Конспект урока по теме "Этикет. Манеры поведения"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок на тему "Этикет. Манеры поведения" нетрадиционный, который проходит по типу «ролевой игры». Я считаю, что такого рода мероприятие способствует достижению нескольких целей - это и формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка и развитие творческих способностей, кругозора, толерантности. Современные правила поведения за столом основываются, в большей степени, на требованиях целесообразности, на взаимном внимании сотрапезников и на требованиях эстетики. Расхождения в правилах поведения за столом в разных странах зависит от народных обычаев, вкусов, от национальной кухни. Можно провести данное мероприятие в течение недели иностранного языка в вашей школе или в качестве классного часа.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
муниципального образования город Нягань
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №14»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме: «Этикет. Манеры поведения»
Учитель английского языка I
квалификационной категории Фазылгаянова Г.
г. Нягань 2013г.
Eating habits.
Образовательные: - обобщить знания лексики по теме «Еда» и научить использовать её в речи; извлекать нужную информацию из прочитанного;
Развивающие: - развивать речевую культуру учащихся,культуру общения; развивать творческие способности у учащихся в нестандартных ситуациях;
Воспитательные: - формировать положительную мотивацию в учении, знать культурные традиции еды в стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: -картины, карточки, посуда, песня, ТСО, слайд-программа.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Т: -Good morning, children! Sit down! Let’s start our lesson with the poem:
I like a nice cup of tea at 6,
For to start the day, you see,
And at half past 7,
Well, my idea of heaven
Is a nice cup of tea.
I like a nice cup of tea with milk,
And a nice cup of tea with cake,
And when it's cold,
There's a lot to be said
For a nice cup of tea.
- Who are great tea drinkers? Of course, tea is a traditional English drink. But today we'll speak not only English tea. Look at the screen and I think you can guess the theme of the lesson. There are many beautiful pictures and they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious. What is the theme of the lesson?
P: - Meals, food, table manners.
T: - Yes, you are right. Many years ago our ancestors said: «Live not to eat but to live». Of course, they were right. We can't live without food. At our lesson today we'll speak about English meal and table manners. And we'll practice in reading, we'll read interesting texts, we'll talk about your tastes for food, we'll puzzle our brains, we'll be engaged in creative work.
2. Закрепление лексики.
Teacher: - But to do this work we must know the words on the theme “Food” very well. Let's check the words. Look at your sheets of paper №1. There are food products here. Your task is: to divide them into 5 categories.
l.Divide the words into5categories:
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- drinks;
- junk food;
- sweets
-an apple, a banana, ice-cream, broccoli, a carrot, coffee, chips, lettuce, olives, an onion, chocolate, an orange, orange juice, a peach, milk, a pear, tea, tomatoes, cake, peppers, cucumbers.
2. Game «Find the odd words».
- Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb.
- Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce.
- Lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice.
- Apple, pear, plum, banana, ice-cream.
- Butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil.
3.Scientific facts.
Modern technology not only brings us new foods, it also brings all kinds of information about food. And they appear in the media. What is the information about?
- prevents heart disease.
- is good for your skin.
- is good for your nerves.
- strengthens your bones.
- is good for your muscles.
- ….are good for your eyesight.
4. Your tastes for food.
Teacher: - Well done! You know the words very well. I think you can answer my questions.
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
-What do the English eat for breakfast?
- What is the typical dish in Russia?
-What is traditional English drink?
- What is your favorite dish?
-Do you go to cafes and restaurants?
II. Основная часть.
l. Text “Fast Food Fashion”.
T: -Let's speak about restaurants. As you know, they are so traditional for America and Britain. Please, read the text. Pay attention to the words. Are the Fast Food Fashion restaurants popular nowadays?
Учащиеся читают текст про себя.
Т: - Now, please, what is true and what is false.
- The first Fast Food Fashion restaurants were in America.
- Young people like Fast Food restaurants.
- Customers can eat quickly in Fast Food restaurants.
- Fast Food restaurants are open till 8 p.m.
- Fast Food restaurants are expensive.
- Children don't like the atmosphere in Fast Food restaurants .
- The hamburgers are sometimes too small.
- There are a lot of tables.
Teacher: - Well, thank you. Are there such Fast Food restaurants in our country?
P: - Yes, they are in Moscow.
T: - Right. Look at the blackboard, there are the names of some well- known Fast Food restaurants in the USA and Great Britain. (McDonald's,Pizza hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips).
T: - Which one is the most popular?
P: - McDonald's.
Т: - Who has been in McDonald's?
P: - Hot dog!
T: - After the hamburgers, the hot dogs is the great American invention. As you may know, a hot dog is a sausage in a bread roll. But I'm sure nobody knows why is it called “hot dog”?
2. Text “The story of hot dog”.
T:- Read the text and choose the correct answer:
- A hot dog is:
- a type of sausage in bread roll,
- a type of dachshund.
- The name changed in:
- in the early 1900s,
- in the early 2000s.
- Tad Dorgan was:
- a businessman,
- a sports cartoonist,
- Dorgan wrote “hot dogs”, because:
- he didn't like dachshunds;
- he didn't know how to spell “dachshund”.
3. Good table manners. Практическая часть.
T: - But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You'll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules. But first let's see if you know how to lay the table in a proper way. There are silverwares on the table. Your task is to put each piece of silverware on the correct place.
-Well done! The table is served. Look at the screen, please! What is wrong and what is right in their behavior? Do you know good table manners? There are statements on your sheets of paper. You are to divide the advices into 2columns:
Dos and Don'ts:
- put the table napkin on your knees;
- use the knife and fork properly;
- keep the knife in right hand, fork- in the left;
- eat noiselessly;
- talk about nice things at the table;
- speak with your mouth full;
- put your elbows on the table;
- wave the knife in the air;
- eat from the knife;
- take the bread with a fork;
- eat noisily;
- leave the table during the meal;
- read while reading;
- forget to say «Thank you»
4. At the restaurant. Ролевая игра. (Посещение кафе, ресторанов)
Teacher:- Very nice! Now I'm sure everybody in your group has got good table manners. I think, it’s high time to go to the restaurant! It was your home task - to make your own dialogues in a restaurant or a cafe. But first listen and translate the phrases, which will help you to make up your dialogues. They are at the screen.
-Can I take your order?
-What about your diet?
-May I take your order?
-And for the main course?
-What’s today special?
-That sounds nice.
-What would you like to drink?
-May I have the check, please?
-How would you like to pay?
T: -Look at the screen, there is the menu of the Old England Restaurant; you can use it in your dialogues. You have 5 minutes. Get ready, please. Which pair will be the first? Are there any volunteers?
III. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание.
Т: - Thank you! There will be the bell soon. Write down your homework, please.
Your marks for today are: The lesson is over. You may go.
P:-Just a moment, please. Today is the 1st day of our group cafe. It's name is: «Finger licking good». We want to advertise our samples; we give out our waves for free. Taste yourself!
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
муниципального образования город Нягань
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №14»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме: «Этикет. Манеры поведения»
Учитель английского языка I
квалификационной категории Фазылгаянова Г.
г. Нягань 2013г.
Eating habits.
Образовательные: - обобщить знания лексики по теме «Еда» и научить использовать её в речи; извлекать нужную информацию из прочитанного;
Развивающие: - развивать речевую культуру учащихся,культуру общения; развивать творческие способности у учащихся в нестандартных ситуациях;
Воспитательные: - формировать положительную мотивацию в учении, знать культурные традиции еды в стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: -картины, карточки, посуда, песня, ТСО, слайд-программа.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Т: -Good morning, children! Sit down! Let’s start our lesson with the poem:
I like a nice cup of tea at 6,
For to start the day, you see,
And at half past 7,
Well, my idea of heaven
Is a nice cup of tea.
I like a nice cup of tea with milk,
And a nice cup of tea with cake,
And when it's cold,
There's a lot to be said
For a nice cup of tea.
- Who are great tea drinkers? Of course, tea is a traditional English drink. But today we'll speak not only English tea. Look at the screen and I think you can guess the theme of the lesson. There are many beautiful pictures and they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious. What is the theme of the lesson?
P: - Meals, food, table manners.
T: - Yes, you are right. Many years ago our ancestors said: «Live not to eat but to live». Of course, they were right. We can't live without food. At our lesson today we'll speak about English meal and table manners. And we'll practice in reading, we'll read interesting texts, we'll talk about your tastes for food, we'll puzzle our brains, we'll be engaged in creative work.
2. Закрепление лексики.
Teacher: - But to do this work we must know the words on the theme “Food” very well. Let's check the words. Look at your sheets of paper №1. There are food products here. Your task is: to divide them into 5 categories.
l.Divide the words into5categories:
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- drinks;
- junk food;
- sweets
-an apple, a banana, ice-cream, broccoli, a carrot, coffee, chips, lettuce, olives, an onion, chocolate, an orange, orange juice, a peach, milk, a pear, tea, tomatoes, cake, peppers, cucumbers.
2. Game «Find the odd words».
- Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb.
- Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce.
- Lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice.
- Apple, pear, plum, banana, ice-cream.
- Butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil.
3.Scientific facts.
Modern technology not only brings us new foods, it also brings all kinds of information about food. And they appear in the media. What is the information about?
- prevents heart disease.
- is good for your skin.
- is good for your nerves.
- strengthens your bones.
- is good for your muscles.
- ….are good for your eyesight.
4. Your tastes for food.
Teacher: - Well done! You know the words very well. I think you can answer my questions.
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
-What do the English eat for breakfast?
- What is the typical dish in Russia?
-What is traditional English drink?
- What is your favorite dish?
-Do you go to cafes and restaurants?
II. Основная часть.
l. Text “Fast Food Fashion”.
T: -Let's speak about restaurants. As you know, they are so traditional for America and Britain. Please, read the text. Pay attention to the words. Are the Fast Food Fashion restaurants popular nowadays?
Учащиеся читают текст про себя.
Т: - Now, please, what is true and what is false.
- The first Fast Food Fashion restaurants were in America.
- Young people like Fast Food restaurants.
- Customers can eat quickly in Fast Food restaurants.
- Fast Food restaurants are open till 8 p.m.
- Fast Food restaurants are expensive.
- Children don't like the atmosphere in Fast Food restaurants .
- The hamburgers are sometimes too small.
- There are a lot of tables.
Teacher: - Well, thank you. Are there such Fast Food restaurants in our country?
P: - Yes, they are in Moscow.
T: - Right. Look at the blackboard, there are the names of some well- known Fast Food restaurants in the USA and Great Britain. (McDonald's,Pizza hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips).
T: - Which one is the most popular?
P: - McDonald's.
Т: - Who has been in McDonald's?
P: - Hot dog!
T: - After the hamburgers, the hot dogs is the great American invention. As you may know, a hot dog is a sausage in a bread roll. But I'm sure nobody knows why is it called “hot dog”?
2. Text “The story of hot dog”.
T:- Read the text and choose the correct answer:
- A hot dog is:
- a type of sausage in bread roll,
- a type of dachshund.
- The name changed in:
- in the early 1900s,
- in the early 2000s.
- Tad Dorgan was:
- a businessman,
- a sports cartoonist,
- Dorgan wrote “hot dogs”, because:
- he didn't like dachshunds;
- he didn't know how to spell “dachshund”.
3. Good table manners. Практическая часть.
T: - But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You'll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules. But first let's see if you know how to lay the table in a proper way. There are silverwares on the table. Your task is to put each piece of silverware on the correct place.
-Well done! The table is served. Look at the screen, please! What is wrong and what is right in their behavior? Do you know good table manners? There are statements on your sheets of paper. You are to divide the advices into 2columns:
Dos and Don'ts:
- put the table napkin on your knees;
- use the knife and fork properly;
- keep the knife in right hand, fork- in the left;
- eat noiselessly;
- talk about nice things at the table;
- speak with your mouth full;
- put your elbows on the table;
- wave the knife in the air;
- eat from the knife;
- take the bread with a fork;
- eat noisily;
- leave the table during the meal;
- read while reading;
- forget to say «Thank you»
4. At the restaurant. Ролевая игра. (Посещение кафе, ресторанов)
Teacher:- Very nice! Now I'm sure everybody in your group has got good table manners. I think, it’s high time to go to the restaurant! It was your home task - to make your own dialogues in a restaurant or a cafe. But first listen and translate the phrases, which will help you to make up your dialogues. They are at the screen.
-Can I take your order?
-What about your diet?
-May I take your order?
-And for the main course?
-What’s today special?
-That sounds nice.
-What would you like to drink?
-May I have the check, please?
-How would you like to pay?
T: -Look at the screen, there is the menu of the Old England Restaurant; you can use it in your dialogues. You have 5 minutes. Get ready, please. Which pair will be the first? Are there any volunteers?
III. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание.
Т: - Thank you! There will be the bell soon. Write down your homework, please.
Your marks for today are: The lesson is over. You may go.
P:-Just a moment, please. Today is the 1st day of our group cafe. It's name is: «Finger licking good». We want to advertise our samples; we give out our waves for free. Taste yourself!
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
муниципального образования город Нягань
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №14»
Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме: «Этикет. Манеры поведения»
Учитель английского языка I
квалификационной категории Фазылгаянова Г.
г. Нягань 2013г.
Eating habits.
Образовательные: - обобщить знания лексики по теме «Еда» и научить использовать её в речи; извлекать нужную информацию из прочитанного;
Развивающие: - развивать речевую культуру учащихся,культуру общения; развивать творческие способности у учащихся в нестандартных ситуациях;
Воспитательные: - формировать положительную мотивацию в учении, знать культурные традиции еды в стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: -картины, карточки, посуда, песня, ТСО, слайд-программа.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Т: -Good morning, children! Sit down! Let’s start our lesson with the poem:
I like a nice cup of tea at 6,
For to start the day, you see,
And at half past 7,
Well, my idea of heaven
Is a nice cup of tea.
I like a nice cup of tea with milk,
And a nice cup of tea with cake,
And when it's cold,
There's a lot to be said
For a nice cup of tea.
- Who are great tea drinkers? Of course, tea is a traditional English drink. But today we'll speak not only English tea. Look at the screen and I think you can guess the theme of the lesson. There are many beautiful pictures and they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious. What is the theme of the lesson?
P: - Meals, food, table manners.
T: - Yes, you are right. Many years ago our ancestors said: «Live not to eat but to live». Of course, they were right. We can't live without food. At our lesson today we'll speak about English meal and table manners. And we'll practice in reading, we'll read interesting texts, we'll talk about your tastes for food, we'll puzzle our brains, we'll be engaged in creative work.
2. Закрепление лексики.
Teacher: - But to do this work we must know the words on the theme “Food” very well. Let's check the words. Look at your sheets of paper №1. There are food products here. Your task is: to divide them into 5 categories.
l.Divide the words into5categories:
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- drinks;
- junk food;
- sweets
-an apple, a banana, ice-cream, broccoli, a carrot, coffee, chips, lettuce, olives, an onion, chocolate, an orange, orange juice, a peach, milk, a pear, tea, tomatoes, cake, peppers, cucumbers.
2. Game «Find the odd words».
- Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb.
- Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce.
- Lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice.
- Apple, pear, plum, banana, ice-cream.
- Butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil.
3.Scientific facts.
Modern technology not only brings us new foods, it also brings all kinds of information about food. And they appear in the media. What is the information about?
- prevents heart disease.
- is good for your skin.
- is good for your nerves.
- strengthens your bones.
- is good for your muscles.
- ….are good for your eyesight.
4. Your tastes for food.
Teacher: - Well done! You know the words very well. I think you can answer my questions.
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
-What do the English eat for breakfast?
- What is the typical dish in Russia?
-What is traditional English drink?
- What is your favorite dish?
-Do you go to cafes and restaurants?
II. Основная часть.
l. Text “Fast Food Fashion”.
T: -Let's speak about restaurants. As you know, they are so traditional for America and Britain. Please, read the text. Pay attention to the words. Are the Fast Food Fashion restaurants popular nowadays?
Учащиеся читают текст про себя.
Т: - Now, please, what is true and what is false.
- The first Fast Food Fashion restaurants were in America.
- Young people like Fast Food restaurants.
- Customers can eat quickly in Fast Food restaurants.
- Fast Food restaurants are open till 8 p.m.
- Fast Food restaurants are expensive.
- Children don't like the atmosphere in Fast Food restaurants .
- The hamburgers are sometimes too small.
- There are a lot of tables.
Teacher: - Well, thank you. Are there such Fast Food restaurants in our country?
P: - Yes, they are in Moscow.
T: - Right. Look at the blackboard, there are the names of some well- known Fast Food restaurants in the USA and Great Britain. (McDonald's,Pizza hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips).
T: - Which one is the most popular?
P: - McDonald's.
Т: - Who has been in McDonald's?
P: - Hot dog!
T: - After the hamburgers, the hot dogs is the great American invention. As you may know, a hot dog is a sausage in a bread roll. But I'm sure nobody knows why is it called “hot dog”?
2. Text “The story of hot dog”.
T:- Read the text and choose the correct answer:
- A hot dog is:
- a type of sausage in bread roll,
- a type of dachshund.
- The name changed in:
- in the early 1900s,
- in the early 2000s.
- Tad Dorgan was:
- a businessman,
- a sports cartoonist,
- Dorgan wrote “hot dogs”, because:
- he didn't like dachshunds;
- he didn't know how to spell “dachshund”.
3. Good table manners. Практическая часть.
T: - But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You'll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules. But first let's see if you know how to lay the table in a proper way. There are silverwares on the table. Your task is to put each piece of silverware on the correct place.
-Well done! The table is served. Look at the screen, please! What is wrong and what is right in their behavior? Do you know good table manners? There are statements on your sheets of paper. You are to divide the advices into 2columns:
Dos and Don'ts:
- put the table napkin on your knees;
- use the knife and fork properly;
- keep the knife in right hand, fork- in the left;
- eat noiselessly;
- talk about nice things at the table;
- speak with your mouth full;
- put your elbows on the table;
- wave the knife in the air;
- eat from the knife;
- take the bread with a fork;
- eat noisily;
- leave the table during the meal;
- read while reading;
- forget to say «Thank you»
4. At the restaurant. Ролевая игра. (Посещение кафе, ресторанов)
Teacher:- Very nice! Now I'm sure everybody in your group has got good table manners. I think, it’s high time to go to the restaurant! It was your home task - to make your own dialogues in a restaurant or a cafe. But first listen and translate the phrases, which will help you to make up your dialogues. They are at the screen.
-Can I take your order?
-What about your diet?
-May I take your order?
-And for the main course?
-What’s today special?
-That sounds nice.
-What would you like to drink?
-May I have the check, please?
-How would you like to pay?
T: -Look at the screen, there is the menu of the Old England Restaurant; you can use it in your dialogues. You have 5 minutes. Get ready, please. Which pair will be the first? Are there any volunteers?
III. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание.
Т: - Thank you! There will be the bell soon. Write down your homework, please.
Your marks for today are: The lesson is over. You may go.
P:-Just a moment, please. Today is the 1st day of our group cafe. It's name is: «Finger licking good». We want to advertise our samples; we give out our waves for free. Taste yourself!
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расширение понятий о ситуациях криминогенного характера...

Технологическая карта к уроку по английскому языку по теме "Вежливые манеры поведения" УМК М.З.Биболетова ФГОС 4класс
Данная технологмическая карта урока соответствует требованиям ФГОС НОО. Прописаны планируемые результаты, цели и задачи для учителя и ученика....

Конспект урока по теме "Правила поведения за столом". 7 класс
Конспект урока по теме "Правила поведения за столом". 7 класс...

Конспект урока по теме "Правила поведения за столом". 7 класс Презентация
Конспект урока по теме "Правила поведения за столом". 7 класс Презентация...