План - конспект урока английского языка для 9 класса по теме "Киноискусство"
план-конспект урока (9 класс) по теме
Урок - обобщение, имеющий целью систематизировать лексический материал по теме "Киноискусство" и предоставить информацию о культурном наследии России и англоязычной страны в области киноискусства.
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Цели урока: систематизировать лексический материала по теме «Киноискусство», предоставить материал о культурном наследии России и англоязычной страны в области киноискусства.
Тип урока: урок – обобщение.
Задачи урока: показать творческие умения объяснять, описывать, проводить самостоятельный поиск необходимой информации, делать развернутые сообщения на английском языке.
T: The twentieth century can be called the century of film making. Cinema and TV films have become an important part of our films. But when and where did cinematography appear? What about making an exertion to the history of it?
P: I’d like to tell you about it. Speaking about cinematography we can’t mention Hollywood the world capital of filmed entertainment. One day in 1908 a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to shoot a film. In 1911 the first studio appeared in Hollywood.
In the 1920 Hollywood made 80% of the world’s films. Silent and black – and – white films starring Mary Pickford and Charly Chaplin were forced out by sound films in the middle of the 20th. And the first colour film. Gone with the wind was shot in 1939. This film brought a great success toV Leigh and Clark Gabble who starred in the film.
Now Hollywood combines the biggest film companies such as MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Picture, Warner Brothers and Universal.
T: Hollywood got the name if the factory of dreams. Why?
P. It’s accociated with wealth and paradise of sun and palm- trees.
T.But in spite of the fact that the heart of the cinema empire is in Hollywood
( in the USA) the inventors of the cinema were the French.
P. The Lumiere brothers invented the first film projector and motion picture
Camera in 1895.That year on the 28 of December they demonstrated the first three-minute film “Arrival of the train” .In that film a train came towards the camera.
People ran out of the cinema thinking in was a real train.
T. So the French invented the cinema. Americans established the factory of films and what about Russians? What contribution has Russia made to the development
of cinema?
Look through the titles of some Russian films which have got world recognition and are very popular with the people of all ages.
1.Burnt by the sun 2.Chapaev 3.Ballad of a Soldier
4.The Irony of Fate 5.Ivan Vassilyevich changes Profession
6.A few Days of Oblomov’s life 7.The Lady with a dog.
8. Circus 9. Moscow doesn’t believe in tears’ 10 . The Seagull
11.A Slave of Love 12.Solaris. 13.Crime and Punishment 14.Assa
15. Autumn Marathon.
Listening Comprehention.
T.Listen to the information and match the discriptions of some Russian films with their titles.
P1 (1960) A. It is a classical Russian movie about a soldier who is on leave in World War 11 and his attempt to get home to see his mother.It is directed by Chukhrai.
P2/B.(1994)This film directed by and starring by Nikita Mikhalkov won the Oscar for the best foreign film in 1995.Colonel Sergey Kotov(Mikhalkov) is a red army hero who is spending the summer in the country with his wife and daughter. Suddenly the idyllic summer takes a surprising turn.
P3.C (1981)This film is a winner of the Best Picture ,Best Actor ,Best Director and Best Screenplay awards at the Oxford International Film Festival.It is based on Goncharov’s novel .It depicts one of the most recognizable characters in Russian literature .Although good –natured the main character is very lazy and bored nearly with everything. His friends and acquaintances would like him to change his way of living though not all of them are sure that this maybe for the better.
P4D(1936) This film tells us an incredible story of an American white circus actor who has got a black son and it is among the Soviet people that she can find her happiness .Lyubov Orlova the musical comedy megastar of the 1930s delivers a magnificent performance in the film.
P5 F(1981)This film is a winner of the Academy Award for the Best Foreign
Language Film.It is an enchanting drama of three Russian women struggling to establish themselves in Moscow , а huge capital city .It is a truthful and moving portrait of women’s life in Russia which is depicted over the span of two decades.
A Ballad of a Soldier
B Burnt by the Sun
C A Few Days from Oblomov’s Life.
D Circus
F Moscow doesn’t Believe in Tears
T.Everybody knows that film making is a very complicated process. Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in it. What profession would you choose if you had a chance to make a film?
P1 I would be a camera operator. He looks through the camera and operates the equipment.
P2I would be a costume designer .She prepares costumes, dresses and suits for films.
P3 I would be a make-up artist. He can make a new face for an actor.
P4 I would be a scriptwriter. He writes scripts for films.
P5 I would be a stuntman. He does all the dangerous tricks instead of actors.
P6 I would be a producer .He has general control of the money for a film but he doesn’t direct the actors.
T.So you will agree that all the jobs are necessary in the world of the cinema.But we can’t make a film without a director and an actor. Act out a situation in which you are interviewing Leonardo Di Caprio at the press conference. Try to make fun of it.
In.-Why did you become an actor?
L.C.-Because I was good at it. I’ve been acting since my childhood.Very often I entertained my classmates with impersonations of teachers .I began TV work at 16.
In.-What can you tell us about your family?
L,C.-I was brought up in two-bed shack in rough part of Los Angelos. Dad George was a comic book artist. My German-born Mum Irmelin was a legal secretary.
In.-Who is handling Leonardo’s business affairs now?
L.C/-My father is.
In.-Leo, are you happy with your work?
L.C.-As long as I can do films that I want to do I go completely crazy.
In.-What film roles do you want to play in the future?
L.C.-I just want to make movies I am happy with. I am sick of the heroic man figure that thinks he is perfect. I want to do some pretty crazy stuff.
In.-Having spent so much time getting drenched on board of Titanic are you a fan of the water?
L.C.-I love the ocean, the sea .I am fond of animals especially whales .otters and dolphins.
In.-Is there any truth in the rumours that you are going to be in the next Batman movie?
L.C.-Please-leather clad and on a motor-bike? I’m not interested in those types of action hero roles. You won’t see me in the next Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
You won’t see me playing a really boring character. I won’t do anything making me unhappy but if the happens then I’ll stop .I’ll never be miserable.
T.L.C/ is one of the hottest film stars .His face has been on the covers of all the top movie magazines .So actors especially film stars enjoy great popularity. We easily recognize them .We love them. We are interested in their lives and work .But what about film directors? Can you name at least five of them?
PsS Eisenstein,N.Mikhalkov,A.Tarkovsky,G,Chukhrai,S.Spilgerg,S.Bondarchuk.
T.What information have you got about their work?
P. Steven Spielberg seems to be the all-power wizard and a cinema magician for us .His films make us scream with laughter and shiver with horror.
The son of the computer scientist and a gifted pianist Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and later Arizona. He was 11 when he first got his Dad’s camera and began shooting short films about flying saucers and World War 11battles.
At the age of 13 he won a contest with his 40-minutes film Escape to nowhere. At the age of 16 he produced the movie Firelight and it was shown at the local cinema.
But a real success came in 1975 when Spielberg created Jaws. That little fish tale became the biggest hit of its time. This movie opened up the doors for Spielberg to work on many more great projects .He went on to shake Hollywood with Close Encounters ,Raiders of the Lost Ark ,E T and Jurassic Park.
Today Spielberg is one of the most financially successful filmmakers ever. But his talents are not limited to the movie set. Spielberg proved to be one of Hollywood’s most nimble entrepreneurs. His business empire includes video games, toys and even restaurants.
T. Write about S,Bondarchuk using the words and word combinations.
director scriptwriter play adaptation
be develop return study
fllm make an impressive want
cost debut return take
S .Bondarchuk ____ a prominent Russian director, script writer and an actor.
In his childhood he wanted to be an actor. In his youth he studied at Moscow All
Union State Institute of Cinematography. After his film ___ in Sergey Gerasimov’s The Young Guard he soon _______ into a major star of the Soviet cinema. Among his leading roles ______Taras Shevchenko and Othello in which he ____ opposite his future wife Irina Skobtseva.
In 1959 Bondarchuk __________ as a director with Fate of a Man in which he also____ the central character a Russian soldier. However the crowning glory of Bondarchuk’s career was his screen version of Tolstoy’s War and Peace. It
____ 5 years to complete the film and it ____ up to &70 million .It was filmed in 168 different locations with a cast of 120.000 including Bondarchuk himself in the leading role. After the Soviet- Italian co-operation of Waterloo he_____ to Russian themes in___of Chekhov The Steppe.
His last film was Boris Godunov.
Video project. Some of you have a video camera. Let’s try to produce a short film based on a story or a play once read by you in English Make the film poster including the following information
Who stars in it
Who has made it ( director, scriptwriter, producer, etc)
What’s it about.
Production company
Nominated for
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