Урок «Winter sports» «The passive voice»
план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему
Класс 10 b
Тема урока: «Winter sports» «The passive voice»
Цель урока: ученики смогут использовать лексику по теме «Winter sports», запрашивая и сообщая информацию,
грамматический материал по теме «The passive voice»
Ожидаемые результаты:
после проведения урока учащиеся смогут:
- знать правила образования видовременных форм глагола в страдательном залоге,
- понимать правила образования образовывая выражения, предложения,
- уметь применить полученные знания в речи
Оборудование: аудио аппаратура, портативные устройства, иллюстрации
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Предварительный просмотр:
Класс 10 b
Тема урока: «Winter sports» «The passive voice»
Цель урока: ученики смогут использовать лексику по теме «Winter sports», запрашивая и сообщая информацию,
грамматический материал по теме «The passive voice»
Ожидаемые результаты:
после проведения урока учащиеся смогут:
- знать правила образования видовременных форм глагола в страдательном залоге,
- понимать правила образования образовывая выражения, предложения,
- уметь применить полученные знания в речи
Оборудование: аудио аппаратура, портативные устройства, иллюстрации
The 1-st lesson
Организационно-мотивационный момент
T: Good morning students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right.
Let’s make our lesson interesting and useful. Before we start you will present your smile to your friend and say some words about this pupil.
S: I want to present my smile to because he(she) is ……….. friend, ……………. girl (boy), ………… pupil.
Этап целеполагания
T. O/K Now I’m sure everybody is all right. And we are ready to begin our lesson.
We have to form the theme of our lesson.
Look ay the photos and describe what’s happening.
Can you name these sports? What is it?
S: Slalom, cross-country skiing, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, ice hockey, ice skating, ski jumping, snowboarding, curling
The theme of our (first) lesson is «Winter sports».
T: The theme of our (first) lesson is «Winter sports». Today we are going to speak about some kinds of sport. They are traditionally called winter sport.
Sport play a very important part in our lives.
Актуализация знаний
1/ Tell the class. Which you think are the 2 most relaxing activities, exciting activities, frightening activities, dangerous activities, enjoyable activities.
2/ Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
- Are winter sport popular in your country? Which ones?
- Which winter sport do you like watching?
- Have you ever done any winter sports?
- Which winter sport would you like to try?
Исследовательский этап
Now we have divided into 3 groups. What adjectives can you describe such sport as
FREESTYLE SKIING ( extreme, enjoyable, exciting)
(Each group has to choose the leader, the timer, the designer)
- The task: “Complete the information”
The first group has to complete the information about “curling “
The second group has to complete the information about “ski jumping “
The third group has to complete the information about “ freestyle skiing “
You needn’t search this information, you needn’t use you internet resources.
You have the information, but not on your desks.
You information will be ………
One of your groups go to this sheet of paper, find the information you need, go back to your group, tell your students, and complete the table.
You have 10 minutes. (the timer)
You have to mark the work of your students during this task from 1 to 5 points.
Free Style is often called Ski Acrobatics.
It is a kind of mountain skiing.
Free Style includes 2 events: ski ballet and acrobatic ski jumping.
In ski ballet sportsmen descend (спускаться) a gentle slope to music and demonstrate sliding elements, turnings and jumps. Men and women take part in Free Style competitions. The first ski Sault (сальто)was made by the American athlete John Carleton in 1924. Many people compare Free Style with the circus. Free Style favorites are the sportsmen from the USA, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, China and Australia. Аcrobatic ski jumping impress the public most of all with fascinating saults (сальто) and jumps.
Curling is played on ice by two teams of four players.
The object of the game is to place your team’s stones in the circle closer to the middle than your opponents’stones.
The oldest curling stone was found in Scotland and in the 18 th century, the first curling clubs were formed there. Nowadays, the game is played in many countries.
In Canada and the USA, curling had been played since the beginning of the 19th century.
Curling has been made more popular by the recent Winter Olympics.
It was played for the first time at Nagano in 1998.
Ski jumping has been included in the Winter Olympics since the 1924
World championships for ski jumping began in 1925
Women did not compete in ski jumping a until 2009, and in 2011 women’s normal-hill ski jumping was added to the schedule for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia.
A ski jump begins with the approach, which often starts on a scaffold, or tower; the jumper skis down it in a crouched position, accumulating speed (as much as 100 km [62 miles] per hour) until he reaches the takeoff. Jumpers fly through the air at up to 100 kph and spend several seconds flying.
Once in the air, competitors can rely only on body position to maximize their jump.
Competitors make two jumps
3. Music minutes « Don’t worry, be happy»
4. Now change your tables. Check the table, using the text.
Are there any mistakes? (5 min)
Применение на практике
5. Now each group has to tell about their kind of sport.
Your home task (lexical material) be ready to present 1 kind of winter sport, as you like, as you prefer. You can write, tell to the class, make the presentation.
The 2-st lesson
Организационно-мотивационный момент
Work in pairs
Этап целеполагания
the passive voice
1. At the 1-st lesson we speak about winter sports and to describe using such sentences as
- the first ski Sault was made
- curling is played
- the game is played in many countries
- the oldest curling stone was found
- ski jumping was added
- free Style is often called Ski Acrobatics
- the first curling clubs were formed
2. the rule of using the passive voice
Страдательный залог употребляется тогда, когда лицо или предмет подвергается действию со стороны другого лица или предмета. В страдательном важно не то кто совершает действие, а само действие.
Актуализация знаний
3. Go to the blackboard and complete the table of the forming the Passive Voice
Give your examples. ( образование времен )
Исследовательский этап
- Work with the books.
- Рефлексия
At the end of our lesson I can ……
I can’t………………….
I am ( OK, So-So, bad, excellent, well,good)
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