Спортивные лексические викторины в 5-8 классах
тест (5, 6, 7, 8 класс) по теме

Заварзина Александра Сергеевна

викторины-задания для учащихся по теме спорт с целью расширить информационное лексическое поле 


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Предварительный просмотр:

first                    also                       оutdoor                        chess                            game                          fond of

             enjoy                healthy                         indoor                      different                         world                            frosty

People all over the world are very 1) _______  sports and games. That is one thing in which people of every nationality and class are united.

The most popular  2)  _______ winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and in the countries where the weather is  3) _______  and there is much snow-skating, skiing.

Some people greatly 4)________ figure-skating and ski-jumping.

Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the 5)  _______ place in public interest. This 6)  ______ is played in all the countries of the  7)  _____ .

The other favourite games in 8)  __________ countries are golf, tennis, cricket, volleyball, basketball and so on. Badminton is 9)   ________ very popular.

Among 10)   _________ games the most popular are billiards, table tennis, draughts and some others, but the great international game is 11)  _______ of course.

So we may say that sport is one of the things that makes all people  12) __________.













Предварительный просмотр:

1) Basketball is now the ___ most popular sport in the world.

 * Fifth              *Second               *Twelfth

2) Gymnastics began as a form of exercise in ancient _____ .  It was one of the first sports in the Olympics. Originally, only men were allowed to compete in the Olympic Games.

*France             *Spain               *Greece

3) _____   is the top level racing championship worldwide.

* World Rally Championship        * Formula One   

                          * NASCAR

4) Badminton is a sport for _____ people.

*two or four          * three or six          * three or five

5)  In Badminton players use rackets to hit a ______ over a net.

*wickets                 *shuttlecock                  * puck

6)  Ice hockey is a sport that is played by two teams on ice. They hold hockey sticks, which they use to push, shoot or pass a puck around the ice.  Six players on each team play at once, but a whole team has over 20 players. Each team has ____ , and a goalie on the ice at a time. 

*4 defenders, 3 forwards           *2 defenders, 4 forwards

                         *2 defenders, 3 forwards

7) Table tennis, also known as  _____ , is one of the most popular sports in the world, with players in many countries. It is played by two or four people on a table. To play this game, people use bats and small celluloid balls. Table tennis was invented in England in 1880.

*Shot put                    * Ping Pong                 * Fencing

8) Baseball is a sport played by two teams. Each team has nine players. In baseball, one team throws a small round ball called a ______ and the other team tries to hit it with a club called a bat.

* baseball                     *puck                    *shuttlecock 

9) Rowing is about moving a boat on water using human muscle power. It can be a sport. The goal in rowing is to move as fast as possible on top of the water. The athletes use a boat. They move the boat forward by using two _____ or one oar.

 *pucks                         *sculls                        *wickets

10) Surfing is a water sport done in the ocean or sea. The surfer uses his surfboard to catch a _______  and ride in towards the shore. Surfing was invented by the Polynesians at least 4000 years ago.

*wave                          *point                          *scull

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