Презентация British Universities
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Коновалова Лариса Борисовна

В презентации рассказывается о ведущих университетахх Великобритании: Оксфорд, Кембридж,университеты Манчестера, Глазгоу, Бирмингема.


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British Universities

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Oxford University Cambridge University Glasgow University Manchester University Birmingham University The Plan

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Oxford University is one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded in the 12 th century. The university consists of 39 self-governing colleges: 29 male, 5 female and 5 mixed. 18000 students learn here. The formal head of the university is the Chancellor. He represents the university in all ceremonies. In fact the head of the university is the Vice-chancellor, chosen for the term of 7 years. Oxford University

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Religious study; Law; Medicine; Classical literature; New and the newest history English language and literature; Oriental study; Physical science; Mathematics; Information technology; Biology and agricultural science; Geography; Arts study; Music. The Faculties:

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The university represents a complex of colleges and academic faculties all over the town. The 1 st schools appeared here in the 9 th century. In the 13 th century it consisted of 4 faculties: religious study, medicine, humanities and law. By the end of the 19 th century Oxford took women and persons of other creed. In the 20 century Oxford paid more attention to natural science. From the history of Oxford

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The University is one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded in 1209. Cambridge University consists of 31 self-governing colleges, 3 female among them. There are more than 16000 students in the university. The head of the university is the Chancellor. In fact it is administrated by the Vice-chancellor. Cambridge University

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Cambridge University was founded in 1209, when a group of Oxford students escaped from hostile citizen and set up in the town on the river Cam. At first the University existed in a kind of “college houses”, where students lived and attended lectures. In 1231 King Henry III became the guardian of the students and gave them a number of privileges. At that time it consisted of 4 faculties: law, medicine, religious study and humanities. In 520 the university started book printing and in 1594 – regular publishing of scientific and research works. In 1662 – 1702 Isaac Newton worked in Cambridge as a professor. From the history of Cambridge

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Trinity – college was founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII. The buildings of the college are now called “the old school”. Cambridge. Trinity - college

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King’s college and its campus. It was founded in 1317, the second college in Cambridge . Cambridge. King's College.

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One of the oldest universities in Great Britain (after Oxford and Cambridge) was founded in 1451. It consists of 9 faculties, more than 100 scientific centers and schools. Glasgow University

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The university library is famous all over the world. It was first mentioned in 1475. The library is one of the oldest in Europe. It contains about 2 million books. The University Library

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Up to the end of the 19 th century the education in the university was only male, but since 1892 a college for women was opened there. At present the number of students is over 16 thousand. Among them – 2000 of foreigners. It is interesting!

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The university was founded in 2004 by uniting two former universities: Queen Victoria Manchester university and Manchester mechanical university. 23 Nobel laureates graduated from Manchester University. Manchester University

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The history of the university is connected with the industrial development of Manchester. In 1824 Manchester businessmen and industrial people founded a mechanical university to train qualified technical specialists. Later, in 1846, a Manchester merchant J. Owens founded a first public university and named it after Queen Victoria. The History of the University

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A faculty of natural science and technology (9 departments); Humanitarian faculty (11 departments); A faculty of medicine (5 departments); A faculty of biology; A library (founded in 1851, more than 770 thousand books). Manchester Today

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Birmingham University

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The university was founded in 1990. At first it was aimed to train specialists for commerce, necessary for industry in the region. It is one of the 5 best universities in Great Britain. More than 24 thousand students learn here, among them – 4000 are foreigners. The university is a founder and a member of international university union “Universities – 21”, which includes leading universities of Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland, Germany, China. The university includes 18 faculties, a school of business, a center of continuous education, a library with 2.5 million of books and 3 million of manuscripts, more than 16 thousand the Internet connection points.

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L. Konovalova , A teacher of English, Amur Pedagogical College The Presentation is Made by:

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