Тестовые задания по английскому языку
тест (7 класс) на тему

Сальникова Ирина Александровна

Тестовые задания по английскому языку (грамматика и страноведение)


Предварительный просмотр:

        Geographical test

  1. The national symbol of England is:
  1. shamrock
  2. red rose
  3. thistle
  4. white cat
  1. The national symbol of Canada is:
  1. thistle
  2. a leek of daffodil
  3. maple leaf
  4. red rose
  1. The capital of Scotland is:
  1. London
  2. Cardiff
  3. Belfast
  4. Edinburgh

4.”Typically American” sport is:

a) Baseball

b) Rugby

c) Cricket

d) Swimming

5. The capital of Australia is:

a) Sidney

b) Adelaide

c) Canberra

d) Perth

6. Australia is lying between:

a) Pacific and Arctic Oceans

b) Indian and Pacific Oceans

c) Atlantic and Indian Oceans

d) Atlantic and Arctic Oceans

7. British Newspaper is:

a) The Guardian

b) The Chicago Tribune

c) MK

d) The Boston Globe

8. The real name of Mark Twain is:

a) Isaac Asimov

b) Stephen Leacock

c) Samuel Clemens

9. How many stripes are on the flag of the USA?

a) 12 stripes

b) 13 stripes

c) 14 stripes

d) 50 stripes

10. How many stars are on the flag of the USA?

a) 60 stars

b) 13 stars

c) 40 stars

d) 50 stars

11. Who was one of the greatest American presidents and his picture can be seen on five-dollar bill?

a) Abraham Lincoln

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

d) George Washington

12. The USA celebrates Independence Day on:

a) the first Monday of June

b) the fourth Thursday in November

c) the 4 July

d) the 5 August

13. The Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on:

a) the 11 of November

b) the 14 of November

c) the 1 of September

d) the fourth Thursday in November

14. National languages of Canada are:

a) German and French

b) English and Spanish

c) English and French

d) English and German

15. The capital of Canada is:

a) Ottawa

b) Toronto

c) Barcelona

d) Hamburg

16. The UK is governed by:

a) The Parliament

b) The Queen

c) the group of Ministers

d) Political Party

17. The UK is:

a) a monarchy

b) a republic

c) a constitutional monarchy

d) a dualistic monarchy

18. Australia’s most favorite animal is:

a) the penguin

b) the koala

c) the kangaroo

d) the monkey

19. The longest river in Great Britain is:

a) the Severn

b) the Avon

c) the Neglinka

d) the Themes

20. Surnames begin with Mac (MacDonald) are from:

a) England

b) the USA

c) Ireland

d) Scotland

21. The word Canada comes from the word”Kannata” which means:

a) a land of elephants

b) a number of huts

c) a land of sunshine

d)”push me”


  1.          b
  2.          c
  3.         d
  4.         a
  5.         c
  6.         b
  7.         a
  8.         d
  9.          b
  10. d
  11. a
  12. c
  13. d
  14. c
  15. a
  16. c
  17. c
  18. b
  19. d
  20. d
  21. b

Предварительный просмотр:

   Стартовый тест для определения уже имеющейся языковой компетенции

  1. Выберите необходимый артикль:
  1. Russian people like… tea.
  1. a
  2. the
  3. ---
  4. an
  1. … sun is shining brightly.
  1. a
  2. the
  3. ---
  4. an
  1. My brother is at … home.
  1. the
  2. a
  3. ---
  4. an
  1. Where is … book?
  1. the
  2. a
  3. ---
  4. an
  1. She bought a cake. … cake was tasty.
  1. the
  2. a
  3. ---
  4. an

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола to be:
  1. He … at the theater yesterday.
  1. is
  2. was
  3. will be
  4. were
  1. There … a lot of flowers in the vase.
  1. was
  2. are
  3. is
  4. am
  1. My friend … in Moscow now.
  1. are
  2. will be
  3. is
  4. was
  1. They … at the theater now.
  1. am
  2. is
  3. are
  4. was
  1. … you a doctor?
  1. is
  2. are
  3. were
  4. am
  1. I … a doctor when I grow up.
  1. am
  2. will be
  3. was
  4. were

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
  1. We … five days a week.
  1. work
  2. works
  3. are working
  4. worked
  1. I wanted to ask Tom for help, but saw that he … at that moment.
  1. slept
  2. is sleeping
  3. was sleeping
  4. sleeps
  1. Look! Somebody … the door.
  1. knocks
  2. is knocking
  3. knock
  4. will knock
  1. I … some flowers in the garden last Sunday.
  1. plant
  2. planted
  3. will plant
  4. plants
  1. You will enjoy this story when he … .
  1. tell
  2. will tell
  3. tells
  4. told
  1. If the weather  … , we will go for a walk.
  1. is fine
  2. was fine
  3. will be fine
  4. were fine
  1. The sun … in the East.
  1. rise
  2. will rise
  3. rises
  4. is rising

  1. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:
  1. He … speak three foreign languages.
  1. can
  2. may
  3. must
  4.  has
  1.  She … be in his room.
  1. must
  2. is
  3. has
  4. can
  1. Must I come tomorrow? – No, you …
  1. needn’t
  2. can’t
  3. mustn’t
  4. shouldn’t
  1. The meeting … to begin at five o’clock. Don’t be late.
  1. is
  2. must
  3. has
  4. ought
  1. Shall I write a letter to him? – No, you … not, it is not necessary.
  1. can
  2. need
  3. must
  4. may
  1. You … see this film. It is very interesting.
  1. have to
  2. need
  3. should
  4. must

  1. Выберите правильный предлог:
  1. I was looking … the gloves everywhere but couldn’t find them.
  1. at
  2. for
  3. after
  4. of
  1. It depends … you only.
  1. to
  2. on
  3. of
  4. in
  1. I’m waiting … you, Kate.
  1. for
  2. to
  3. ---
  4. by
  1. Listen … the song. It’s really beautiful.
  1. for
  2. to
  3. at
  4. ---
  1. Don’t be afraid … this dog.
  1. with
  2. of
  3. at
  4. ---
  1. When I entered the room, everybody looked … me with surprises.
  1. ---
  2. on
  3. at
  4. for
  1. When my friend comes home late, his mother is always angry … him.
  1. on
  2. with
  3. at
  4. for

  1. Вставьте вопросительное слово, подходящее по смыслу:
  1. … did you play football with yesterday?
  1. where
  2. when
  3. who
  4. whom
  1. They wondered … to do next.
  1. which
  2. what
  3. who
  4. when
  1. … do you usually have breakfast?
  1. who
  2. what
  3. when
  4. where

  1. Вставьте вопросительное слово, подходящее по смыслу:

(Present Perfect Tense)

    35.He … his book yet.        

   a) didn’t  finish

   b) hasn’t finished

   c) have not  finished

   d) shall have finished

 36. … you ever … to London?

  a) have… been

  b) were… been

  c) has …been

  d) shall… have been

37. She … already … her coffee.

  a) has …drunk

  b) has …drank

  c) have… drank

  d) shall… have drunk

38. When … Tom … America?

  a) did … leave

  b) has … left

  c) had … left

  d) have … left

  1. Выберите правильный ответ для употребления активном или пассивном залоге (Passive Voice\Active Voice):

39. Mary … caught the ball.

a) ---

b) was

c) is

d) am

40. The dinner … cooked.

a) is

b) ---

c) has

d) are

41. This bone … given to my dog tomorrow.

a) was

b) is

c) will be

d) are

42. The window … by Tom.

a) was broken

b) broke

c) broken

d) are broken

43. Margaret … the poem by heart.

a) learned

b) will be learned

c) was learned

d) were learned

  1. Выберите правильный ответ для употребления в сослагательном наклонении (Conditional Mood):

44. If I … you, I would go there.

a) was

b) were

c) am

d) are

45. I would be very glad if you … to my place.

a) came

b) come

c) had come

d) comes

46. If he … me I would tell him a secret.

a) call

b) called

c) will call

d) calls

47. If he did not live in St. Petersburg, we … meet so often.

a) won’t

b) wouldn’t

c) didn’t

d) don’t

48. If I heard about it yesterday, I … pleased.

a) would have been

b) was

c) would

d) were

49. If I … a ticket yesterday, I would have gone to the theater with you.

a) had

b) had had

c) have had

d) have

50. If you … buy coffee we will drink tea.

a) didn’t

b) won’t

c) don’t

d) hasn’t

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