Методическая разработка «Практикум по теме «Услуги салонов красоты»
методическая разработка по теме
Данный практикум предназначен для успешного усвоения профессиональной лексики и ее применения на практике. Методическая разработка написана в соответствии с действующими рабочими программами. Она может быть использована как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы обучающихся.
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Методическая разработка «Практикум по теме «Услуги салонов красоты»
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Данная методическая разработка предназначена для учащихся специальностей 100116 Парикмахерское искусство, 100124 Стилистика и искусство визажа, третий и четвертый год обучения. Студентам предлагается комплекс упражнений по основным разделам курса английского языка на профессиональную тематику. Данный практикум предназначен для успешного усвоения профессиональной лексики и ее применения на практике. Методическая разработка написана в соответствии с действующими рабочими программами. Она может быть использована как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы обучающихся.
Lesson 1. Beauty salons workers.
Read the text and translate. Pay attention to the words in bold.
There are a lot of specialists working in a modern beauty salon nowadays such as a hair dresser, colorist, makeup artist, nail technician, receptionist and masseuse.
Receptionist is a “face of a salon”. He or she should be polite, good-looking, calm, know everything about beauty salon services and workers, have good communication skills.
The professional hairstylist is an important factor that can make the customers come back very often because the hairstylist can provide professional hair cutting, perming, trimming and designing and professional advice to the customer.
Professional manicures and pedicures by qualified mail technician are very popular services in a beauty salon.
Clients get massages to relieve severe muscle pain and tension, improve mental health and blood circulation. A good masseuse can bring a lot of clients to a beauty salon.
Clients trust makeup artists to make them look fresh and young.
It is extremely important for a beauty salon to have a friendly professional staff.
2. Find the words for the definitions:
- A person who gives massages
- Someone who gives manicures and pedicures
- Someone who professionally colors people’s hair.
- A nail treatment in which a professional cleans, cuts and sometimes paints a person’s fingernails
3. Work in group of 3 and discuss the following questions;
- What professional skills should hairdresser have?
- Is it important to have a professional staff for a beauty salon? Why?
4. Writing. Imagine that you are a beauty salon owner. Describe a “ dream team” of workers in your beauty salon.
Lesson 2. Service quality control at hair salons.
- Read the text and translate. Pay attention to the words in bold.
Our group selected a hair salon to illustrate how the quality can be controlled and improved. For a hair salon, it is to provide the service of hair cutting, hairstyle designing, hair treatment and make-up service. Its objective is to make customers become more beautiful and stylish. Customers of the hair salon come from all walks of life such as doctors, housewives, students, drivers, etc. Although there are different kinds of customers in the market, their expectation of the quality of service is almost the same — good hairdressing technique and polite staff.
For a hair salon, the following can be identified as the signal:
1. The professional hairstylist is an important factor that can make the customers come back very often because the hairstylist can provide professional hair cutting and designing and professional advice to the customer. Besides, if the assistant hairstylist's service is good, e.g. it provides comfortable hair-washing, this can also attract customer to come again.
2. The chemical substance, a hair salon uses, such as shampoo, conditioner, and colorant, is one of the consideration of customers. The good quality of chemical substance can make a favour impression to the customers.
3. The prestige decoration and innovative equipment make customer feel more comfortable and confident of the salon.
- Read the text again. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (T).
- Customer’s expectation of the quality of service is hair-washing only.
- The good quality of chemical substance is not important factor that can make the customers come back very often.
- The professional hairstylist can provide suitable advice to the customer.
- Name the factors improving service quality of a hair salon.
Lesson 3. Coloring hair.
1. Read the text and translate. Pay attention to the words in bold.
Unless you happen to be born with it, achieving beauty is rarely easy. This includes achieving gorgeous hair by coloring it. No matter how much people search for it, there is no quick fix to fabulous hair. It takes time, work, and it takes, in many cases, products that contain some forms of chemicals.
Hair color can be that magic wand that instantly transforms dull mousy locks into glorious golden lights that shimmer and shine. It can also instantly erase years of age by covering gray, adding depth to fading colors and cranking up overall shine.
Color from chemical agents. While the end results of gorgeous color seem worth it to many people, there is no easy way to get from dull to dynamite without some form of coloring product. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, hair coloring products will almost always require the use of some form of chemical agents. Chemical agents can damage hair and make it dull and dry. Also people often worry about the toxicity of chemical agents using for hair coloring. How can you get to know what chemicals are in your hair color brands? Read the labels and ask your colorist.
2. Answer the questions
- What problems of using chemical agents for hair coloring does the author show?
- Do you agree with the author?
- What is the message of the text?
3. Work in group of 3 and discuss the following questions:
- Why do some people color their hair?
- What are some advantages of different hair colors?
Lesson 4. Damaged hair.
1 Read the text and translate. Pay attention to the words in bold.
The hair can be damaged by coloring, blow-drying, having sunbathes without a hat, wrong diet and other factors. It is important to find out the problem of damaged hair as soon as possible and start the appropriate treatment? How can we recognize damaging hair? Well, here are some of the signs of hair damage and ways to treat them effectively:
• rough texture;
• overly porous;
• dry and brittle to the touch;
• no elasticity / susceptible to breakage;
• becomes spongy and matted when wet;
• color fades or absorbs too rapidly.
. By using conditioners that are pH balanced, protein enriched, and moisture restoring, you can smooth the cuticle layer and protect the hair shaft from further damage.
The conditioning treatments and products available today can help to protect the hair, and can lessen some damage, but the best way to have healthy hair is to prevent damaging.
2. Translate the following phrases:
- rough texture
- overly porous
- protein enriched
- smooth the cuticle
- conditioning treatment
- protect the hair shaft
3. Retell the text.
Lesson 5. Manicure.
- Read the text and translate.
A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands enjoyed by both sexes. A manicure can treat just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure usually includes filing and shaping of the nails md the application of polish. Some specialty manicures, such as the French Manicure, may also be offered. Treatments for hands usually include soaking in a softening substance and application of hand lotion. A similar treatment performed on the feet is a pedicure. Various services for nails can be provided, such as the application of artificial nails such as nail tips, acrylics and artificial nail gels. A manicurist prepares for a customer by ensuring that the working area and tools are sanitized and conveniently located. This might include sanitizing the working surface, such as a table top, Proper lighting is also important. Manicure becomes one of the most popular service in a beauty salon.
- Translate the following phrases:
- filing and shaping
- artificial nails
- soaking in a softening substance
- application of hand lotion
- Work in pairs and discuss the questions:
- What different types of manicures do you know?
- What happens during a basic manicure?
Lesson 6. Make up techniques
1. Read and translate the text.
Make up tips
There are several cosmetic application techniques that are used by top makeup artists. These techniques apply to women of all ages. These techniques will really bring out your best features, and help camouflage areas you feel may need a little more help or a radiance boost.
Foundation is one of the most important cosmetics you will purchase and use. Pick a shade lighter than your skin tone and try to stay away from reddish or pink tones, as they tend to look very "pink" and ruddy in artificial lighting, and can make your skin appear uneven and flushed.
Carefully choose the eyebrow pencil color to be close to your natural eyebrow color. When you choose an eyeliner: do not take extremely bright and dark colors. Using of shadows is also very important. Correct shadows color brings out your eyes and emphasizes your best features. Do not take bright lipstick color for everyday makeup and remember: the good quality makeup should only underline your beauty and make your look fresher and younger.
2. Writing: imagine that you work in the magazine for women and girls. Write the article “The best way to make your face up”
Lesson 7. The real dialogues in a beauty salon.
- Read the dialogue and translate.
Hairstylist: Do you want to have your haircut?
Client: Yes, I do. And I'd like to change my hair slyle.
Hairstylist: Ok. Let me see. Do you want your hair washed first?
Client: Of course. I'd like a shampoo.
Hairstylist: Here we are... Should I shorten it on the sides?
Client: Yes, and at the back, too.
Hairstylist: I am trimming the top...
Client: Don't cut much on the top, will you? And make a part on the right side, please.
Hairstylist: Ok. Should I style with a hair-dryer?
Client: Oh, no. Just comb it. And no hairspray, please.
- Transform the dialogue above into a text with indirect speech.
- Read the dialogue and translate.
Client: Oh, the water is scalding hot!
Barber: I'm sorry, I'll cool it a bit.
How do you comb your hair? Back or with a parting?
Client: I wear it parted on the right.
Barber: Shave?
Client: Yes, but not too close. And please be careful, my skin is rather tender.
Barber: ... Do you shave yourself?
Client: Yes, why do you ask?
Barber: I see it's uneven at the temples. You probably use a safety razor, don't you?
Client: No, not always. I sometimes use strait razor. I'm afraid of skin irritation. That's why I usually shave myself.
Barber: This razor gives a feather touch shave, you won't even feel it. I'll not hurt." ... I'm not hurting you, am I?
Client: No, but it does feel rather uncomfortable.
Barber: I'll change the razor then. Well, here we arc. ... Hot towel and massage?
Client: Yes, and make sure the hot towel is hot.
Barber: Any shave lotion?
Client: Atlantic, please.
Barber: Will I trim your moustache?
Client: Please, do.
- Read again the dialogue above. Offer your own solution of the problem with the client.
- Imagine you are a client of a beauty salon and you do not like the haircut you have just had. Complain to the manager.
- Read the dialogue and translate.
Eric: I'll need another shave before I go to the dance. I'll have
to go to the barber's.
Marion: You must have your haircut, too. It's getting quite long.
By the way, I didn't like the way the barber cut your hair last time.
Eric: Right you are. It was cut too short.
Marion: Ask him just to trim it.
Eric: And to put clippers on my neck.
Marion: Does the barber shave you with an electric razor or a safety one?
Eric: He uses an ordinary razor with an open blade, but I
prefer to use an electric razor. Marion: Why?
Eric: I needn't use any shaving-soap with an electric razor.
Marion: I see. But make haste. It's time to go to the barber's.
- Translate into English:
Мне назначено на три часа.
Присядьте, пожалуйста.
Я к Вашим услугам.
Слишком чисто не выбривайте — я боюсь раздражения кожи.
Вам подровнять усы?
Вам не нравится стиль, не так ли?
Все, что Вам нужно — подровняться.
Вы хотите, чтобы Вам помыли голову?
Сделайте пробор на левую сторону.
Просто причешите, и никакого лака для волос.
Сделайте мне, пожалуйста, укладку феном.
Я бы хотела изменить прическу.
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