"Marry Poppins"- сценарий спектакля на английском языке
план-конспект занятия (5 класс) на тему
"Marry Poppins"- сценарий спектакля на английском языке для 5 класса.
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«Marry Poppins»
Marry Poppins: Hello, friends! I am glad to see you. I think you know me. My name is Mary Poppins. I am from Great Britain. I am a nurse. I like children very much. I can do a lot of things, even fly by my umbrella.
Soon I must start working in the Grundys' family. It is a big family. They have got seven children, but they haven't got a nurse. Mrs. Grundy has a lot of work to do every day. Let's look into their house.
Jack: I can fly, and you?
Jane l: Me too.
Kate: And I can swim. Can you, Phill?
Phill: No, I can't. But I can read and you can't.
Jane: I can swim.
Kate: No, you cannot. You don't like water. You aren't brave.
Jack: You are a little girl.
Phill: You are small and slim that's why you are cowardly.
Kate, Jack and Phill (together): We don't want to play with the girl.
Jane (плача, бежит к маме): Mother! Mother!
Mrs Grundy: What’s the matter?
Jane .Brothers don't want to play with me. They are bad.
Mrs. Grundy I am so sad. My children are not friendly. They don't love each other. They don't want to play together. Where is our new nurse? When will she come?
Jack: Mother! Is our breakfast ready?
Mrs. Grundy: No, it isn't.
Kate: But I am hungry.
Phill: I am hungry, too.
Jack: I am hungry! I am hungry! I am!
Together We are hungry
Mrs. Grundy: What a pity! You must wait; you may play in the garden.
Go to the garden
And play in the snow.
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow..
Jane: I don't want!
Phill: I don't want!
Jack: I don't want!
Together: We don't want!
МАМА уходит.Oh? my God! I don’t know what shall I do with my naughty children
№ 1 Звонок в дверь
Children: Who is that?
Marry Poppins: It's me, your nurse. May I come in?
Children (весело): Yes, you may. Come in, please!
Marry Poppins (входя): Good morning? Children
Children :Good morning
Дети подбегают к ней, ходят вокруг, рассматривают ее наряд, зонтик, потом отходят и начинают петь.
Marry Poppins: Nice to meet you. You are so pretty!
Children : Nice to meet you too.
Marry Poppins: I hope we’ll get on well.
Сцена 3аходит мама
Mrs. Grundy (singing): Good morning, Lady Mary!
Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I am glad to see you!
Mary Poppins: I am glad to see you, Mrs.Grundy, and your children.
Mrs. Grundy: This is Jack.
And that is Jane
This is Kate.
And that is Phill.
Mary Poppins: Where isAnn?
Jack: She is in bed.
Mary Poppins: And where is Bill?
Phill: He is also ill.
Mary Poppins: How is Betsy?
Jane: She is healthy.
Mary: How are you?
Children (all together): We are fine, thank you.
Mary Poppins: I would like to greet Ann, Bill and Betsy.
Kate, Jack, Jane and Phill: Let's go.
Уходят.под музыку
Jack: Hi! This is our new nurse. Her name is Mary Poppins.
Mary Poppins: How do you do, Ann? How do you do, Bill?
Why are you in beds? Are you ill?
Ann: Yes, I am. I have a headache.
Bill: And I have a stomach-ache.
Jane: I don't like to be ill at all.
Jack and Phill: Me too
Mary Poppins: I know how to make you healthy. Now, let's sing a song and do some exercises.. .
№ 2 Песня «If you happy and you know it»
Mary Poppins:Thank you? My dear friends! What a nice song! I like it very much. Do you want to play?
Children Yes, we do. We want to play
Mary Poppins: OK. We can play a nice game. Bill, give me my bag, please. I have some glasses in it.
Bill: Here it is!
Mary Poppins: Thank you, Bill
Bill: You are welcome!
Mary Poppins (раздаёт детям разноцветные стеклышки):
Green for Jack,
Yellow for Jane,
White for Kate,
And black for Phill.
Brown for Bill,
And pink for Betsy,
For me - red,
And blue for Ann.
Let's look trough our glasses and say what we see.
Jack: I see green,
Jane: I see yellow,
Together: I see that funny fellow.
Bell: I see white,
Phill: I see black,
Together: I see this, and that, and that.
Betsy: I see pink,
Bill: I see brown,
Together: I stand up, and I sit down.
Mary Poppins: I see red,
Ann: I see blue,
All together: I see you, and you, and you.
Mary Poppins: Do you like this game?
Chidren: Yes, we like it very much. Let's play more.
Mary Poppins: But, Ann and Betsy, do you wash your hands and face? Do you clean your teeth?
Betsy: I don’t like to wash hands and face.
Ann:I don’t want to cleen my teeth.
Mary Poppins: My dear friends, you shouldn’t be lazy!
Chidren: We want to play! We want to play!
Marry Poppins: ok! My dear friends, Stand up?, Please
№ 3 Песня Mulberry bursh
Mary Poppins: Thank you, my dear friends! We shall play "Rhymes". I have some nice pictures. Look at this one. A cat went to town to buy a hat.
(картинка кота в шляпе)
Children: What? A cat with a hat?
A hat for a cat?
Who ever saw a cat with a hat?
Mary Poppins: Take these pictures and make up your own rhymes.
Jane: A fox went to town to buy a box. (картинка лисички с коробочкой)
Kate: A mouse went to town to buy a house. (картинка мышки и домика)
Jack: A pig went to town to buy a stick. (картинка поросенка с тросточкой)
Phill: A cock went to town to buy a clock. (петушок с будильником)
Betsy: A duck went to town to buy a jug. (утка с кувшином)
Bill: A lion went to town to buy a iron. (лев в утюгом)
Ann: An owl went to town to buy a towel. (сова с полотенцем)
Children (all together): We want to play.
Mary Poppins: But it's very funny if you sing a songs and dance!
Stand up! And let’s dance and have fun!
Children: Let’s dance!!!
№4 Все танцуют
Mary Poppins: You dance very well.
Children: Let's play another game!
Mary Poppins: No, we cannot. You like to play, but you don't like to work. You are lazy, my friends. You don't help your mother about the house. It is very bad. You must help her.
Jane: Yes, we must go and help our mother.
Children: What can we do for you, Mum?
Mrs. Grundy: What would you like to do, kids?
Ann: I'd like to clean the carpets.
Bill: I'd like to wash the dishes.
Jane: I'd like to dust the sideboard,
Phill: I'd like to sweep the floor.
Betsy. I can water the flowers
Ann: I can help you
Mrs. Grundy: How nice of you, how nice of you,
You've got so many talents,
How nice of you, how nice of you,
I'll bake a cake for you.
№5 Музыка «Барбарики» (дети убираются)
Mrs. Grundy: One, two, three,
Let me see.
Who likes coffee
And who likes tea.
One, two, three,
Oh, I see.
You like coffee
And I like tea.
№ 6 The more we are together
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together the happier we are.
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend,The more we are together,
The happier we are.
2 куплет- The more we sing together
3 куплет- The more we dance together
Поклон под музыку №6
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