Тест по английскому языку
тест (7 класс) по теме

Грамматический тест 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы из предложенных вариантов.

1. His name ___ Peter.





2. He ___ not from Turkey.





3. You ____ like tea.





4. _______ husband is a doctor.





5. When _______ go to sleep?

 do you

 you do

 are you

 you are

6. When _________ watch TV?


 do they

 they do

 they are

7. ______ some books on the table.

 there is

 there are

 there isn't

 there aren't

8. ________ a coffee, please?

 can I

 can I have

 have I can

 I can have                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

9.. She ______ tea for breakfast.


 always has

 has always

 always having

10. I sometimes work ___ Saturdays.





11. She ____ play the piano.


 do can

 can to

 does can

12. Where were you born? I ________ in Madrid.

 was born

 were born

 was borne

 am born

13. There aren't ______ people in the street.





14. I am _______ person in the world.

 the happiest



 the happyest

15. How many books ________?

 have you got

 you have got

 you got

 do you got

16. Is Father busy now? Yes, he _______ to the postman.

 is talking




17. When ________ to buy me a computer?

 are you going

 you are going

 are you going to

 you going

18. ______ sushi?

 have you ever eaten

 did you ever eat

 you have ever eaten

 have you eaten ever

19. Have you ____ hello to everyone?





20. Theatre is a novel ___ W. Somerset Maugham





21. I cut myself when I ______.

 was shaving


 is shaving

 had shaved

22. She's ____ youngest in the family.





23. Bye. I _____ see you next week.





24. Why ________ change your mind?

 did you have to

 must you

 you had to

 had you to

25. You _____ get bored if you go to see that film.





26. I ____ drive a Porsche, but now I ride a bicycle.

 used to

 use to

 am used to

 was using to

27. Most computers _______ in Asia.

 are made


 are make

 were make

28. If I ____ a lot of money, I would buy a house in the country.



 would have

 would had

29. I ______ any work yesterday morning, so I was very busy in the afternoon.

 hadn't done

 haven't done

 didn't do


30. Pete said he _______ this restaurant.

 didn't like

 not like

 don't like


31. The ground is wet. It ______.

 has been raining

 has rained

 was raining


32. I deny _____ the money.



 to take

 to taking

33. We'd like _____ out tonight.


 to go


 to going

34. We ______ been going out with each other for a year in September.



 will be

 will have

35. If he _____ so ill, he would have come to work yesterday.



 hadn't been

 didn't be

36. This time tomorrow I _______ a cold shower.


 will have

 am having

 will be having

37. He never has ____ ideas on what to do and where to go.





38. She can't learn anything _______. She must have some company.

 on her own

 with herself

 on herself

 at her own

39. ____ milk is good for ___ children.

 ___, the

 the, the

 the, ___

 ___, ___

40. I depend so much ___ you.






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