Урок - презентация по теме: "Семья". 10 класс.
методическая разработка (10 класс) по теме
Использование компьютера становится, неотьемлемой частью урока, приобретая все большую значимость в учебном процессе.
Цель таких уроков в том, чтобы активизировать внимание учащихся, разнообразить познавательную и учебную деятельность.
Презентации составлены самими учащимися в качестве домашнего задания. Компьютерная программа Презентация Microsoft Power Point Presentation (Microsoft Power Point Presentation) является знакомой для учащихся, так как они обучались ее использованию на уроках информатики.
Задания всего урока, представленные учителем, показаны также с помощью данной компьютерной программы.
Урок состоял из трех этапов (организационный момент, основная часть и подведение итогов). Задачи достигались посредством выполнения заданий в течение урока. Всего было 7 заданий, разработанные в соответствии с уровнем знаний данного класса.
На уроке были использованы индивидуальная, парная и групповая формы работы.
Диагностика уровня знаний производилась посредством устного индивидуального, фронтального опроса, письменных индивидуальных и групповых работ.
План занятия рассчитан на два урока.
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Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей № 7
Урок - презентация по теме: «Семья».
Волкова Е.В.
Томск 2009
Класс : 10
УМК: Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б, Казырбаева Н.Ю “New Millennium English - 10”
Тип урока: комбинированный урок активизации лексического материала с использованием компьютерной программы Презентация Microsoft Power Point Presentation (Microsoft Power Point Presentation)
Цель: составить собственное представление об идеальной семье и выразить данное мнение в форме монологического высказывания в конце урока.
Задачи урока:
- Активизировать лексические навыки по теме.
- Развивать навыки монологической речи.
- Использовать информацию, полученную от других учеников, в качестве речевой опоры для развития навыка говорения
- Систематизировать знания, ранее полученные на уроках.
- Повысить мотивацию в обучении английского языка.
- Развивать творческие способности.
- Расширить мировоззрение и кругозор обучающихся.
- компьютер;
- раздаточный материал;
- магнитофон.
План урока:
- Приветствие. Сообщение целей урока.
- Речевая разминка. Повторение ЛЕ по теме «Семья» Сл.1
- Чтение текста “A Family” и выполнение задания к тексту. Сл..2
- Разгадывание кроссворда. Сл.3
- Работа в группах. Группа 1 – draw a family tree; Группа 2 – solve the puzzle.
- Беседа. Что такое семья? Сл. 4
- Презентация учителя Amish. Сл. 5-10
- Презентации учащихся.
- Заполнение таблицы “A Family Chart”. Сл.11.
- Идеальная семья, какая она? Сл.12-13.
- Коллаж на компьютере
- Монологическое высказывание «Моя идеальная семья»
1. Greeting;
2. Warming up.
lack of privacy
show somebody up
act like a baby
do teenage things
be on one’s own
3. Reading. “A Family” Сл.2
A Family
When two persons are married, the man is called the husband, the woman becomes the wife. When a child is born in the family, the father and mother of the child are called parents. A family generally consists of a father, a mother and children - sons or daughters or both. The first-born child is the eldest, the last-born is the youngest. The children that are born together, are called twins. The father and mother of the husband become the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the wife. The husband is the son-in-law, the wife - daughter-in-law. They have brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. The other members of the family are the relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and so on. The children of two married brothers or sisters or brothers and sisters are cousins to each other. In case of a second marriage we speak of a stepfather or a stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, etc.
Your father’s mother is your grandmother. What do you call these people?
- your mother’s father
- your father’s sister
- your father’s brother’s son
- your sister’s daughter
- your mother’s second husband (who is not your father)
- your father’s grandmother
- your son’s wife
- your daughter’s daughter
- your brother’s wife
- your mother’s brother
4. Do the crossword Сл.3, p.85
5. A Game “Draw a Family Tree”; solve the puzzle (in groups)
Find Your Family
Number of players: eight
Function practiced: asking and answering questions
Lexical areas: family relations
How to use the game: give each student a card. Let them study the cards and think over the way they’ll be acting the role for a few minutes. Then let the students move around the class asking and answering the questions. The aim of the game: to find out in what relationships the members of the family stand to each other and to draw the family tree.
Your name is Mr. Henry Black. You are old. You don’t have a wife, but you have a son, a daughter, and 3 grandchildren. | You don’t have a husband, but you have an old father, a brother and a son, Luke. | Your name is Mr. John Black. You’re young and have 2 children – a son and a daughter, Jane. | You are a woman. You have a sister, Alice. You are not married and don’t have children. |
You are a small boy. You don’t have a father, but you have a mother, Kate. | You are a small girl. You have a mother, Alice, a brother, William. | You are a woman. You are married and have a son and a daughter. Also you have a sister, Julia. | You are a small boy. You have a father, Mr. John Black. |
The Four Sisters
Solve the puzzle.
There are four sisters in the family. Each girl plays one musical instrument and speaks one foreign language. Bess plays the piano. The one who speaks French, plays the violin. The one who plays the organ is not Ann. The girl who speaks German is not Linda. Bess speaks Italian. Mary does not play the violin and does not speak Spanish. Ann does not speak French. Linda does not play the harp. The girl who plays the organ does not speak Italian. What language does Ann speak and what musical instrument does she play?
6. Speaking “A Family, what is it?’Сл.4
7. Teacher’s presentation “Amish” Сл.5-10
- The Amish are a religious group in the USA that lives in a traditional way, mainly by farming and doesn’t want to use modern technology.
- There are about 145,000 Amish people in the US.
- Amish communities can be found in 22 American states.
Walking into an Amish community is like going back in time. You’ll see girls in long dresses, horses pulling buggies, and homes lit by kerosene lamps. Amish people lead a simple way of life centered around faith and family. They speak a language called Pennsylvania Dutch, or Amish, which sounds like German.
Men and boys wear dark-coloured suits, plain shirts and black or straw broad-brimmed hats. Belts, sweaters, ties and gloves are forbidden. They do not have moustaches, but they grow beards after they get married. Men marry at the age of early 20th. Their hobby is sport.
Amish women and girls wear plain dresses. They also wear aprons and bonnets as a sign of their respect for God. They never wear jewelry or make up. Amish girls never cut their hair. Women usually marry at 17 or 18. Their occupation is housekeeping, hobby is hand-made wares.
Community members are expected to marry and have families. They can only marry other Amish. Wedding dates for the Amish are in November or December, when the harvest has been completed. Men and women follow traditional gender roles.
They often have large families, about 8 or 10 children. Divorce is forbidden. The Amish traditional family provides much of the education for the child. Although the formal education ends after they finish the eighth grade, then the boys will work with the father in the fields. The girls work inside the home and garden, alongside the mother.
8. Сhildren’s presentations “Amish”
9. A Family Chart Сл.11
10. Speaking An ideal family, what is it? Сл.12-13
11. Making a collage on the computer (in pairs)
12. Telling “My Ideal Family is…”
The Four Sisters
Solve the puzzle.
There are four sisters in the family. Each girl plays one musical instrument and speaks one foreign language. Bess plays the piano. The one who speaks French, plays the violin. The one who plays the organ is not Ann. The girl who speaks German is not Linda. Bess speaks Italian. Mary does not play the violin and does not speak Spanish. Ann does not speak French. Linda does not play the harp. The girl who plays the organ does not speak Italian. What language does Ann speak and what musical instrument does she play?
Find Your Family
Number of players: eight
Function practiced: asking and answering questions
Lexical areas: family relations
How to use the game: give each student a card. Let them study the cards and think over the way they’ll be acting the role for a few minutes. Then let the students move around the class asking and answering the questions. The aim of the game: to find out in what relationships the members of the family stand to each other and to draw the family tree.
Your name is Mr. Henry Black. You are old. You don’t have a wife, but you have a son, a daughter, and 3 grandchildren. | You don’t have a husband, but you have an old father, a brother and a son, Luke. | Your name is Mr. John Black. You’re young and have 2 children – a son and a daughter, Jane. | You are a woman. You have a sister, Alice. You are not married and don’t have children. |
You are a small boy. You don’t have a father, but you have a mother, Kate. | You are a small girl. You have a mother, Alice, a brother, William. | You are a woman. You are married and have a son and a daughter. Also you have a sister, Julia. | You are a small boy. You have a father, Mr. John Black. |
Some Helpful Tips for Writing a Topic:
- "A family is a group of people who live in the same house." Do you think it is true? What is a family in your opinion?
- What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers?
- Would you prefer to be an only child or one of two or three children? Is it better to be the youngest or the eldest child in a family? Give your reasons.
- You work on a magazine answering the letters sent in to its problem page. Decide what advice you can give to a girl who has written in to say that she is always quarreling with her sister.
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