Презентация" Environmental problems"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Крючкова Екатерина Анатольевна

презентация" Проблемы окружающей среды"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Is the Earth in danger? Who is guilty and what to do?

Слайд 2

wood or dump? Before intervention of people… After…

Слайд 3

Environmental problems

Слайд 4

Water pollution

Слайд 5

Air pollution

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

Translate the sentences Мы должны поддерживать нашу природу в чистоте Мы не должны бросать мусор Людям не нужно вырубать леса Мы можем спасти нашу планету 1. We should keep our planet clean 2.We mustn't drop rubbish 3. People mustn't cut down forests 4. We can save our planet

Слайд 8

Find the synonyms We shoul keep our planet We musn’t drop People musn’t cut down t o damage Clean Rubbish forest t o hurt

Слайд 9

The aims of the lesson: To speak about ecology; To develop skills of monologue; To read the text “ Our Environment;” To make up sentences about ecology.

Слайд 10

1 We would save animals 2. The rivers would be full of fish 3. We wouldn't live among litter and waste 4. We wouldn’t have ecological problem a)If we were clever and careful b) If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes c) If we didn’t drop litter d) ) If we took care of our planet Finish the sentances

Слайд 11

Answer the questions 1/What environmental problem are exists in the modern world? 2/How do people pollute environment? 3/Describe any environmental problem and say why it is so dangerous. 3/Is it possible to reduce pollution? How? What are the ways?

Слайд 12

finish the sentences Every year a person throws away about 70 …. …, 34 cans of … … and about 70 … cans f ood cans p et food d rink

Слайд 13

finish the sentences 2 ) Every year in Britain each person produces about 57 kilos of ……. p lastic waste

Слайд 14

finish the sentences 3) Paper, glass, metal and plastic can cause …. p ollution 4) Making ….. causes pollution . plastic

Слайд 15

finish the sentences 5) We can also burn or …. a lot of rubbish . r ecycle 6) . ……. of all this plastic is an expensive problem . D isposing

Слайд 16

finish the sentences Rubbish can kill or hurt farm …. animals

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