Тест по теме "Complex Object"
тест по английскому языку по теме
Опубликовано 16.08.2014 - 12:44 - Богданова Татьяна Николаевна
Предварительный просмотр:
- Translate into Russian. Underline Complex object.
- We expect this book to be printed in May.
- She didn’t let him walk a dog.
- Mike doesn’t want Helen to explain anything.
- We didn’t expect him to have sold the house.
- I watched him ride a bike yesterday.
- Did you hear her play the guitar?
- Finally she made us tell the truth.
- I’d like this letter to be delivered on Monday.
- He saw his dog being attacked by another dog.
- I heard the baby cry in the bedroom
- She made him promise not to sell his car.
- Why do you want him to leave.
- where do you expect them to live?
- Did you hear him being laughed at?
- She wants her granny to be looked after.
- I watched him being listened to.
- We expected Ann to be arrived.
- Open the brackets using Complex Object. Translate.
- I want (he) to be my friend.
- They would like (we) to learn English.
- We expect (they) to arrive at 6 p.m.
- She doesn’t want (her daughter) to live in France.
- I would like (you) to offer them our help.
- she heard (he) open the door.
- Tom expects (I) to write letters every week.
- Use the infinitive with to or without to. Translate.
- We expect him … sign the contract on Monday.
- He wants the doctor …be sent for.
- Mr Garret would like the house … be renovated in summer.
- I don’t hear her …sing at the moment.
- When do you want me…call?
- We wouldn’t like Liz … know the truth.
- Why don’t you want them … come to the party?
- I want my name … be included in the list.
- When do you want this work … be completed?
- She made him … promise to stay with them.
- They expected the letter … have been received.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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