Мини-спектакль "The Frog-Tsarevna"
методическая разработка (11 класс) по теме
Образовательные цели, которые преследует данное мероприятие, тесным образом связаны с учебной программой 1-2 курсов колледжа. Кроме того, данная постановка способствует развитию у студентов речевой и социокультурной компетенции. Данная методическая разработка рекомендуется для использования во внеклассной работе преподавателям английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Московской области
ГБОУ СПО МО «Коломенский политехнический колледж»
Зам.директора по УВР
____________Э.Б. Ромашкина
Преподаватель: Дяденко Е.Г.
Рассмотрено на заседании цикловой комиссии общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин.
Протокол № _____ от «___» ______________ 20__ г.
Председатель комиссии: ______________________ / __________________
Ф. И. О. подпись
2013 г
Используемые материалы
Форма проведения мероприятия – мини-спектакль “The Frog-Tsarevna”.
Цели мероприятия:
- Образовательные:
- совершенствование навыков говорения и подготовленной устной речи;
- расширение активного вокабуляра;
- повторение особенностей употребления в речи грамматических времен;
- развитие навыков аудирования;
- формирование компенсаторной компетенции.
- Развивающие:
- развитие творческих способностей студентов;
- развитие у студентов интереса к английскому языку;
- работа над ликвидацией языкового барьера.
- Воспитательные
- воспитание чувства ответственности за свою работу;
- преодоление чувства стеснения (если такое имеется) за результаты своей работы.
Связь с учебным материалом: образовательные цели, которые преследует данное мероприятие, тесным образом связаны с учебной программой 1-2 курсов колледжа. Это проявляется, прежде всего, в необходимости закрепления как грамматического материала, так и лексического. Кроме того, данная постановка способствует развитию у студентов речевой и социокультурной компетенции.
Оснащение внеклассного мероприятия:
1. Декорации для оформления зала.
2. Аппаратура для воспроизведения музыкального сопровождения.
3. Костюмы для героев и реквизит.
Данная методическая разработка рекомендуется для использования во внеклассной работе преподавателям английского языка.
The list of Characters:
Brother 1
Brother 2
Wife 1
Wife 2
Scene 1:
Do you believe in magic? If you don’t, then watch…
Song “Christmas is all around”
I feel it in my fingers,
I feel it in my toes.
Christmas is all around me
And so the feeling grows.
It’s written on the wind,
It’s everywhere I go.
So if you really love me
Come on and let it show.
You know I love you, I always will,
My mind’s made up by the way that I feel
There’s no beginning, there’ll be no end
Cause on Christmas you can’t regret…
Scene 2:
Story-teller: Long-long ago there was a well-known modern kingdom. And there was a Tsar who had 3 sons. And when his sons were old enough to make their families, the old Tsar called them and said:
Tsar: My dear sons, while yet I’m not old, I would like to see you married so that I may see your children, my grand-children, before I die. So now, my dear sons, you must each go to the open field and send sms “Kiska” to number 888, and who get them will be you destined-bride.
Story-teller: And the 3 sons went to the open field to send the message. The eldest son message was received by the daughter of businessman – Ksenia Sobchak. And the middle son’s message was delivered to the daughter of the oil magnate – Alsou. And only poor Tsarevich Ivan didn’t succeed, just have a look…
Scene 3:
Ivan: Where is my delivery report? Oh my God!!! You mean my message is in your telephone?!
Frog: Yes, and now you have to marry me! A promise is a promise!!!
Ivan: What do you mean? How can I – Tsarevich - marry a frog?
Frog: You must, Tsarevich! Now I’m your destined-bride!
Ivan: Let’s try!
Story-teller: But nothing can be done. So Tsarevich-Ivan picked up the frog and carried it home. The Tsar celebrated 3 weddings: the eldest son was married to Ksenia Sobchak, the middle son married – Alsou. And poor Tsarevich Ivan married the frog. Some little time passed and the Tsar called his sons to his side again.
Scene 4:
Tsar: I have a task for you, my dear sons. I would like to know which of your wives is the best with the needle. Tell them make me a shirt for tomorrow morning.
Scene 5:
Frog: Why are you so sad, Tsarevich Ivan? Are you in trouble?
Ivan: Father wants you to make him a shirt by tomorrow morning.
Frog: Don’t be sad, Tsarevich Ivan! Take a glass of gazirovka and go to bed, for morning is wiser than evening.
Story-teller: In the morning Tsarevich Ivan woke up. And there was the frog waiting for him on the floor again. And the shirt was ready. Tsarevich Ivan was happy. He picked up the shirt and took it to his father. He found Tsar receiving gifts from his other sons.
Scene 6:
Tsar: This shirt is only for poor student to wear. This shirt you may wear yourself. Oh, and this one is only to wear in “Plazma”!
Brother one: She is not a frog!
Brother two: She is a witch!
Tsar: I have another task for you dear sons! I would like to know which of your wives is the better cook. Tell them bake me some bread for tomorrow morning.
Scene 7:
Frog: Why are you so sad, Tsarevich Ivan?
Ivan: Father wants you to bake him some bread by tomorrow morning.
Frog: Ah! Don’t be sad, Tsarevich Ivan, but watch TV and go to bed for morning is wiser than evening.
Wife 1: We’ll find out your secret!
Frog: I know their plans and I’ll play trick on them.
Story-teller: In the morning Tsarevich Ivan awoke. And there was the cake ready prettily decorated with all tasty things. Tsarevich Ivan was so pleased! He took this bread to his father.
Scene 8:
Tsar: This bread send to the dogs. And this - throw to cats. Oh, and this one is only to be eaten at my party!!! Tomorrow we’ll have one! Come with your wives.
Scene 9:
Frog: Why are you so sad again, Tsarevich Ivan?
Ivan: Frogy-frogy, how can I be happy? Father wants you to be at his party tomorrow, but how can I show you to people?
Frog: Don’t be sad, Tsarevich Ivan! Go to the party alone and I will come later. And when you hear the great knocking, don’t be afraid. And when they ask you what is it, say “that is my frog riding in her car!”
Ivan: So, let it be!
Scene 10:
Story-teller: So Tsarevich Ivan went to the party alone. His elder brothers came with their wives.
Brother 1: Ha! Tsarevich Ivan, where is your wife?
Wife 1: Did you forget to bring her in the box?
Brother 2: Van’, where did you find such a beauty?
Wife 2: You must have searched all the swamps for her!
Ivan: Don’t fear, people! This is only my frog riding in her car.
Is that you my froggy? You are so beautiful today!
Tsar: Now it’s time to dance!
Story-teller: Meanwhile Tsarevich Ivan ran home. There he found the frog skin and threw it into the fire.
Tsar: The party is over!!!
Scene 11:
Tsarevna: Oh, my God, Tsarevich Ivan! What have you done?! Had you but waited three more days I would have been yours forever. But now, farewell. Seek me beyond the Thrice-Nine Lands, in the Thrice-Ten Kingdom, where Koshchei the Deathless dwells.
It’s impossible to say,
Why I’m going to Koshchei,
It’s so awful.
And I’m flying far away
To the world that is so grey
Now I’m mournful.
And I’m rising higher
That is his desire,
And I leave you crying
“Save me, Vanya!”
Ivan: Oh, I’ve lost her! But I do love her! And I want to be with her! I’ll go to Baba-Yaga! She is the wisest and the oldest in the forest! She will help me!
Scene 12:
Story-teller: Long time passed by or little time no one knows. But soon Tsarevich Ivan came into the forest and saw a little house on the chicken legs, turning round and round!
Ivan: Little house, little house, turn your back to the trees and your face to me, please.
Baba-Yaga: Oh! Tsarevich Ivan! Why did you burn the frog skin? It was not yours! I know everything!!!
Ivan: The wisest Baba-Yaga! Help me to find my Tsarevna Vasilisa!!!
Baba-Yaga: I know, I know! Now Tsarevna is in the power of Koshchei the Deathless. It will be hard for you to get her back. Koshchei is more than a match for you. His death is at the point of a needle. The needle is in an egg that Koshchei the Deathless guards as the apple of his eye.
Ivan: How can I get to Koshchei?
Baba-Yaga: You should go straight, then turn to the right, then two times to the left and from that place you have 3 days of walking.
Ivan: Thank you, Baba-yaga!!!
How can I to find my beauty lady?
Who will be the queen of ours maybe.
And I know, I’ll come over the trouble
Just to find the lady of the marvel,
Just to find the lady of the marvel!
Ivan: So the egg must be somewhere here!
Story-teller: Tsarevich Ivan broke the egg, took the needle out and broke it. And Koshchei the Deathless fell down dead.
Tsarevna: Oh, my honey Tsarevich Ivan. You saved me.
Final Scene:
Story-teller: And Tsarevich Ivan and Tsarevna Vasilisa went back to their own home and lived in peace and happiness many-many years.
Song “Last Christmas”
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I’ll give to someone special.
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby do you recognize me
Well it’s been a year,
It doesn’t surprise me
Happy Christmas
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note telling “I love you”
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I’ve been
But if you kiss me now I know you’d fool me again.
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