not a doctor
11. It…not an interesting film
Ex 2
Вставь have got или has got.
1. They…a dog
2. He…a cat
3. You…a duck
4. We…a cow
5. She…a bird
6. I…a mouse
Ex 3
Найди и подчеркни в каждой строке лишнее по смыслу слово.
1. Fox, clock, frog, zebra.
2. Seven, ten, six, red.
3. Green, red, pig, black.
4. He, she, I, is.
5. Mouse, chicken, cow, swim.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
по теме «Разделительный вопрос».
8 класс
- Допиши разделительный вопрос.
1) You have got a pet, ________?
2) Mary wasn’t at home, ________?
3) We often go shopping, ______?
4) His friends often write letters, ______?
5) You write two letters, _______?
6) The pupils want to skate, ________?
7) Ann’s brothers often go there, _______?
8) Ted’s parents see the teacher, _______?
9) You can’t go there, _______?
10) Mary can speak English well, ______?
11) You are not good at maths, ______?
12) Tower Bridge is situated in London, _______?
- Выбери правильный ответ.
All people like presents, _____?
a) arent’ they? b) don’t they? c) do they?
2. Children know French well in our class,_____?
a) don’t they? b) do they? c)doesn’t they?
3. They see a good film , _____?
a) do they? b) don’t they? c) did they?
4. You are watching football, _____?
a) aren’t you? b) are you? c)don’t you?
5. We wash our clothes every week, _____?
a) do we? b) don’t we? c)didn’t we?
6. Tomorrow will be warm and sunny, ____?
a) will it? b) isn’t it? c) won’t it?
7. Mothers cook very well, _____?
a) don’t they? b) isn’t she? c) wasn’t she?
Предварительный просмотр:
Ex 1
Дописать в предложения have got или has got
- He…a brother
- They…four kids
- You…a grandfather
- Doctor Doolitle…a pig
- The Lion…a heart
- My family…a car
- I…a sister
Записать перевод местоимений
Her- Our-
His- My -
Their- Your-
Ex 3
Написать на английском языке:
Мой кот-
Её собака-
Их поросёнок-
Наш кролик-
Твоя корова-
Его мышь-
Ex 4
Перевести предложения. Отметить галочкой те предложения, которые имеют смысл
- Apples and plums is my favourite pet.
- A squirrel and a turtle are birds.
- England is a city.
- Six and four is ten.
- Big dogs are scared of cats.
Предварительный просмотр:
Cколько новых слов вы можете составить? Переведите слова на русский язык.
Образец: rain—rainy-дождь-дождливый.
Storm -- Cloud --
Frost -- Snow –
Вставь пропущенные слова из рамки:
The winter months are:
January, October, December, November, August, February |
Чтобы вы написали о погоде в России? Выберите слова из рамки.
In autimn it is _____. Days are ________.
In winter it is _____. Sometimes it is _____.
Frosty, sunny, cool, hot, long, warm, sunny, short |
Какие советы вы могли бы дать другу в такую погоду(упр. стр. Используйте слова: should, shouldn’t.
It’s cool and rainy.------------------------------------------------------------
Какая погода была, когда Снежная королева похитила Кая?
It was very s_______. It was f______. It was c______.
Предварительный просмотр:
Ex. 1.
Вставить числительные: the second, the first, the third.
The elephant is ------------.
The rabbit is ------------.
The wolf is -----------.
Предварительный просмотр:
Словарный диктант
Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень каждого прилагательного
Large, interesting, happy, good, hot, warm, weak.
Выберите правильный вариант.
Moscow is a … place than St.Petersburg. (warm, warmer, the warmest)
February is … month of the year. (short, shorter, the shortest)
Buratino is … than Neznaika. (funny, funnier, the funniest)
A mouse is … than a rabbit. (small, smaller, the smallest)
Cats are … animals. (funny, funnier, the funniest)
Поставьте нужную степень сравнения.
Father Carlo is (tall) than Buratino.
Malvina is (beautiful) than Fox Alice.
Winnie-the-Pooh is the (funny) animal in the world.
The road is (long) than the path.
Elephants are the (curious) animals.
A whale is (fast) than a crocodile.
A mouse is the (small) animal.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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