Elementary Language Practice
тест (6 класс) по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6 –10)

1        Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

a cook

a nurse

a vet

a mechanic

an actor

a plumber

a sailor

a gardener

a musician

an architect

a dentist

0        He repairs cars in a garage. He’s a mechanic.

1        He looks after people’s teeth. He’s ___________ .

2        He looks after sick animals. He’s ___________ .

3        He plays parts in films and the theatre. He’s ___________ .

4        He makes meals in a restaurant. He’s ___________ .

5        He travels the world in a ship. He’s ___________ .

6        He looks after people in a hospital. He’s ___________ .

7        He plays the saxophone in a jazz band. He’s ___________ .

8        He cuts the grass and looks after the flowers. He’s ___________ .

9        He designs houses and flats. He’s ___________ .

10        He repairs broken taps and pipes. He’s ___________ .

2        Complete the sentences.

0        I keep all my books on a bookshelf in my bedroom.

1        It’s very hot today. Turn off the c______ ______ .

2        My brother likes to look at himself in the m______ .

3        The living room c______ is very dirty, because people don’t take their shoes off.

4        I always have a hot s______ in the morning.

5        My dad always puts the rubbish in the d______ at night.

6        I’ve got lots of p______ of my favourite pop stars on my bedroom wall.

7        In winter we have a fire in the f______ to keep the living room warm.

8        The sugar is on the top s______ in the cupboard.

9        There are two armchairs and a s______ in the room.

10        My sister has a lovely, soft p______ on her bed.

3        Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer for each space.

My dad and I went for a (0) B  in the country. It was terrible! First, we forgot the

(1) _____ , so we couldn’t have any sandwiches. Then a (2) _____ came over and ate all the (3) _____ . And then, I spilt hot (4) _____ all over my new (5) _____ . I was very cross! We did have some chocolate (6) _____ though, so we ate them – they were very nice, but we were still hungry so dad took me to a café. We got  a              (7) _____ . I had chicken and (8) _____ and my dad had a hamburger and (9) _____ . Although the picnic was terrible we did have a nice (10) _____ after all.

0        A party        B picnic        C snack

1        A knife        B menu        C bread

2        A dog        B horse        C chicken

3        A bread        B snack        C sausages

4        A plate        B coffee        C cup

5        A napkin        B costume        C skirt

6        A biscuits        B chicken        C chips

7        A take-aways        B take-away        C takes-away

8        A chips        B chip        C crisps

9        A salad        B a salad        C salads

10        A food        B meal        C snack

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6–10)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 11–15)

1        Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0        Look out of the window. It’s snowing/snow/snowed.

1        What’s that noise? It’s lightning/lightening/thunder.

2        I think it’s going to rain. Look at those cloud/clouds/cloudy.

3        The weather tomorrow will be hot and sun/sunny/sunshine.

4        The weather is frozen/wind/cold in the winter.

5        Take an umbrella. It’s rain/raining/rains.

6        I think we’ll have a wet/little/shower of rain.

7        A lot of houses were damaged in the storm/stormy/storming.

8        If you sit in the sun for too long, you’ll get sunburning/sunburn/sunned.

9        It’s very windy/wind/winding today. Let’s fly our kites.

10        Look at that tree! It’s been hit by lightning/snow/rain.

2        Read the descriptions and complete the words.

0        Mont Blanc is the highest one in Europe.        m o u n t a i n

1        The Pacific is the largest one in the world.        o _ _ _ _

2        It flies and carries passengers.        p _ _ _ _

3        The place where trains stop.        s _ _ _ _ _ _

4        Crete, Ireland and Iceland are all…        i _ _ _ _ _ _

5        It sails across the sea.        s _ _ _

6        A place where many trees grow.        f _ _ _ _ _

7        It has got two wheels and no engine.        b _ _ _ _ _ _

8        People love sunbathing on this.        b _ _ _ _

9        Planes take off and land here.        a _ _ _ _ _ _

10        The Nile, the Amazon and the Thames are …        r _ _ _ _ _

3        Choose the best ending (A-K) for each sentence (0-10).

0        I broke my leg           G  

1        She didn’t come to school        ____

2        David was feeling ill        ____

3        These new shoes        ____

4        Put this thermometer        ____

5        I had an operation        ____

6        Go to bed and        ____

7        Three people were injured        ____

8        Mike had a stomach ache        ____

9        I can’t do my homework        ____

10        The girls keep fit         ____

A are hurting my feet.

B on my leg.

C in your mouth.

D because I’ve broken my fingers.

E because he had eaten too many sweets.

F in the accident.

G playing football.

H so he went to see the doctor.

I because she had a cold.

J by going to the gym.

K sleep until you feel better.

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 11–15)                

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 4 (Units 16–20)

1        Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.












0        An Egyptian comes from Egypt.

1        Have you ever _______ to Brazil?

2        You need to show your _______ when you go into Switzerland.

3        He comes from Poland. He’s _______ .

4        The Dutch come from _______ .

5        We’re going on a _______ round Canada this summer.

6        Where is Scotland? Can I see the _______?

7        Berlin is the capital of _______ .

8        Asia is a large _______ .

9        There are many _______ in New York.

10        Fish and chips is a national _______ in England.

2        Read the descriptions and complete the words.

0        You take photographs with this.                ca m e r a

1        You can write with this. You don’t use ink.        p_ _ _ _ _

2        Teachers give this and you must do it.                h_ _ _ _ _ _ _

3        Maths, history and science are all…                s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

4        You can wear one. It tells you the time.                w_ _ _ _

5        If you want to boil an egg, you need one.        s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

6        You can ask this. It needs an answer.                q_ _ _ _ _ _ _

7        To do something again and again, so that you learn it.        p_ _ _ _ _ _ _

8        This tells you when you have your lessons.         t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9        You need these to cut hair.                s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

10        It boils water.                        k_ _ _ _ _

3        Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer for each space.

Each of us in our family do different things on Saturday mornings. My husband drives to the (0) A to get the (1) _____ for the week. I walk to the open-air (2) _____ to buy (3) _____ and vegetables. They are more expensive there, but they are better quality. My son (4) _____ football for a local team. They don’t usually (5) _____ , but he enjoys the game. My daughter isn’t (6) _____ in sport. She spends the morning at home, alone, listening to (7) _____ music. In the afternoon, friends sometimes

(8) _____ to see us and we go for (9) _____ in the woods. In the evening, the children often go out with their friends to the cinema, but we prefer (10) _____ at home.

0        A supermarket        B newsagent’s        C greengrocer’s

1        A shops        B shopping        C shop

2        A shops        B supermarket        C market

3        A chocolate        B fruit        C milk

4        A watches        B does        C plays

5        A win        B lose        C play

6        A like        B play        C interested

7        A classical        B classic        C class

8        A go        B come round        C go round

9        A a walk        B walk        C walking

10        A stay        B stayed        C staying

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 4 (Units 16–20)                

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