Комплекс заданий олимпиадного характера по английскому языку для учащихся 7-8 классов
олимпиадные задания (7, 8 класс) на тему

Родионова Наталья Владимировна

Данный материал вкючает в себя задания по аудированию, чтению, лексики, грамматики и страноведению.


Предварительный просмотр:

Комплекс заданий олимпиадного характера


по английскому языку

для учащихся 7-8 классов

  1. Аудирование

You will hear a conversation between a girl, Holly, and a boy, Max, about having a party.

Listen and decide if each sentence (1-7) is correct or incorrect.

If it is correct, write T (true) for YES.

If it is not correct, write F (False) for NO.

1. Max has already thought about his birthday party.

2. Holly thinks Max should invite more people this week.

3. Max wants to invite more than twenty people.

4. Max says all his friends have a lot in common.

5. Holly says Max should buy some new CDs for the party.

6. Holly and Max share the same opinion about playing a DVD.

7. In the end, Holly persuades Max to have the party on a Friday.

Ключи к аудированию

1 F  2 T  3 F  4 F  5 F  6 T  7 T

Источники - Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 2013-2014 год

школьный этап 7-8 классы



Task 1

Look at the sentences below about a trip to East Africa.

Read the text and decide if each sentence (15-24) is correct or incorrect.

If it is correct, mark T (True). If it is incorrect, mark F (False).

The Trip of a Lifetime

Take a trip to East Africa. You begin this trip by visiting the wonderful wildlife parks. As well

as travel by coach, there is also an opportunity to take a short trip in a hot-air balloon over the

parks to get a better view of the wildlife.

After visiting the wildlife parks you have the choice of either spending the rest of your holiday

(7 nights) climbing Mount Kilimanjaro – the highest mountain in Africa – or, for the not so

adventurous, sunbathing on the beautiful white sand beside the Indian Ocean. (It is also

possible to stay an extra week at the coast.)

Day One: Fly from London Heathrow to Nairobi, Kenya.

Day Two: Drive to the National Park at Lake Manyara. This park is famous for

the large variety of birds, which you can see there early in the


Day Three: Leave Manyara for the Serengeti Park, where you may see

elephants, lions and giraffes.

Day Four to Nine:

Spend these days travelling by coach around the park. All visitors

have a window seat on the coach with a clear view for photographs

of the park and animals. Although the animals are not worried by

tourists taking photos, we ask visitors to speak quietly so as not to

disturb them too much.

Accommodations in tents is normal in the parks. All have private

washing facilities. The tents have plenty of space, are very

comfortable and have a solid floor. The guides are highly experienced,

but there is always the possibility that you may be very unlucky and

not see certain animals.

Day Ten: Departure for the mountain trek or to the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean Hotel is on the beach and all rooms have airconditioning

and sea views. All water sports are available and there

are tennis courts, which you can use free of charge except during high

season, when there is small booking fee.

No special skills are needed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, but if you

choose this trip you must already be fit and healthy and ready to

accept some very basic accommodation in mountain huts.

Most tours and safaris can only operate with a minimum number of passengers. If this number is not reached, we might cancel the tour. If this happens, we will make a decision at least 8 weeks before departure and will try to arrange a different holiday. Minimum numbers can be from 2 to 15 according to the tour.

For practical reasons, children under the age of 8 (under 12 on climbing holidays) may not be accepted on certain tours.

1. You can see animals from the air on this trip.

2. You can spend a fortnight at the beach.

3. It is possible to see large numbers of birds on lake Manyara at sunset.

4. Some animals are frightened when visitors use cameras.

5. You are sure to see all the animals you want.

6. You can go windsurfing from the Indian Ocean Hotel.

7. The hotel tennis courts are closed at certain times of the year.

8. Some training is provided if you decide to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

9. The smallest number of people required on some tours is two.

10. Children can join the Mount Kilimanjaro trip from the age of ten.

11. There is an airconditioner in each room.

12. Taking photos of the park and animals is banned.

Keys: 1.T   2.T   3.F  4.F  5.F  6.T  7.F  8.F  9.T 10.F  11. T  12.F

Источники: Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 2013-2014 год школьный этап 7-8 классы

Task 2. Read the text about the pirates. Then match the paragraph titles (A–I) with the paragraphs (1–8). There is one extra title.


1 _____ When you hear the word pirate, you probably see a man with a wooden leg, a piece of black cloth over one eye, dressed in seventeenth-century clothes. On his shoulder, there is a parrot. Most likely, you can picture him standing next to a box full of treasure under a palm tree somewhere on a desert island.

2 _____ A pirate was a bandit who sailed the seas in search of ships carrying valuable things.

3 _____ Almost all of the pirates’ ships flew the famous Jolly Roger which was a black flag with a skull and two white bones on it.

4 _____ When a pirate got on a ship, he stole everything and killed the sailors.

5 _____ Then he sold the stolen goods in the nearest port and spent all the money on various forms of entertainment, usually on drinking beer and rum.

6 _____ However, the pirates were very disciplined. There was order and discipline on their ships because they wanted their actions to be successful. Some pirates did not obey the rules and they were punished in a cruel way.

7 _____ Pirates did not spend all the money they stole. Often, they buried the treasure in some distant place so that it was very difficult to find for many years. Many treasure boxes were never found.

8 _____ Watch out! Maybe the next time you walk along the beach you will step on something big and heavy?










Keys  1 E; 2 B; 3 H; 4 A; 5 D; 6 C; 7 I; 8 G

Источники:Разработки заданий для школьного тура олимпиады по английскому языку 7-8 классов -

Task 3. Fill in the gaps.

Libraries in England

  1.  at a time
  2.  for another fortnight
  3.  from which
  4.  can be kept for
  5.  if there
  6.  one of the most
  7.  any kind of

There are public libraries, 1 .___ we may all borrow books, and private libraries, from which only some people may borrow books.  There is a public library in every town in Great Britain. There are branch libraries in most villages. In most towns there are special libraries for children. 2._____ famous libraries in England is the library of the British Museum in London. Anyone may become a member of a library, and it costs nothing to borrow books. Libraries lend 3.____books. Three books may be borrowed 4.___, but only two may be novels. 5.___are four persons in the family, they can between them take home twelve books. These books 6._____a fortnight. If at the end of the fortnight you have not finished reading a book, you may renew it 7. _____. If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be kept for you.


Keys – 1C  2F  3G  4A   5E   6D   7B

  1. Лексика        

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.


I was really (1)…………………. about my first to a fashion show. I had always

Loved fashion but had only ever seen models in (2)……………………… on

TV. Finally, I was going to see a real show! I got out my most (3) ……………

clothes. I wanted to look as (4) …………………….. as the models. I don’t know if I was completely (5) ……………, but I never had much money to spend on clothes and I felt (6) ……………………. , which is the main thing. When we got there, it was fantastic! There were so many (7) ……….. women! The show started and imagine my surprise when, completely (8) ……………….. , the first model was wearing clothes just like I was! Everyone saw the (9) ……………………. and a couple of people asked me who my (10) ……………..was! Amazing!











 Источники: Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles.

Ключи: 1.Enthusiastic 2. Advertisements / ads / adverts 3. Fashionable 4. Stylish 5. Successful 6. Attractive 7. Beautiful 8. Unexpectedly 9. Similarity 10. Stylish


Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Present Perfect.

I (0) ____met______ (meet) Carmela two years ago when I (1) _____________ (be) in Madrid on a business trip. I (2) _____________ (sit) in a café with some business partners when a beautiful young waitress (3) _____________ (come up) to us to take the order. I (4)_____________ (speak) to her in my broken Spanish and we (5) _____________ (fall) in love with each other at first sight. The next day we (6) ___________ (have) our first date. This year she (7) _____________ (visit) me in Poland twice.

Keys-  1 was; 2 was sitting; 3 came up; 4 spoke; 5 fell; 6 had; 7 has visited


5. Страноведение

1.What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?  

2.Every year at 11 o’clock in the morning on the 11th day of the 11th month, the UK falls silent to remember the dead of the two world wars and other conflicts. This day is called …

3.When do British celebrate Boxing Day? (write the date and the month)



4.Who lived at 221b Baker St.?

5.What is the emergency number in Britain? 


6. A religious song sung at Christmas time.

7. The Friday before Easter


8.What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son оf the British Queen, have?

9.What does the word "Albion", the poetic паmе оf Great Britain, mеаn?


 10. He invented the telephone.


11.Whose monument stands in the centre оf Trafalgar Square?


12.What is real English football called?

13.What is another nаmе for the Houses оf Parliament? 

14.What is the oldest university оf Great Britain?


15.What park оf London is the Speaker's Corner situated in?


16.What is nickname оf the flag оf the UK?


17.What is the name  оf the London's residence оf Queen Elizabeth II?


18.What is the official residence оf the Prime Minister оf the UK?

19.What is паmе оf the town where William Shakespeare was born?




20.What part оf Britain is саllеd "Land оf song"?



1.Ben Nevis 2. Remembrance Day 3. 26th of December 4. Sherlock Holmes 5. 999  6.carol  7. Good Friday 8. Prince of Wales  9. White  10. Bell 11. Admiral Nelson 12. Soccer 13. Palace of Westminster 14. Oxford 15. Hyde Park 16. Union Jack 17. Buckingham Palace 18. Downing Street 19. Stratford-on-Avon 20. Wales

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