сценарий праздника "день св. Валентина"
методическая разработка по теме
Сценарий классической версии про св.Валентина. В празднике принимают участие 5-10 классы.
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St. Valentine’s Day
В этой постановке с классическим сюжетом принимали учащиеся 5-10 класса. Сцена украшена в средневековом стиле: повсюду висят изображения домов, тихо звучит средневековая музыка.
Действующие лица:
The warrior
The bride
Two guards
St. Valentine
The prisoner’s daughter
6 angels
4 girls
4 девушки в средневековой одежде медленно выходят на сцену со свечами в руках и поют песню Twarrel ‘children of the sun”.
1st girl:
Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
You are like a tossing sea
And I am like your shores.
2nd girl:
You are like an endless wave
And I your waiting sand.
And I will wait forever as
You come and smooth my hand.
3rd girl:
I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.
4th girl:
Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
I love you with a love that yearns
To be your golden shores.
1st girl:
Today is St. Valentine’s Day. People sends valentine’s on this day, tell each other about their love.
2nd girl: the air of romance & love is in the air.
3rd: But who was St. Valentine? What did he do for people?
4th: We would like to tell you this sad story.
Девушки уходят, на сцене стоит Валентин и венчает пару под музыку Ave Maria. К нему подходят воин со своей невестой.
The warrior: oh, Valentine! We’ve heard a lot about you. Only you can help us.
The bride: My parents want me to marry one man. But I don’t love him!
The warrior: our king forbids us to marry. Nobody wants to wed us. And I love her so much!
Исполняет песню группы Muse “Unintended”
The bride: We can’t live without each other!
St. Valentine: Love is blessing if your feelings are pure. I’ll connect your hearts & will wed you secretly. But remember that you should love not only each other, but your relatives, friends & the whole world as well.
В этот момент к нему подходит стражник и грубо хватает за плечо. Пара убегает.
1st guard: shut up!
2nd guard: the king’s patience is not endless. You’ve broken the law again. You’ve married the couple secretly.
1st guard: warriors have no rights to marry. You will be imprisoned!
St. Valentine: but I’m neither a thief nor a killer. I only helped people.
2nd guard: You’ve helped enough. Go to the prison.
Валентин в тюрьме. К нему подходит девушка с повязкой на глазах. В руках у неё кувшин и хлеб.
The prisoner’s daughter: here is bread & water for you.
St. Valentine: thank you so much. But who are you?
The prisoner’s daughter: I’m the prisoner’s daughter.
St. Valentine: what’s wrong with you? What is this bandage for?
The prisoner’s daughter: I’m blind. I’ve never seen the sun.
St. Valentine: poor you!
The prisoner’s daughter: not think about me, think about yourself. Today is the 14th of February & you will be executed.
St. Valentine: it’s very sad of course, but I can’t help thinking about eyes. Come up to me closer.
St. Valentine puts his hands on her eyes.
Let the darkness leave these eyes
And you will see the beauty of the skies!
The prisoner’s daughter: I can see! How did you do it? Nobody could help me.
St. Valentine: I just love life, people & this world. I wanted to help you. If you believe & love you will see the miracle.
The prisoner’s daughter: make yourself free then.
St. Valentine: Unfortunately sometimes the evil wins. But I hope people will remember me.
The prisoner’s daughter: oh yes! What can I do for you?
Исполняет песню Барбары Стрейзанд “Memory”. Под эту песню пара танцует танец.
St. Valentine: bring these letters to my relatives. And this letter is for you.
Появляется стражник.
1st guard: Hey, you, quicker!
2nd guard: executor is waiting for you.
The prisoner’s daughter: let him be free!
St. Valentine: don’t forget about my letters.
The prisoner’s daughter: thus St. Valentine died. What did he write? Be happy. Thank you!
На сцене под красивую музыку появляются ангелы и все действующие лица.
Angel1: St. Valentine sent short messages to all his relatives & friends.
Angel2: He wrote about his love.
Angel3: People started to send love letters on the 14th of February.
Angel4: these letters are called valentines.
Angel5: Valentine became saint.
Angel6: And he helps people who are in love. You can love many things & many people
1st girl: for example you moms & teachers
2nd girl: and your sister & your classmate
3rd girl: and dad & brother
4th girl: and granddad & grandmother
The warrior : and just a stranger.
The bride: and bright sun & blue sky
St. Valentine: you should all world & the world will love you!
Все исполняют финальную песню Bonnie Tyler “Total eclipse of the heart”
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