презентация к уроку (7 класс) на тему

Данная презентация предназначена для учеников 7 класса. В презентации содержатся вопросы лингво-страноведческого характера об англо-говорящих странах (США, Великобритания,Австралия,Новая Зеландия, Канада). Данный тест может быть использован в качестве " Своей игры" на уроках, мероприятиях, викторинах.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

QUIZ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The United States of America, New Zealand, Australia, Canada.

Слайд 2

Round 1 Great Britain. Geography Sights Famous people General information 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300

Слайд 3

Geography. 1. What great monument can we see on Salisbury Plain? Answer

Слайд 4

Right answer: Stonehenge.

Слайд 5

Geography. 2. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent? Answer

Слайд 6

Right answer: 2. The English Channel.

Слайд 7

Geography. 3. What is the longest river in Great Britain? Answer

Слайд 8

Right answer: 3.The Severn.

Слайд 9

Sights. What is Big Ben? Answer

Слайд 10

Right answer: 1. The biggest bell in the clock tower at the Houses of Parliament.

Слайд 11

S ights. 2. The official residence of the Queen in London is… Answer

Слайд 12

Right answer: 2. Buckingham Palace.

Слайд 13

Sights. 3.What is the most famous tennis court in Great Britain? Answer

Слайд 14

Right answer: 3. Wimbledon.

Слайд 15

Famous People. 1 .Who presided over the Knight`s Round Table? Answer

Слайд 16

Right answer: 1. King Arthur.

Слайд 17

Famous People. 2. The most famous and successful pop-group in 1960s in Britain was … Answer

Слайд 18

Right answer: 2. The Beatles.

Слайд 19

Famous People. 3. The author of the Law of Universal gravitation. Answer

Слайд 20

Right answer: 3. Isaak Newton.

Слайд 21

General Information. 1. Name the parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Answer

Слайд 22

Right answer: 1. England. Scotland. Wales. Northern Ireland.

Слайд 23

General Information. 2. What is the nickname of British Flag? Answer

Слайд 24

Right answer: 2. Union Jack.

Слайд 25

General Information. 3. Where does the Prime Minister of Great Britain live ? Answer

Слайд 26

Right answer: 3. 10, Downing street.

Слайд 27

Round 2 The United States of America. Geography Sights Famous People General Information 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300

Слайд 28

Geography 1. What river does New York stand on? Answer

Слайд 29

Right answer: 1. The Hudson .

Слайд 30

Geography What is the longest river in the United States ? Answer

Слайд 31

Right answer 2. The Mississippi ( with its tributary Missouri) .

Слайд 32

Geography. 3. Which two states are not connected to the other states? Answer

Слайд 33

Right answer 3. Alaska and Hawaii.

Слайд 34

Sights 1. Whose gift the Statue of Liberty is? Answer

Слайд 35

Right answer 1. France.

Слайд 36

Sights. 2. The Home-town of Hollywood is… Answer

Слайд 37

Right answer: 2. Los Angeles.

Слайд 38

Sights. 3. The mount Rushmore National memorial is a sculpture of the heads of four presidents. Name them. Answer

Слайд 39

Right answer: 3. George Washington , Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson.

Слайд 40

Famous People 1. Who was the first president of the USA? Answer

Слайд 41

Right answer: 1. George W ashington .

Слайд 42

Famous People. 2. Who was the head of Apple corporation from 2001 to 2011 ? Answer

Слайд 43

Right answer. 2. Steve Jobs.

Слайд 44

Famous People. 3. Who is called “The King of Rock and Roll?” Answer

Слайд 45

Right answer: 3. Elvis Presley .

Слайд 46

General Information. 1. What is the nickname of American flag? A nswer

Слайд 47

Right answer: 1. Stars and Stripes.

Слайд 48

General Information. 2. What is the largest state of the USA? Answer

Слайд 49

Right answer: 2. Alaska.

Слайд 50

General Information. 3. Until 1800 New York was called… Answer

Слайд 51

Right answer. 3. New Amsterdam.

Слайд 52

Round 3 Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Canada Australia New Zealand 100 100 100 200 200 200 300 300 300

Слайд 53

Canada. 1. What is the capital of Canada? Answer

Слайд 54

Right answer. 1. Ottawa .

Слайд 55

Canada. 2. Which tree is a symbol of Canada ? Answer

Слайд 56

Right answer: 2. Maple.

Слайд 57

Canada. 3. Who is the official head of Canada? Answer

Слайд 58

Right answer: 3. Queen Elizabeth II.

Слайд 59

Australia. 1. What is the capital of Australia ? Answer

Слайд 60

Right answer: 1. Canberra.

Слайд 61

Australia. 2. Which is the largest city by population in Australia ? Answer

Слайд 62

Right answer: 2. Sydney.

Слайд 63

Australia. 3 . One of the Australia’s 6 states is separated from the others ? Which one ? Answer

Слайд 64

Right answer: 3 . Tasmania.

Слайд 65

New Zealand. 1. What is the capital of New Zealand ? Answer

Слайд 66

Right answer: 1. Wellington.

Слайд 67

New Zealand. 2. Which bird symbolizes New Zealand ? Answer

Слайд 68

Right answer: Kiwi bird.

Слайд 69

New Zealand. 3. How the native people of New Zealand is called? Answer

Слайд 70

Right answer: 3. The Maoris.

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