Сценарий праздника, посвященного Дню Благодарения
учебно-методический материал (7 класс) на тему

Привалова Ольга Платоновна

Данный сценарий создан для учащихся 7-го класса. позволяет учащимся больше узнать о Дне Благодарения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                 Thanksgiving Day

(Granny, her grandchildren are sitting at the table. Granny  is holding a bowl  and a spoon in her hands.)

Grandchildren: Oh, Granny , what are you doing?

Granny: I’m cooking a pumpkin pie.

1st grandson: Pumpkin pie? It’s delicious!

2nd grandson: Granny, are you waiting for guests?

Granny: Yes, my dear, we are waiting for many guests. We’ll celebrate a wonderful holiday very soon!

Grandchildren (together): What holiday, Granny?

Granny: Don’t you remember ?  It can’t be! We usually celebrate it on the fourth Thursday of November.

1st grandson: Oh, it’s Thanksgiving Day! We like it very much!

2nd grandson: We’ll eat turkey and a pumpkin pie on this day!

1st grandson: But Granny, is it true that it’s a very old holiday?

Granny: It is, it has its a  long history and old traditions.

1st grandson: Granny, will you tell us about this holiday?

Granny: Many, many years ago, in 1620 people left England for a new land   on the ship “Mayflower”. There were about one hundred people, pilgrims on the board the ship and the way to the new land was long and very difficult. And after many  days they …

( On the stage the pilgrims are appearing, they are exhausted, one of them is holding the picture of the ship. The music of the  sea can be heard in the hall.)

One of the pilgrims: Oh, people, look, look! Land! Land! I can see  the  land! We’ve found it at last!

Granny: When the Pilgrims landed, they met the Indians very soon.

                                        Scene with the Indians.

(The Indian women are singing a song. They are sitting round the fire  and some of them are holding their babies. The Indian men are preparing to go hunting. They are holding arrows and bows in their hands.)

Granny:… and the Indians  taught the Pilgrims to hunt. The first year in America wasn’t easy for the settlers. The winter was very cold. The Pilgrims didn’t have any houses

(Some of the settlers are trying to warm themselves, some are “dying” on the stage).

Granny :Many of them were ill and died. But the rest of them began to build   houses, their life became much easier.

(Children on the stage are building the houses.)

2nd grandson: Did anybody help the Pilgrims?

Granny: Only their new friends-the Indians. They learnt the settlers to plant corn.

 The dance of the Indian women and the women –settlers  with 3 herrings.

Granny: When the autumn came, the harvest was rich and people wanted to make a holiday dinner.

1st grandson:  That’s great! How did they celebrate their first Thanksgiving  holiday?

Granny: The settlers prepared so many tasty things .

Parade of the settlers with  pumpkins, apples, bananas..

Granny: And the Indians were invited for the dinner and brought a special present for the settlers-some wild turkeys .People thanked God for the rich harvest and had a wonderful time together.

The Indians and the settlers are singing the song “Thank you”

Thank you , thank you very much

For everything that I can touch.

Thanks a lot for nature’s food

And for when I’m feeling good.

Thank you, thank you very much

For moms and dads and friends and such.

Granny: Oh, my God! I’ve forgotten about the pie! I haven’t prepared anything for the holiday dinner yet.

Grandchildren:  Don’t worry , Granny! We’ll help you!

Song “This Land Is Your Land”

Chorus: This land is your land, this land is my land

                From California to the New York Island

               From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters

               This land  was made for you and me.

As I went walking down that ribbon of highway,

I saw above me that endless skyway.

I saw below me that golden valley,

This land was made for you and m



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