Cossacs hut
план-конспект на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: « Cossack hut ».
Тип урока:
урок открытия нового знания
Цели и задачи урока.
- знакомство с историей , культурой и бытом кубанского казачества на основе изучения внутреннего убранства хаты, продолжение обучения детей работе в группах.
- развитие словарного запаса, интереса к истории; развитие речи и мышления учащихся, творческих способностей учащихся.
- воспитывать культуру общения, любовь к родной истории; способствовать воспитанию доброжелательности, отзывчивости, взаимопомощи; повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
- мультимедийное оборудование, презентация;
- раздаточный материал: карточки – иллюстрации, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент:
Дети сидят группами по 4-5 человек. Столы сдвинуты так, чтобы дети сидели лицом друг к другу.
- Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! Let’s begin our lesson. Sit down, please!
- Актуализация знаний:
Cossacks loved their region. They plowed the land, built and served. They kept the traditions and customs. Today we find ourselves in the past and look at the Cossack’s house. We learn about the Cossacks’ life. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
- Самоопределение к деятельности:
Tell me please, what is the name of the Cossacks’ housing? (hut)
Today we know about the materials which Cossacks used in the building of their huts. Tell me about the topic of our lesson. (Cossacks hut)
- Работа по теме урока:
Рассказ учителя «How Cossacks built their huts».
Cossacks built their huts from natural materials: straw, reeds, twigs and clay. Why did they choose those materials? (Ответы детей).
The first Cossack huts looked like a frame, made of rods, covered with clay on both sides. The floor was adobe. The roof was made of straw and reed. Turluk is palisade, fence.
Along the perimeters of the hut Cossacks buried poles in the ground. Those poles intertwined by vines.
When the frame was ready, Cossacks called their relatives to daub the fence with clay and straw. They did it three times. Then they put the stove. Cossacks daubed the stove with clay. It was necessary to wash the hut inside and outside. The white color was a symbol of purity and cleanliness.
In summer Cossacks put the stove in the yard. It name was kabytsa. They put a light canopy above it.
Cossack hut almost did not differ from the Ukraine hut.
Do you know, from what else materials did Cossacks build their huts? (From adobe brick)
Cossacks built their huts from adobe brick. All the villagers helped to build the huts. Women and children kneaded the clay with straw by their feet. Men made bricks from the mixture of clay and straw, dried them and then they laid out the walls.
Outside the hut was washed. It was divided into two rooms: a great hut with a Russian stove in the back corner and a small hut.
- Закрепление изученного материала
Работа в группах: ответы на вопросы по раздаточным карточкам с заданиями.
«Проверь себя»:
- What is the name of Cossack’s housing?
- From what materials did Cossacks build their huts?
- What were the first huts: adobe or turluk?
- How did they build adobe huts?
- How did they build turluk huts?
- Рефлексия
- Оцените свою работу на уроке:
I have learned…………..
I have known……………
I realized that I could……………
I liked……………………
I was surprised………………
I wanted………………..
- Подведение итогов урока
What could you do?
What could not you do?
What facts were useful for you?
- Домашнее задание
Prepare a report about everyday objects of Cossacks. (Подготовить доклад о предметах казачьего быта).