косвенная речь правила и упражнения
учебно-методический материал (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
косвенная речь правила и упражнения
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Предварительный просмотр:
Reported speech. Косвенная речь.
+ , - | that |
+ ! , - ! | to/ not to |
wh? | wh порядок слов (подлежащее затем сказуемое) |
? | if, порядок слов (подлежащее затем сказуемое) |
Sequence of Tenses.
Useful words: Said (to smb.) - сказал Told somebody- сказал, велел Asked (somebody) – спросил Greeted (somebody) - приветствовал Replied, answered - ответил Added - добавил Wondered - поинтересовался Wanted to know – хотел знать Wanted to find out – хотел узнать Explained (somebody) - объяснил Offered (smb.)- предложил Agreed (with) - согласился Disagreed (with) - не согласился Apologized - извинился Informed (smb.)- сообщил Thanked (smb.)- поблагодарил Warned (smb.)- предупредил Insisted on (doing smth.)- настаивал на Promised (somebody) – обещал Worried, was nervouse – беспокоился Suggested- предположил Considered – считал Realized – понял, осознал | Necessary changes: Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect/Perfect Continuous – Past Simple/Continuous/Perfect/Perfect Continuous Past Simple – Past Perfect V1- V2 / Ved V2- had + V3 / Ved Have- had Can- could Must- had to Shall- should, would Will- would May- might Is, am- was Are- were Was, were- had been Don’t- not to (в повелительных предложениях) Negatives: Doesn’t- didn’t Don’t- didn’t Didn’t V1- hadn’t V3 /Ved (didn’t go- hadn’t gone)
Other changes.
this | that |
these | those |
here | there |
now | then |
today | that day |
yesterday | the day before/ the pervious day |
tomorrow | the next day / the following day |
ago | before |
last year | the year before /the previous year |
next | the following |
Предварительный просмотр:
Exercises. Reported speech.
Direct sentences.
- Mother thought: ”My little daughter will be alone for the first time of her life. She won’t know anybody. There will be nobody to look after her. Perhaps she will have trouble, or she will be very sad because she isn’t with us.”
- Mother thought: “Perhaps she’s finding the university nicer than her home.”
- Sally said: “The students who live near here were talking yesterday evening, and they said, “We’re very happy that we are going to return home again soon for a few days.’ ”
- Mother thought: “She must really miss us.”
- Mother asked: “Did you say that too?”
- Sally answered: “Oh, yes! We all said that it is easy to speak to our parents on the phone every week when we are away, but we really miss our pets.”
- Derek said to his father: “I’ve got some money. Can I buy a pony, please?”
- Father answered: “No, Derek, we can’t have a pony in the garden, because it is too small and we haven’t got a field. People who keep ponies in small gardens are unkind. Ponies need a lot of space.”
- Derek thought: “My birthday is next month. Perhaps father will buy me a pony then.”
- “Hello, Derek,” uncle Tom said, “Happy birthday. This is your birthday present from me.”
- The pony was very big and Derek asked: “Is he for me, or am I for him?”
- The friend said: “Would you like to be thinner, Fred?”
- Fred answered: “Of course, I would.”
- “Well,” his friend said, “stop going to your office by car, and get a bicycle.”
- The wife said: “It isn’t easy to learn to ride a bicycle again at your age.”
- Fred said: “I hope it will help me to lose my fat and weight. Instead reading a newspaper, I’m going to practise riding.”
- A man came up to Fred on another bicycle and said: “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?”
- Jill said: “I’m quite happy at home with my husband Len. I don’t want to be too busy to have fun.”
- Jill said to Mary: “ Would you like to have a holiday with us this year, Mary?”
- The next summer when Jill offered to take Mary again, Mary answered: “Thank you very much. But I’m going to be honest with you. I’m sorry that I can’t come, because I‘ve worked a lot this year and I’m tired. But I don’t need a holiday, I need a rest.”
John: – Mother, you must come and live with us.
Mother:- No, I’m very happy in my little house.
Mother:- Please, John, come to my house immediately.
John:- Perhaps she is ill? I will take the car and go to work from mother’s house.
John:- What’s the matter, Mother?
Mother:- Come in. There is a thief in one of my cupboards.
John:- When did you find him?
Mother:- I heard the noises in a cupboard yesterday evening.
John:- Why didn’t you telephone me then?
Mother:- It was late and I didn’t want to trouble you.
- Bill said: “I will work in the bank, because my uncle has always worked in one. I think the work is easy. Uncle can do it, so I can.”
- Uncle said: “That’s a good idea, but there are no jobs in my bank just now.’
- The manager of another bank said: “You may work here for a month. If you are good enough, you can stay after that. You’ll work with Mr.Unwin for the first month. He’ll take you round and train you.”
- Mr.Unwin ordered Bill: “Count these pound notes. There ought to be one hundred there. Don’t take any mistakes.”
- Bill said: “I’m tired to count. If they are correct up to here, they’ll all be correct, won’t they?”
- The women phoned to the butcher: “I’m sorry, I’m late. But some people have just telephoned to say that they are going to come to dinner tonight and I need some more meat.”
- The women said: “This piece of meat is too small. Haven’t you got anything bigger?”
- Joe said: “ This one is bigger and more expensive.”
- The woman answered: “Good. Give me both of them, please.”
- Mother thought: “When I’m going to see Joan again? How is she going to live abroad among strangers without her mother near her?”
- Mother wished that Joan’s letters had more news about herself, so she asked in her letters: “Are you tired with your baby? Are you resting enough? Is your husband helping you? Does anyone come in to clean your house for you? When are you going to come home? Do you need anything? Does the baby keep you awake at night?
- Mr.Anderson asked the gardener: “Good morning. Is this your garden?
- “No,” answered the gardener, “it isn’t mine, but I work here.”
- “How do people get such beautiful lawns?”- Mr. Anderson asked. “Ours are never as good as this.”
- The gardener said: “You come from America, don’t you?”
- “Yes, but my father came from this town.”- Mr.Anderson answered.
- “Well,” Mr. Anderson asked., “it’s easy to grow the lawns like this. First we sow our seeds, then, when the grass appears, we pull all the weeds out; after that, we cut the grass every week and water it every day.”
- “That’s very interesting. And how long does it take before the lawn becomes like this?”- Mr. Anderson asked.
- “Oh, about one hundred years.”- the gardener said.
Ted:- Hi, Sam! How are you?
Sam:- Not too bad, thank you. I’ve got a wife and too children now. And how are you?
Ted:- I’ve got a wife and three children.
They went to the restaurant and began to talk about television.
Ted:- I think it is very bad for people. When I was a child we didn’t watch TV every day. But now my children watch silly films every evening, and they don’t do the work their teachers gave them. What will they do with themselves when they leave school?
Sam:- It’s very bad, isn’t it? But what can we do about it?
Ted:- I promised myself one thing. I’m going to sell our TVset- as soon as the football season finishes at the end of this month.
- Mother:- “Bobby always eats too many sweets at parties.”
- Mother:- “You can only have three cakes, Bobby. Put the fourth one back on the plate.”
- Bobby:- “I can’t. I ate that one first.”
- Wife:- “We’ve been to a lot of people’s houses, and now we must to invite them to our house, mustn’t we?”
- Husband:- “Yes. Certainly. A big party will be the easiest, won’t it? Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”
- Wife:-“I’ll invite all our friends on the fifth of December to a big party.”
- Husband told the guests:-“ You must stop making a noise, because someone has complained.”
- Wife:- “That was a surprise, was it? Who complained about the noise?”
- Husband:- “I did.”
People:- Your grandson plays football very well, doesn’t he?
Peter:- We ‘re practising for our big match next Saturday. Our school is going to play against the Garden school. They have the best team, so perhaps they’ll beat us. Can you come and see the match?
After the match Peter’s grandfather asked him: “You missed a good chance to score the fourth goal, Peter. If you’d kicked the ball hard, you’d have got a goal easily. Why did you kick it weakly?
“Because there were tears in the goalkeeper’s eyes.”- Peter answered.
- The newcomer said to the new owners of the flat: “Oh, please, don’t stand on ceremony with me. Do you know, in some parts of this town people are not friendly at all. There are some streets and blocks of flats- where people don’t know their neighbours- not even their next-door ones. But in this block of flats everyone is friends with everybody else. I’m sure you will be happy here.”
- Mr. And Mrs. Johnson answered: “The new owners of the flat are dew to move here tomorrow. But we are the old owners, who have lived beside you for two years without your ever having visited us or even noticed our existence.”
- Mr. Brown was at the theatre and he was sitting in the middle of the group of American ladies who talked and joked all the time.
- Mr. Brown’s neighbour, a lady of sixty years old, explained him: “You know, I have known all these ladies all my life. We all grew up together. They have all lost their husbands and call themselves the Merry Widows. It is the sort of club. They go abroad every summer. I have wanted to join their club for a long time, but I didn’t qualify for membership until the spring of this year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Brown went for their holiday and left their dog Blackie in a special place. After the holiday Mr. Brown collected the dog. At home he said to his wife: “Do you know, dear, I don’t think Blackie enjoyed his stay. He barked all the way home as if he wanted to tell me something.”
- Mrs. Brown answered: “You are quite right, dear. He was only trying to tell you that you were bringing the wrong dog home. That isn’t Blackie!”
- When Nasreddin was asked what was the most valuable thing in the world, he didn’t hesitate: “I consider advice is.”
- Then he was asked : “What do you consider the most worthless thing in the world?”
- Nasreddin answered: “ I consider advice is.”
- His friend said: “You must be joking. How can be both the most valuable and the most worthless?”
- “Well,” answered Nasreddin, ”if you think about the matter carefully, you’ll see that I’m quite right. When you give somebody good advice, and he takes it, advice is the most valuable thing in the world. But when a person doesn’t take your advice, I consider it the most worthless thing in the world.
- Mrs. Jones who were eighty years old came before the judge because of her pass the red light. Judge told her: “You are too old to drive a car.”
- Mrs. Jones took out her sewing, chose the needle with a very small eye and threaded it from her first attempt. Then she said: “Now it is your turn. I suppose you drive a car and have no doubts about your own eyesight.”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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