Презентации и сценарий к открытому мероприятию по теме "Рождество"
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Презентации и краткий сценарий проведения открытого меровприятия по теме "Рождество"
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План мероприятия «Празднование Рождества»
- Воспитательные:
- Воспитание сотрудничества, коллективизма, инициативы.
- Воспитание уважения к традициям и культуре других народов
2) Обучающие:
- Формирование умения использовать в речи новых лексических единиц.
3) Развивающие:
- Развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к языку
- Развитие активности в решении познавательно-поисковых задач.
Обучающийся должен:
- иметь представление: о традициях и культурных особенностях страны изучаемого языка;
- знать: лексические единицы по теме «Традиции празднования Рождества»;
- уметь: логически выстраивать высказывание, грамматически корректно строить фразы;
Оформление зала – Наряженная ёлка, под ней ясли. На верху ёлки звезда. Плакат «Merry Christmas».
Подготовка – обучающиеся заранее получили задание сделать рождественские открытки, оформит рождественские свечки, нарисовать плакаты, изучить материал по теме: «Празднование Рождества»
Действующие лица – 3 ангела, 3 волхва, 2 пастуха, ведущий, переводчик, Санта Клаус, 2 команды по 5 человек.
Ход сценария.
- Звучит аранжировка `Jingle bells`
- Звучит мелодия «Аве Мария». На сцену выходят волхвы, пастухи, ангелы.
Narrator - In that country there were shepherds in the fields.
1st shepherd – What a wonderful night! Everything is calm and sleeping. The world is happy under the night`s cover. It looks like the miracle must happen.
2nd shepherd - It is so quite here, nobody knows that we shepherd our herds here.
Narrator - The God`s angel appeared to them. It was in white shining dress.
1st Angel – Do not be afraid! God sent me to tell you the great joy! Your Savior was born today in Vifliem.
3 Angels in coral – Don`t be afraid! The God sent a saving to this world.
Narrator – The sign disappeared, and the shepherds went to Vifliem to give their honor to the Christ.
Narrator – But not only the shepherds were going to the Christ that night. It were also the Wisemans who were going to gave him gifts.
1st Wiseman – We are Wise men – star counters: Valtasar, Gaspar, and Melchior.
2nd Wiseman – We`ve brought gifts to the Holy Child.
3d Wiseman – We ask you to take our gifts. The gifts are gold, spices and perfumes.
1st shepherd – The great miracle had happened. The Christ in human body came to us!
2nd shepherd – The Christ is here!
1st Wiseman – We have come here from different countries which are far away from here. The Star was leading us. So we came here to give our honor to the Savior.
2nd Wiseman – We`ve brought the Christ the best gifts of the world. They are perfumes, spices, and gold.
1st Angel – We`ve told the shepherds that the Christ was born.
2nd Angel – Honor the Christos’ birthday.
3d Angel – Christ came to us from the skies, meet the Savior!
3d Wiseman – Christ is with us! Turn your hearts to the Savior and pray! God! Send us peace
2d shepherd – God, lead those who were lost, and those who are narrow minded! Send some rest to this world.
2nd Angel – And forgive those who had committed a sin.
Narrator – God, help us to find a road to you!
Ведущий – В ночь, когда должно было случиться чудо, пастухи пасли свои стада.
1 пастух – Какая прекрасная ночь сегодня! Всё спит кругом и мир спокоен под пологом ночи. Наверное, должно случиться чудо…
2 пастух – Так тихо, и никто не знает, что мы пасём свои стада. Звёзды так ярки сегодня, но что это?
Ведущий – И вот явился пастухам с вестью ангел небесный в белых сияющих одеждах.
Выходит 1 ангел
1-й ангел – Не бойтесь! Господь послал меня сообщить вам великую радость. В Вифлееме родился Спаситель!
Появляются ещё 2 ангела, становятся рядом с первым.
Все 3 ангела (хором) – Не тревожьтесь, Господь послал мир этой земле!
Ангелы уходят.
Ведущий – Видение исчезло, а смущенные пастухи, вняв словам ангела, отправились в город Вифлеем, чтобы поднести дары младенцу.
Входят три волхва с дарами.
1-й волхв – Мы волхвы-звездочеты Валтасар, Гаспар, Мельхиор.
2й Волхв – Мы привезли дары святому младенцу.
3й волхв – Золото, ладан, смирну и нард прими от нас.
Волхвы по очереди подходят к елке, кланяются, ставят у макета вертепа свои дары, уходят. В центре сцены – ёлка, на ёлке – Вифлеемская звезда, под ёлкой – вертеп. Ангелы, пастухи и волхвы становятся возле ёлки по обе стороны от вертепа.
1й пастух – Чудо свершилось! Господь во плоти сошёл к нам!
2й пастух – Господь здесь!
1й волхв – мы пришли из далёких стран. Звезда привела нас сюда, чтобы мы поклонились Спасителю.
2й волхв – Мы принесли Господу нашему лучшие дары земли: смирну, ладан, золото.
1й ангел – Мы принесли пастухам радостную весть о рождении Христа.
2й ангел – Славьте рождение Христа!
3й ангел – Христос явился с небес к нам, встречайте Спасителя!
3й волхв – Христос с нами! Обратите к нему свои сердца и молитесь! Боже! Пошли нам мир!
2й пастух – Просвети заблудших и неразумных, пошли успокоение этой земле, Господи!
2й ангел – И тех, кто согрешил перед тобой, Господи, прости и помилуй!
Ведущий – и помоги найти к Тебе дорогу!
- Ведущий –Дорогие ребята! Из увиденного вы поняли, что наше сегодняшнее мероприятие посвящено светлому христианскому празднику – Рождеству Христову. Это один из важнейших праздников христианства – это самый светлый и радостный праздник для многих людей, а так же государственный праздник в более чем 100 странах мира. Назовите несколько стран, в которых отмечается Рождество.
- Презентация «Christmas traditions» (Степанов Женя ТО-10). Рассказ о празднике.
- Ведущий –Что же мы с вами ещё знаем об этом празднике? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос я приглашаю на сцену 2 команды. На сцену выходят команды – «Снеговики» (Snowmen) и «Снежинки» (Snowflakes). Разминка – командам задаются вопросы.
-Who tells me what kind of holiday Christmas is?
- When do people celebrate Christmas?
- В каких странах празднуется Рождество?
- Сколько времени прошло со дня рождения Христа?
- В каком городе Он родился?
- Что предшествует началу празднования Рождества?
- Кому Ангелы принесли весть о рождении Христа?
- Что волхвы принесли в дар Христу?
- Сгруппировать слова.
- конкурс «слепи снеговика» - каждой команду выдается по 2 рулона туалетной бумаги, вёдра и носы.
- конкурс – кто быстрее составит слово `Christmas`. Учащимся раздаются буквы,
- Ведущий – And who can tell me who is the main hero of modern Christmas? (Santa Claus). Выходит Санта Клаус.
Санта - Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by a reindeer and brings presents. Some children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts. - What traditions connected with Christmas do you know?
- What traditional Christmas do you know?
- Презентация «Christmas meals» (?).
- Ведущий - Скажите, какие ещё традиционные блюда готовят на рождество?
Перечисляют: жареная индейка roast turkey, рождественский пудинг Christmas pudding, кисель cranbarries jelly or oats jelly, sweets and so on.
Ведущий – команды, приготовьте салат по традиционному английскому рецепту.
Рецепты на экране.
- Ведущий – А вы знаете, что у Санты тоже день рождения в декабре? Современный Санта имеет реального прототипа – Святого Николая.
Команды – нарисуйте образ Санты, а в это время зрителям предлагаем посмотреть презентацию.
Презентация «Святой Николай» (Скоков Влад ТО-10).
- Санта – так как это веселый и радостный праздник, покажите мне как вы умеете шутить и веселиться!
Конкурс «вытяни яблоко» - выудить яблоко из ведра с водой без помощи рук.
- Санта – традиционно, люди перед рождеством дарят друг другу открытки с пожеланиями лучшего. Наши учащиеся приготовили несколько открыток своими руками, предлагаю жюри выбрать лучшую.
А пока жюри заняты, предлагаю посмотреть выступление цирковой группы
Жюри выбирает лучшую открытку, пожелания зачитываем
- Санта – перед Рождеством люди зажигают свечи. Сложилась традиция украшать свой дом в канун Рождества свечами, украшенными своими руками. Предлагаю командам украсить две простые свечки и сделать их рождественскими.
Команды заняты оформлением свечей, а мы с вами посмотрим выступление танцевального коллектива.
- Подводим итого конкурсов, общекомандный зачет. Награждение команд. Награждение зрителей.
- Ведущий – Итак, сегодня мы с вами много нового и интересного узнали о празднике Рождества.
-Что вам запомнилось? (вопрос к зрителям)
-Когда празднуется Европейское Рождество?
-Кто главный герой современного празднования Рождества?
-Какие блюда считаются традиционными на этом празднике?
- Что принято дарить на Рождество?
-Когда празднуется день Святого Николая?
- В каких странах празднуется Рождество?
- Сколько времени прошло со дня рождения Христа?
- В каком городе Он родился?
- Кому Ангелы принесли весть о рождении Христа?
- Что волхвы принесли в дар Христу?
- When is Christmas celebrated?( It is celebrated on the 25th of December.)
- What do people celebrate? (They celebrate the birth of Christ.)
- What do people send each other during winter holidays? (They send greeting cards to their relatives and friends.)
- What do they wish their relatives and friends? (People wish A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.)
- How do people decorate their houses? (Most people decorate their houses with brightly- colored paper or holly and they usually have a Christmas tree.)
- Where do people put the presents? (Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve hoping that Father Christmas will bring them small presents, fruit and nuts.)
- What is traditional Christmas food? (Usually people have a big turkey and Christmas pudding for dinner.)
- What are traditional Christmas colours? (Traditional Christmas colours are green and red.)
- Is New Year as widely celebrated as Christmas in Great Britain? (No, it isn’t. Some people even ignore it.)
- Ведущий – на этом мы заканчиваем наше мероприятие, посвященное Рождеству. ( Пожелания.) Приглашаем участников пить чай
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Content : Santa Claus Winter Festivals & Traditions Fruitcake Poinsettias Christmas lights Christmas Stockings History of the Christmas Tree Mistletoe Christmas Gifting The Three Wise Men or Kings The Candy Canes of Christmas Christmas Carols and Caroling
Santa Claus Santa Claus , also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle , or simply " Santa ", is an old man who, in many brings gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24.
Santa Claus is generally depicted as a plump, jolly, white-bearded man wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots . Santa Claus lives at the NORTH POLE, with a large number of magical elves, and nine (originally eight) flying reindeer.
Winter Festivals & Traditions November 1....................................... All Saints Day November 11..................................... St. Martin's Day (Germany) Last Thursday in November................ Thanksgiving Day (USA) Fourth Sunday before Christmas........ Advent begins December 6 ...................................... St. Nicholas Day December 8....................................... Bodhi Day in the Buddhists' faith December 10..................................... Hannukah begins (date varies) December 13..................................... Santa Lucia's Day (Italy, Sweden) December 15 - 16 ............................ Posados or Novena begins December 17 .................................... Hannukah ends (date varies) December 19..................................... St. Nicholas Day (Julian Calendar) December 20 .................................... St. Ignatious ' Day in Romania December 20/21................................ Winter Solstice December 21..................................... St. Thomas' Day December 23..................................... Little Christmas in Denmark December 24..................................... Christmas Eve
December 25.......................... Christmas Day December 26..................................... St. Stephen's Day, December 26..................................... Boxing Day in England December 26..................................... Kwanzaa Begins December 27..................................... St. John's Day, Mother Night December 28 .................................... Holy Innocents Day December 30 .................................... Bringing in the Boar December 31 .................................... New Year's Eve, St. Sylvester's Eve, December 31 .................................... Hogmanay in Scotland January 1........................................... New Year's Day, St. Basil's Day January 2 .......................................... Snow Day, Holde's Day January 3........................................... Evergreen Day January 4 .......................................... St. Distaff's Day January 5 .......................................... Epiphany Eve January 6 .......................................... Epiphany, Three Kings Day, Twelfth Night January 7 .......................................... Russian Christmas First Monday after Epiphany............... Plough Monday in England's traditions January 13 ........................................ Twentieth Day, January 13 ........................................ St. Knut's Day in Scandanavia
Fruitcake Fruitcake is for many families the giving and receiving of a favorite, though often ridiculed, traditional food. Fruitcake is considered to be a part of many families' Christmas traditions just as important as having a Christmas tree.
Poinsettias Poinsettias are believed to have originated in central and south America and were recorded, described, and revered by the ancient Aztec peoples. This flowering plant eventually became a symbol of Christmas to the Mexican culture and it became a tradition to use poinsettia plants to decorate during Christmas time.
Christmas lights Christmas lights at one time were candles, chosen because their twinkling appearance reminded families of the twinkling of moon light through the branches of fir trees in the forest. Despite the safety precautions taken by these early Christmas light users, mixing live flame with highly flammable Christmas trees resulted in a very dangerous situation and many fires resulted.
Christmas Stockings Christmas Stockings Many families will hang large brightly colored Christmas stockings over the fireplace or on the walls of their homes during Christmastime in the hopes that Santa Claus will fill them with toys, treats, and goodies. In fact, families have been hanging stockings for as long as there have been stockings!
History of the Christmas Tree The tradition of having an evergreen tree become a symbol of Christmas goes back past recorded written history. The Druids in ancient England & Gual and the Romans in Europe both used evergreen branches to decorate their homes and public buildings to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Over the years, these traditions were adopted by Christians, who incorporated them as part of their Christmas holiday celebration.
Mistletoe Mistletoe was often hung over the entrances to homes of the pagans in Scandinavian countries to keep out evil spirits. An old Scandinavian myth tells of the seemingly invulnerable god, Balder, who was struck down by a dart made from mistletoe. The tears of this mother, Frigga , became the white berries of the mistletoe, and it was decreed that the plant must never again be used as a weapon.
Christmas Gifting The idea of presenting people you love with gifts is as old as the human race. The idea of exchanging gifts at Christmas time originated with the birth of Jesus, when three wise men traveled to deliver gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn baby. Shepherds in the fields also came to give gifts to the newborn baby Jesus.
The Three Wise Men or Kings The Three Wise were always a part of the Nativity scene. The story of a visit of wise men to the Christ Child is told in the bible in St.Mathhew 2:1 tells us: "...Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem . . ." This Bible passage doesn't state how many wise men actually came from the east nor does it mention their names or their method of travel. It is only assumed they traveled by camel and they could have easily traveled by foot. The Bible doesn't claim these men to be kings, however it is speculated they were at least learned men and perhaps even astrologers.
The Candy Canes of Christmas Candy cane sweet treats made primarily from boiled sugar seem to have first appeared in Europe in the late 1600’s to early 1700’s. They were made in many different colors (most often white) and shapes (most often straight sticks), evolving to the familiar cane or upside down J shape with the red and white stripes in the early 1900’s.
Christmas Carols and Caroling Christmas carols and caroling in the old world was a mix of singing and dancing and was practiced for all festivals throughout the year. When Christmas was firmly established to be celebrated on December 25 th , many of the existing carols (or songs) were sung on that day and new ones written to celebrate Christmas.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Content : Santa Claus Winter Festivals & Traditions Fruitcake Poinsettias Christmas lights Christmas Stockings History of the Christmas Tree Mistletoe Christmas Gifting The Three Wise Men or Kings The Candy Canes of Christmas Christmas Carols and Caroling
Santa Claus Santa Claus , also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle , or simply " Santa ", is an old man who, in many brings gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24.
Santa Claus is generally depicted as a plump, jolly, white-bearded man wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots . Santa Claus lives at the NORTH POLE, with a large number of magical elves, and nine (originally eight) flying reindeer.
Winter Festivals & Traditions November 1....................................... All Saints Day November 11..................................... St. Martin's Day (Germany) Last Thursday in November................ Thanksgiving Day (USA) Fourth Sunday before Christmas........ Advent begins December 6 ...................................... St. Nicholas Day December 8....................................... Bodhi Day in the Buddhists' faith December 10..................................... Hannukah begins (date varies) December 13..................................... Santa Lucia's Day (Italy, Sweden) December 15 - 16 ............................ Posados or Novena begins December 17 .................................... Hannukah ends (date varies) December 19..................................... St. Nicholas Day (Julian Calendar) December 20 .................................... St. Ignatious ' Day in Romania December 20/21................................ Winter Solstice December 21..................................... St. Thomas' Day December 23..................................... Little Christmas in Denmark December 24..................................... Christmas Eve
December 25.......................... Christmas Day December 26..................................... St. Stephen's Day, December 26..................................... Boxing Day in England December 26..................................... Kwanzaa Begins December 27..................................... St. John's Day, Mother Night December 28 .................................... Holy Innocents Day December 30 .................................... Bringing in the Boar December 31 .................................... New Year's Eve, St. Sylvester's Eve, December 31 .................................... Hogmanay in Scotland January 1........................................... New Year's Day, St. Basil's Day January 2 .......................................... Snow Day, Holde's Day January 3........................................... Evergreen Day January 4 .......................................... St. Distaff's Day January 5 .......................................... Epiphany Eve January 6 .......................................... Epiphany, Three Kings Day, Twelfth Night January 7 .......................................... Russian Christmas First Monday after Epiphany............... Plough Monday in England's traditions January 13 ........................................ Twentieth Day, January 13 ........................................ St. Knut's Day in Scandanavia
Fruitcake Fruitcake is for many families the giving and receiving of a favorite, though often ridiculed, traditional food. Fruitcake is considered to be a part of many families' Christmas traditions just as important as having a Christmas tree.
Poinsettias Poinsettias are believed to have originated in central and south America and were recorded, described, and revered by the ancient Aztec peoples. This flowering plant eventually became a symbol of Christmas to the Mexican culture and it became a tradition to use poinsettia plants to decorate during Christmas time.
Christmas lights Christmas lights at one time were candles, chosen because their twinkling appearance reminded families of the twinkling of moon light through the branches of fir trees in the forest. Despite the safety precautions taken by these early Christmas light users, mixing live flame with highly flammable Christmas trees resulted in a very dangerous situation and many fires resulted.
Christmas Stockings Christmas Stockings Many families will hang large brightly colored Christmas stockings over the fireplace or on the walls of their homes during Christmastime in the hopes that Santa Claus will fill them with toys, treats, and goodies. In fact, families have been hanging stockings for as long as there have been stockings!
History of the Christmas Tree The tradition of having an evergreen tree become a symbol of Christmas goes back past recorded written history. The Druids in ancient England & Gual and the Romans in Europe both used evergreen branches to decorate their homes and public buildings to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Over the years, these traditions were adopted by Christians, who incorporated them as part of their Christmas holiday celebration.
Mistletoe Mistletoe was often hung over the entrances to homes of the pagans in Scandinavian countries to keep out evil spirits. An old Scandinavian myth tells of the seemingly invulnerable god, Balder, who was struck down by a dart made from mistletoe. The tears of this mother, Frigga , became the white berries of the mistletoe, and it was decreed that the plant must never again be used as a weapon.
Christmas Gifting The idea of presenting people you love with gifts is as old as the human race. The idea of exchanging gifts at Christmas time originated with the birth of Jesus, when three wise men traveled to deliver gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn baby. Shepherds in the fields also came to give gifts to the newborn baby Jesus.
The Three Wise Men or Kings The Three Wise were always a part of the Nativity scene. The story of a visit of wise men to the Christ Child is told in the bible in St.Mathhew 2:1 tells us: "...Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem . . ." This Bible passage doesn't state how many wise men actually came from the east nor does it mention their names or their method of travel. It is only assumed they traveled by camel and they could have easily traveled by foot. The Bible doesn't claim these men to be kings, however it is speculated they were at least learned men and perhaps even astrologers.
The Candy Canes of Christmas Candy cane sweet treats made primarily from boiled sugar seem to have first appeared in Europe in the late 1600’s to early 1700’s. They were made in many different colors (most often white) and shapes (most often straight sticks), evolving to the familiar cane or upside down J shape with the red and white stripes in the early 1900’s.
Christmas Carols and Caroling Christmas carols and caroling in the old world was a mix of singing and dancing and was practiced for all festivals throughout the year. When Christmas was firmly established to be celebrated on December 25 th , many of the existing carols (or songs) were sung on that day and new ones written to celebrate Christmas.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение №32города Ставрополя Открытое внеклассное мероприятие "Чайная вечеринка"по английскому языку для 5 классамуниципального об...
Презентация к методической разработке открытого мероприятия "День Семьи, Любви и Верности"
Презентация к Методической разработке открытого мероприятия "День Семьи, Любви и Верности" содержит текстовый материал, который сопровождает презентации....
Открытое мероприятие. Сценарий и презентация к игре - тренингу на тему: «Твори добро и помогай каждому»
Ссылка на презентацию https://yadi.sk/i/_NV4ihsx3G4xR2Цель: развивать умение осваивать способы эффективного общения, расширение знаний учащихся о доброте, её значении в жизни человека.Задачи:&bull...
Сценарии к открытым мероприятиям
Сценарий открытия общешкольной игры "Акварель" и сценарий открытия окружной научно - практической конференции "Диалог культур"...
Сценарий на открытое мероприятие "Saint Valentinene\'s Day"
Предлагаемое мероприятие отлично подойдет для учащихся средней школы 5 - 9 классы. Данное мероприятие проводилось в 8 классе. Мероприятие создано с целью повышения интереса к изучению английского язык...