Контрольные работы в 6 и 7 классе (III четверть)
методическая разработка (6, 7 класс) на тему

Данилова Екатерина Андреевна

Контрольные работы в 6 и 7 классе (III четверть) в двух вариантах

6 класс https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3ve7MTlc_NFc0xV...

7 класс https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3ve7MTlc_NFeENf...


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Предварительный просмотр:


CLASS:        ………………………………………………………………MARK:…………………………...

A        Fill in the correct word.

● restaurant ● zoo ● gallery ● cottage ● store ● palace ● pool ● library ● sports ● tent ● park

e. g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.


They live in a......................................  in the country.


The Queen lives in a big         .


There are lots of works of art in the........................


They are staying in a small          at the campsite.


This is a really big department............................. They sell everything here!


Timothy is keeping fit at the          centre.


My sister wants to see the animals at the................


I'm taking this book back to the.......................


I'm hungry. Can we go to a fast food....................?.


Why don't we go swimming in the swimming.................?

B        Choose the correct item.

e.g. Bruce lives in a large block of        .

A flats         B hotels        C tents


They are staying in a fantastic .................. while
they're on holiday.

A hotel        B palace        C tent


We pay the          for our house every month

A rent        B price        C ticket


Are you...................? I totally disagree.

A strange        B serious        C brilliant


He's going to the International Summer..............  in August.

A School        B Flats               C House


There are too many................ about what we can
and can't do.

A timetables              B grounds        C rules

C        Underline the correct words.

e.g. You can buy bread/have a snack at the baker's


You can have a picnic/watch a film at the cinema.


You can see fish/watch football at the aquarium.


You can exercise/relax at the gym.


You can swim/see a play at the theatre


You can find a book/take pictures at the


D        Underline the correct item.

e.g. You must/mustn't talk during the test. It's against the rules.


You must/can't pay your rent. That's the rule.


You must/mustn't go to the doctor. You look very ill.


You must/mustn't eat in the classroom. It's forbidden.


You must/can't go to school. That's the law.


You must/can't have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.

E        Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

This is Sarah Jones and her brother, Mike. Sarah is e.g. shorter (short), than Mike, but he is 26).......................          (young) than her. He is the 27)....................................... (young) student in his class. They are both intelligent but Sarah is 28)...................................... (intelligent) than Mike. Sarah is the 29)............................          (intelligent) girl in her school. Sometimes they argue, but Sarah thinks Mike is the 30).............................. (good) brother in the world.

D     Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

e.g. to/go/school/has/Tracy/to

Tracy has to go to school.


has/He/do/the/ washing up/to














G        Match the questions to the answers.

e. g. Shall we go home?        F


Why don't we go shopping?



Brilliant idea! They have a new film.


Shall we go to the cinema?



That sounds good. I need some exercise.


How about visiting Dave?



OK. Let's look for a new shirt.


Why don't we go to the gym?



I don't really like eating outdoor.


How about having a picnic?



I'd rather not. I don't like him.


Yes, I want to go to bed.

H        Read the text and answer the questions.

Dear Amy,

Hi! How are you? I'm writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.

Your family's cottage is very different from our flat. The rooms in your cottage are much bigger than the rooms in our flat. We can go to the cinema or the theatre, but we can't go for a walk in the countryside. We can see a lot of people, but we can't enjoy peace and quiet. I guess nobody can have everything they want.

Visit me soon.

All my love, Kirsten

e.g. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?

A flat.


What kind of home does Amy live in?



Which home is in the countryside?



Which home has the biggest rooms?



Which home is peaceful and quiet?



Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?


I        What’s the English for:

46-многоквартирный дом ________________________________________________________________

47-получить разрешение _________________________________________________________________

48-учебная неделя _______________________________________________________________________

49-оставлять гостей на ночь _____________________________________________________________

50-территория школы/университета ______________________________________________________

51-плавать в бассейне ___________________________________________________________________

52-носить форму _______________________________________________________________________

53-историческое здание _________________________________________________________________

54-заказать билеты _____________________________________________________________________

55-самый умный ученик в классе ___________________________________________________________

J         Translate into English:

56. Мой дядя на 5 лет младше моего отца. __________________________________________________


57. Мой чемодан тяжелее, чем твой _______________________________________________________


58. Твоя сестра самая красивая девочка в классе ____________________________________________


59. В прошлом году наша футбольная команда была самой популярной в городе __________________


60. Автобусы более переполнены, чем трамваи ______________________________________________


61. Это самая плохая комедия ____________________________________________________________


62. Моя спальня более прибрана, чем твоя __________________________________________________


63. Твой портфель дешевле, чем мой _______________________________________________________


64. Это самая блестящая идея ____________________________________________________________


65. Петя моложе Аниного брата __________________________________________________________


Предварительный просмотр:

NAME:………………………………………………………………. DATE:…………………………

CLASS:        ……………………………………………………………… MARK:…………………………...

A        Fill in the correct word.

● restaurant ● zoo ● gallery ● cottage ● store ● palace ● pool ● library ● sports ● tent ● park

e. g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.


The Queen lives in a big         .


They live in a......................................  in the country.


They are staying in a small          at the campsite.


There are lots of works of art in the........................


Timothy is keeping fit at the......................centre.


This is a really big department..............................

They sell everything here!


I'm taking this book back to the.......................


My sister wants to see the animals at the................


Why don't we go swimming in the swimming.................?


I'm hungry. Can we go to a fast food....................?.


B        Choose the correct item.

e.g. Bruce lives in a large block of        .

A flats         B hotels        C tents


They are staying in a fantastic .................. while
they're on holiday.

A boat        B beach        C hotel


There are too many................. about what we can and can't do.

A timetables              B grounds        C rules


Are you...................? I totally disagree.

A talking        B joking                 C speaking


He's going to the International Summer..............  in August.

A School        B Flats               C House


We pay the          for our house every month

A rent         B rules         C price

C        Underline the correct words.

e.g. You can buy bread/have a snack at the baker's.


You can have a picnic/watch a film in the park.


You can see fish/watch football at the stadium.


You can see works of art/exercise at the gallery.


You can buy things/see animals in a department store.


You can find a book/have a snack at a fast food restaurant.

D          Underline the correct item.

e.g.  You must/mustn't talk during the test. It's against the rules.


You must/can't have a party in here. It's not allowed.


You must/can't wear a seatbelt when you're in a car. That's the law.


He must/mustn't park his car here. It's not allowed.


You must/mustn't eat in the library. It's



You must/can't do your homework. That's the rule.

E        Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

This is Tony Pratt and his sister, Fiona. Tony is e.g. taller (tall) than Fiona, is 26)...............(old) than him. She is the 27)......................(old) student in  her class. They both like running, but Tony is 28)...................................(fast) than Fiona. In fact, Tony is the 29)................................... (fast) boy in their school. Sometimes they argue, but Tony thinks Fiona is the 30)         (good) sister  in the world. 

F        Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

e.g. to/go/school/has/Tracy/to

Tracy has to go to school.








washing up/needn’t/the/You/do








G        Match the questions to the answers.

e. g. Shall we go to the gym?        F


How about going to the aquarium?



OK. I want to see the monkeys.


Shall we go to that new department store?



I'd rather not. I don't like her.


Why don't we go to the zoo?



I don't really like fish.


How about visiting Glenda?



That sounds good. I want to go to bed


Why don't we go home?



Brilliant idea! I need some new clothes.


Yes, I need some exercise.


H        Read the text and answer the questions.

Dear Kirsten,

Hi! How are you? I'm writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.

Your family's flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can't go to the cinema or the theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can't see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want.

Visit me soon.

All my love, Amy

e.g. What kind of home does Amy live in?

A cottage.


What kind of home does Kirsten live in?



Which home is in the countryside?



Which home has the biggest rooms?



Which home is peaceful and quiet?



Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?


I        What’s the English for:

46-во втором ряду ______________________________________________________________________

47-получить разрешение _________________________________________________________________

48-шуметь _____________________________________________________________________________

49-оставлять гостей на ночь _____________________________________________________________

50-выносить еду из столовой _____________________________________________________________

51-плавать в бассейне ___________________________________________________________________

52-переполненый автобус ________________________________________________________________

53-историческое здание _________________________________________________________________

54-заказать билеты _____________________________________________________________________

55-самый умный ученик в классе ___________________________________________________________

J         Translate into English:

56. Мой чемодан тяжелее, чем твой _______________________________________________________


57. Твой портфель дешевле, чем мой _______________________________________________________


58. Это самая блестящая идея ____________________________________________________________


59. Моя спальня более прибрана, чем твоя __________________________________________________


60. Петя моложе Аниного брата __________________________________________________________


61. Мой дядя на 5 лет младше моего отца. __________________________________________________


62. В прошлом году наша футбольная команда была самой популярной в городе __________________


63. Автобусы более переполнены, чем трамваи ______________________________________________


64. Твоя сестра самая красивая девочка в классе ____________________________________________


65. Это самая плохая комедия ____________________________________________________________


Предварительный просмотр:

NAME: ........................................................................................... DATE: ......................................................

CLASS: ........................................................................................... MARK: …………………………………

A Fill in the correct word.

  • pollution
  • fumes
  • trees
  • station
  • rubbish
  • recycle
  • rain
  • clean out

e.g. power station

1 ........................... newspapers and cans

2 toxic ...........................

3 air, water and soil ..............................

4 collect ............................

5 acid ...............................

6 plant ..............................

7 ............................ a pond

B Match the phrases above with the correct picture.

e.g. power station


8 .......................... 9 .......................... 10 ......................... 11 ......................... 12 .........................

C Underline the correct item.

e.g. Factories emit/burn toxic fumes.

13 Water pollution can wipe out/drink up fish and plant species.

14 I can’t make up/out what it says here.

15 Acid rain gathers/poisons trees and plants.

16 Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.

17 Can I join/volunteer the Eco-helpers club?

D Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

e.g. She has been trying to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)

18 He ............................................... the environment for over ten years. (study)

19 We ......................................... hard to build nesting boxes. (work)

20 It ........................................... for two days. (rain)

21 He ........................................... money to Greenpeace for a long time. (donate)

22 The government ................................... to reduce pollution for years. (try)

23 I .............................. to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

E Fill in the question tag.

e.g. Recycling isn’t that hard, is it?

24 Camels live in the desert, ......................?

25 Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ......................?

26 Sarah has called her mum, .....................?

27 Gorillas are amazing animals, .................?

28 It can’t be true, ......................?

F Choose the correct response.

e.g. Can I give you a hand with your Science project? F

29 Can I help to protect natural habitats? .......

30 Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you? .......

31 Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest? .......

32 Are you making a one-off donation? .......

33 Do you need help with that bag? .......

A Hello, I would like to make a donation.

B No, I would like to donate Ј10 per month.

C Yes, please! It’s so heavy.

D Yes, I would love to help!

E Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

F Yes please. It’s very difficult.

G Read the article and choose A, B, or C to complete the gaps.


Are we doing enough to protect animals?

Animal species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that 50 animal species are being wiped e.g. out in the wild every day. This happens because they lose their natural 40) ............ . Some say that the only way to 41) ............ endangered animals is to place them in a zoo. They claim that zoos keep the animals safe from harm and help 42) ............ their numbers. On the other hand, other people say that zoos can’t 43) ............ an animal’s natural habitat. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild.

In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for our animal friends. I believe that more work should be done to protect animals’ natural habitats. If we all lend a 44) ............, we can work wonders!

e.g. A under B off C out

40 A habitats B dangers C atmospheres

41 A donate B protect C pollute

42 A stop B increase C gather

43 A teach B join C replace

44 A ear B hand C foot

H What’s the English for:

45- выделять токсичные пары _____________________________________________________________

46- естественая среда обитания ___________________________________________________________

47- отходы промышленного производства __________________________________________________

48- перерабатывать банки ________________________________________________________________

49- придумывать предложения ____________________________________________________________

50- помириться с кем-то _________________________________________________________________

51- записаться в кружок __________________________________________________________________

52- уничтожать многие виды рыб __________________________________________________________

I Translate the sentences:

53 – Правительство пытается уменьшить загрязнения воздуха. _________________________________


54 – Ребятам пришлось собирать мусор. ____________________________________________________


55 – Ты с утра строишь скровершник? _____________________________________________________


56 – Возьми садовые перчатки, грабли и лейку и помоги отцу в саду ____________________________


57 – Из-за загрязнения воды, почвы и воздуха многие виды птиц и животных находятся в опасности.


58 – Многие виды рыб и растений погибают. ________________________________________________


59 – Нужно быть друзьями природы: сажать цветы, убирать мусор, отправлять его на вторичную переработку, чистить пруды реки и озера. __________________________________________________


Предварительный просмотр:

TEST 8 A (Module 8)

NAME: ........................................................................................... DATE: ......................................................

CLASS: ........................................................................................... MARK: …………………………………

A Fill in the correct word.

  • station
  • fumes
  • rain
  • pollution
  • rubbish
  • recycle
  • trees
  • clean out

e.g. power station

1 toxic ...............................................

2 ........................... newspapers and cans

3 ............................................ a pond

4 plant ..............................

5 acid ...............................

6 collect ............................

7 air, water and soil ..............

B Match the above phrases to the pictures below.

e.g. power station


8. ………………. 9. ………………. 10. ………………. 11. ……………… .12…………………

C Underline the correct item.

e.g. Factories emit/burn toxic fumes.

15 Governments have been trying to reduce/emit pollution in the air.

16 Toxic fumes play a huge role/cycle in the formation of acid rain.

17 Oxygen/Solar power can be used to heat homes.

18 I can’t make up/out what it says here.

19 Can I volunteer/join an environmental organization?

E Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

e.g. She has been trying to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)

24 I ............................................. money to environmental organisations for the last five years. (donate)

25 I .............................................. at the zoo for a year already! (volunteer)

26 It ................................................. for two hours and it won’t stop! (rain)

27 The students ........................................ to reduce pollution. (try)

28 We ................................... hard to raise awareness of environmental problems. (work)

29 Acid rain .................................. natural habitats for years. (destroy)

F Fill in the question tag.

e.g. Recycling isn’t that hard, is it?

30 John already went to the pond, ...............?

31 Ben has called his dad, .........................?

32 Some species of tiger are endangered, ......................?

33 Camels live in the desert, ......................?

34 John didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ......................?

est 8 B

G Choose the correct response.

e.g. Can I give you a hand with your Science project? F

35 Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest? .......

36 Are you making a one-off donation? .......

37 Can I help to protect natural habitats? .......

38 Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you? .......

39 Can I give you a hand with that box? .......

A Sure! It’s so heavy.

B Hello, I would like to make a donation.

C Yes, I would love to help!

D Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

E No, I would like to donate Ј10 per month.

F Yes please. It's very difficult.

H Read the article and choose A, B, or C to complete the gaps.


Are we doing enough to protect marine life?

Fish species are disappearing from our planet fast. Scientists believe that many species of fish are being wiped eg out every day. One reason is because of the 40) ............ rain that poisons their natural habitats. Some people say that the only way to help 41) ............ endangered fish is to keep them in an aquarium. They believe that aquariums keep the fish safe from harm and help 42) ............ their numbers. On the other hand, other people say that aquariums can’t 43) ............ the fish’s natural habitats. That’s why we need to focus on protecting their natural environments in the wild.

In my opinion, it is difficult to say what is best for fish. I believe that more work should be done to protect their natural habitats. If we all lend a 44) ............, we can work wonders!

e.g. A under B off C out

40 A bad B fuels C acid

41 A gather B pollute C protect

42 A increase B decrease C recycle

43 A replace B teach C join

44 A finger B ear C hand

H What’s the English for:

45- загрязнения воздуха и почвы __________________________________________________________

46- кислотные дожди ____________________________________________________________________

47- виды жвотных, находящихся под угрозой вымирания _____________________________________


48- собирать мусор ______________________________________________________________________

49- понять почерк _______________________________________________________________________

50- чистить пруд ________________________________________________________________________

51- аргументы за и против ________________________________________________________________

52- уехать из города _____________________________________________________________________

I Translate the sentences:

53 – сейчас существуют новые правила пользования автомобилями. ____________________________


54 – Кислотные дожди уже много лет наносят серьезный вред лесам Швеции. ____________________


55 – Я хочу закончить с этим как можно скорее, присоединяйся, поможешь ______________________


56 – Экологическая ситуация на планете Земля очень неблагоприятная __________________________


57 – Кислотные дожди отравляют воду и почву.______________________________________________


58 – Мы должны сделать все что сможем чтобы чтобы уменьшить загрязнения окружающей среды. _______________________________________________________________________________________


59 – Мы должны постараться сохранить естественную среду обитания животных. ________________



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