Презентация по теме "Национальные символы Великобритании"
презентация к уроку (8 класс) на тему
В данной презентации предоставлена информация о национальных символах стран, входящих в состав Великобритании.
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It is made up of 3 crosses
The three national symbols of England are the St. George's cross the red rose and the Three Lions crest (герб).
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFENGLAND The Three Lions Crest has the three golden lions (sometimes described as leopards) on their scarlet background as a powerful symbol of the English Throne during the time of the Crusades (крестовый поход).
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFENGLAND The Rampant (стоящий на задних лапах) Lion flag
the St. Andrew's Cross
The Unicorn
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFSCOTLAND The Vikings wanted to invade (захватить) the Scotland. They tried a surprise attack at night. To this aim they took their boots off so as not to make any noise. One of the Vikings then stepped on a thistle and yelled in pain (закричал от боли), waking the Scots up. The Scots then leapt into battle and defeated the invading Vikings, once again driving them from their land. The plant which saved them became known as the Guardian Thistle, and was adopted as the symbol of Scotland.
The Leek(лук-порей)
National Dress
The Red Dragon
The Daffodil
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFWALES The leek became the Welsh emblem earlier. According to one legend, the leek is linked to St. David because he ordered his soldiers to wear them on their helmets (шлем) when they fought against the Saxons in a field full of leeks.
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFWALES The Welsh for leek is Cenhinen.The Welsh for Daffodil is Cenhinen Pedr. Over the years they became confused (перепутались) and so the Daffodil along with the Leek was adopted as another emblem of Wales.
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFWALES The Romans brought the emblem to what is now Wales during their occupation of Britain
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFWALES The popular image of Welsh "national" dress, of a woman is a red cloak and tall black hat.
The Red Hand
The Harp
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFNORTHERN IRELAND It is one of Ireland's national emblems. Legend said that the shamrock was used by St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, to illustrate the Holy Trinity (святую Троицу).
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFNORTHERN IRELAND The Red Hand is one of the only emblems in Northern Ireland Once two chieftains (вождя) were racing across a stretch of water in a boat to be the first to reach the land and claim (хлопнуть рукой) it as his own. Realising his foe (соперник) would touch the land first, one chieftain cut off his hand and threw it onto the shore (берег).
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFNORTHERN IRELAND This ancient instrument has long symbolised the island of Ireland. Being seen as a threat (угроза) to the English invaders (завоеватели), playing the harp was banned (запрещена).
NATIONAL SYMBOLS OFNORTHERN IRELAND Answer the following questions:
What is Great Britain?
Great Britain is a country and an island.
2. What is Great Britain made up of?
2. Great Britain is made up of four countries. They are England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
TEST YOURSELF Answer the following questions:
3. What is Union Jack?
3. Union Jack is a national flag of Great Britain. It is made up of three crosses. They are: the cross of St. George, representing England, the cross of St. Andrew, representing Scotland, and that of St. Patrick, representing Northern Ireland.
4. What are the national symbols of England ?
4. The three national symbols of England are the St. George's cross the red rose and the Three Lions crest.
TEST YOURSELF Answer the following questions:
5.What are the national symbols of Scotland?
5. The national symbols of Scotland are the St. Andrew's Cross, the thistle, the unicorn and the bluebell.
6.What are the national symbols of Wales?
6. The national symbols of Wales are the red dragon, the daffodil, the leek.
TEST YOURSELF Answer the following questions:
7.What are the national symbols of Northern Ireland?
7. The national symbols of Northern Ireland are the shamrock, the red hand and the harp.
8.Would you like to visit Great Britain ?
8. Yeeees, with great pleasure!!!
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