How well do you know Britian?
тест (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Country studies test
1. There are … regions in England.
A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7
2. Such historical cities as Windsor, Dover and Brighton are situated in….
A the Southwest B the Midlands C East Anglia D the Southeast
3. The famous Stonehenge can be seen in ….
A the Southwest B the Southeast C the North of England D East Anglia
4. The Lake District is connected with the names of ….
A “The Beatles” B Lord Protector C the Roman ruler Hadrian D the poets lived there and wrote about it
5. Sheffield is famous for its … industry.
A coal B shipbuilding C steel D food
6. Heathrow airport is situated … of central London.
A 53 km west B 23 km east C 33 km east D 33 km west
7. The official residence of Queen Elizabeth II is ….
A Westminster abbey B Buckingham palace C the Tower of London D the Houses of Parliament
8. There are … Royal parks in and around London which are owned by the Crown.
A 10 B 8 C 9 D 5
9. The home of London Zoo is in ….
A Hyde Park B St. James’s Park C Regent’s Park D School Park
10. There are … rooms in Buckingham Palace.
A 600 B 660 C 369 D 300
11. The Spanish Armada was defeated during … reign.
A Henry YIII B Elizabeth I C Elizabeth II D Queen Victoria
12. Queen Victoria came to the throne in ….
A 1817 B 1827 C 1837 D 1857
13. Prince Albert was a husband of…
A Princess Diana B Queen Elizabeth I C Queen Elizabeth II D Queen Victoria
14. Large concert hall where the best musicians of the world perform classical music is ….
A the Royal Albert Hall B The Royal Opera House C Barbican Centre D Queen’s Hall
15. Queen Elizabeth II has … official residences in Britain.
A 3 B 5 C 10 D15
16. The youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II is ….
A Princess Anne B Prince Charles C Prince Edward D Prince Andrew
17. All British monarchs are crowned in …
A St. Paul’s Cathedral B Westminster Abbey C the Tower of London D Buckingham Palace
18. Prince Andrew is….
A the Duke of Edinburgh B Prince of Wales C the Duke of York D the Prince Royal
19. The husband of Queen Elizabeth II is ….
A Prince Philip B Prince William C Prince Henry D Prince Edward
20. Queen Elizabeth II is a great-great-granddaughter of….
A Queen Elizabeth I B King Henry YIII C the Queen Mother D Queen Victori
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