конспект урока "Christmas"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему

На уроке учащиеся говорят о праздновании Рождества в Европе. Вспоминают лексику по данной теме, составляют рассказ о Рождестве и пишут письмо Санта Клаусу.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока по теме:


I. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, my dear friends!

Look at the blackboard and tell me please what do you see there? Have you guess the topic of our lesson?

OK, do you know what is the nearest holiday in Europe? When do people celebrate Christmas? - People celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

Do you know song “Jingle bells”? I offer you to do a warming-up.

II. Основная часть

1. What are your associations with word Christmas?

2. And now,  you have some sheets of paper on your desks. Take them, please. You see a text, don’t you? OK, continue the first part of this text  and don't forget about your associations.

Christmas is a happy holiday. It has its own traditions and symbols. Please, choose words for traditions, food and drink, symbols.

That's right. Continue the second part of your text. OK.

3. There are some colour papers on your desks. Turn them over. You see text about Christmas in different exotic countries. You have 3 minutes to read them.

OK, and now look at the blackboard and choose words and phrases about your country. Let’s check.

Now you know that each country has its own customs and traditions. But I want you to find a common thing about Christmas.

3. Обобщение по теме

Well, we have spoken about X-mas, presents and decorations and now you will write what you usually do on this day.

Christmas is a wonderful time for everybody. You spend a lot of tine with your family and friends. You wish Merry Christmas to them.

And now choose one of your classmates to write your congratulations.

III. Заключительный этап

Your homework is to write a letter to Santa Claus. Imagine that you are a young child and you believe in Santa Claus.

Приложение 1.

Dear Santa Claus,

I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name __________ and I’m __________ years old. I live in __________. It’s a nice town in ______________ of Russia. I’m rather _____________. ____________ is approaching, so I’ve decided to __________ to you. I hope it finds you well. As for me, I’ve been a __________ all this year. I helped my _______a  lot in doing household chores, such as,____________________________________________________.. At school I was also a _______________ student. I never ___________ the classes without a valid ___________. I always did my ___________ and _________ my best friend __________ with _____________ and ___________, as _______is not good at these subjects. I was ___________ to teachers and __________ to my classmates. At home I was _____________ child. That’s why I think that I deserve _________________. I know that you ____________ millions of __________ around the world and it’s difficult to carry all presents at once. But, if you ever pass by our town, please visit my house and bring me a special present. Most of all I would like to receive ________________________________________________. I would also like to receive ______________ as a present, but only if it’s not too heavy for you to carry that many presents. __________ for reading my letter. I’m looking __________ to this ___________.
Sincerely yours,


Приложение 2.

to be a much better friend


to be honest and loyal to you


to be your constant friend


to support you in what you choose to do


for your support


for helping me


for your friendship


for your attention


for your understanding

for everything you’ve done for me



for spending time with me


for being patient and helping me improve


I can’t do anything right


I get jealous sometimes


for being annoying sometimes


That I’m so complicated and mess everything up

for my words and actions


I’m not perfect


I break my promises


for being too emotional sometimes


if I hurt you


if I was wrong


that my ego made my actions so shallow


for being careless and hurting your feelings


for everything

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