Лексико-грамматический тест по теме "Глагол с ing и условные предложения 3 типа"
тест (10 класс) на тему

Гринёва Екатерина Николаевна

Лексико-грамматический тест на материале 2 четверти 10 класса по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:


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  1. "What book is worth (read) ____?" asked the woman.
  2. The customer thanked Mr. Sellyer for (give) ____ good advice and bought the book.
  3. Standing in a corner, I had a chance (notice)___ something of an up-to-date manager's methods.
  4. If I had bought that book I (have)____ a good present for my cousin because she has liked (read) since she was a child.
  5. I asked my new friend if he really enjoyed (read)____ the book.
  6. "Why?" he said. "I ____( not read) it".
  7. I wanted (buy)____ the book and ( present)____ to my wife.
  8. If one day we (go) ____ to the museum we would not have gone to a bookshop and (not buy)____ that interesting book.
  9. The shop assistant was good at (sell)____the book  as a love story to some customers.
  10. Finally I had an idea (give) the book to my friend who was fond of (read).

Подберите однокоренное слово

  1. The students find exams a very (stress) procedure.
  2. He is always (optimist) and never (nerve).
  3. Our (relate) with my sister are not (idea).
  4. She is a good (educate) person.
  5. We get on (good) with my (relate).
  6. My friend invited (I) to (he) birthday party.
  7. We can (hard) find the answer on this question.
  8. We have never taken part in any (compete).
  9. It was (believable).
  10. It is (possible) to live without any (argue).


Поставить глаголы в нужную грамматическую форму

1."What film is worth (see) ____?" asked the woman.

        2. The customer thanked Mr. Sellyer for (give) ____ good advice and bought the book.

3. Standing in a corner, I had a chance (notice)___ something of an up-to-date manager's methods.

4. If I had not been late for train I (be)____ in time and (not disappoint)____ my teacher.

5. I asked my new friend if he really enjoyed (visit)____ the exposition.

6."Why?" he said. "If I (do) it I would have made a big mistake".

7. I wanted (buy)____ the book and ( present)____ to my wife.

8. If one day we (go) ____ to the museum we would not have gone to a bookshop and (not buy)____ that interesting book.

9.The student was good at (write)____love stories.

10.I had an idea (give) the book to my friend who was fond of (read).

Подберите однокоренное слово

1.He is always (optimist) and never (nerve).

2.The rows are sometimes (avoidable).

              3.She is a (profession) (dance).

              4.She is a good (educate) person.

5.We do not (argument) with my (relate).

6.My friend invited (I) to (he) birthday party.

               7.Our trip was (enjoy) and (festinate).

              8. What is the most (remark) day for you?

9.We have never taken part in any (compete).

10.It was (believable).


Поставить глаголы в нужную грамматическую форму

1."What museum is worth (visit) ____?" asked the woman.

        2. The customer thanked Mr. Sellyer for (give) ____ good advice and bought the book.

3. Standing in a corner, I could (notice)___ something of an up-to-date manager's methods.

4. If I had got up early  I (not miss) my bus.

5. I asked my new friend if he really enjoyed (visit)____ the exposition.

6."Why?" he said. "If I (do) it I would have made a big mistake".

7. I wanted (be)____ a doctor and ( treat)____ people.

8. If one day we (go) ____ to the museum we would not have gone to a bookshop and (not buy)____ that interesting book.

9.The student was good at (swim)____   .

10.I had an idea (give) the book to my friend who was fond of (read).

Подберите однокоренное слово

1.The rows are sometimes (avoidable).

2.He was very good at (avoid) conflicts.

              3.He is a (profession) (drive).

              4. My husband hates (clean) and (wash) up.

5.We with my (relate).

6. She is a good (educate) person.

               7.Our trip was (forgettable) and (festinate).

              8. What is the most (remark) day for you?

9.It was a (stress) and (puzzle) situation .

10.It was (believable).


Поставить глаголы в нужную грамматическую форму

1.It is no use (visit) a doctor because it is not an (ill) .

        2. The customer asked an assistant (show) (he) different books.

3. If you (be) more attentive you could have seen the mistake.

4. If I had got up early  I (not miss) my bus.

5. If my mother had made (I) learn a foreign language I (find) a better job .

6."Why?" he said. "If I (do) it I would have made a big mistake".

7. I wish my parents (live) forever.

8. If one day we (go) ____ to the museum we would not have gone to a bookshop and (not buy)____ that interesting book.

9. My father was good at (play)____ football   in his (child).

10.He got used to (jog) every morning .

Подберите однокоренное слово

1.The rows are so (annoy) and (tired).

2.He was very good at (avoid) conflicts.

              3.He is a (profession) (music).

              4. My husband hates (clean) and (wash) up.

5.We with my (relate).

6. She made a good (suggest) yesterday to go to (she) friends.

               7.Our trip was (forgettable) and (charm).

              8. The girl looks (attract) and (usual).

9.It was a (stress) and (puzzle) situation .

10.There are a lot of (employed) in (we) country.

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