Элективный курс 11 класс "Spoken English +"
элективный курс (11 класс) по теме
В элективный курс для 11 класса Spoken English+ входит календарно-тематическое планирование курса с подробным описанием каждого занятия, викторин с ответами.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Элективный курс английского языка
11 класс
«Разговорный английский»
Составитель программы:
Першина В.А.
Пояснительная записка
В наше время меняется мотивация к изучению иностранных языков так как в старших классах начинает все больше значение иметь практический, прикладной смысл – навык разговорной речи для того чтобы общаться с зарубежными сверстниками, понимание песен на английском языке, чтение специальной литературы.
Основная цель в изучении английского языка является развитие способностей учащихся использованию английского языка в качестве общения в диалоге культур. Для достижения коммуникативного и социокультурного развития необходимо взаимосвязанное коммуникативноречевое, социокультурное и языковое развития учащихся с обязательным учетом возрастных особенностей. Цель этого факультативного курса углубить языковые знания учащихся и ознакомить их с иноязычной культурой Великобритании, Америки и конечно собственной Родины – России и малой Родины – Калининграда.
Как известно, лингвострановедческий подход является одним из методов повышения мотивации практически на всех этапах обучения английскому языку. Для развития стремления к навыкам коммуникативного общения на английском языке, лингвострановедческий метод позволяет использовать различные виды мотивации:
1. Познавательная мотивация. Знакомство с природными особенностями Великобритании, Америки, России, Калининграда, историей и культурой, национальными особенностями.
2. Эстетическая мотивация. Знакомство с английским, американским, русским искусством (история, современность), участие в театральных представлениях, спектаклях по произведениям английских и американских авторов, разучивание песен, стихов.
Одна из целей курса также является обучение учащихся ведению бесед по различным темам (культура, общественно – политические события, спорт), подготовка устных и письменных сообщений, умению понимать доклады и лекции на английском языке. Главное место отводится чтению и переводу страноведческих текстов, выполнению достаточно сложных грамматических и лексических упражнений (в форме ЕГЭ).
Целью этого факультативного курса по страноведению «Разговорный английский» является углубленное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности – говорение, чтение, аудирование, письмо - как средство общения с носителями английского языка. Особенность этой программы в том, что поставленная цель обучения реализуется на основе широкого использования и изучения разнообразного лингвострановедческого материала. Учащиес 11 классов знакомятся с многими реалиями стран изучаемого языка, отображающими их национальную культуру, что способствует развитию у учащихся стремления к навыкам коммуникативного общения. Этот курс направлен на реальное овладение всеми типами речевой деятельности, опираясь на необходимые языковые знания, полученные за время обучения. Под реальным владением английским языком понимается:
умение учащихся понимать английскую речь в разнообразных ситуациях повседневного общения;
умение отреагировать на вопросы;
умение дать требуемую информацию (устно и письменно);
чтение и понимание различных текстов (художественных, журнальных, газетных, информационных), написанных носителями английского языка (ж. Speak – out, Teen, Kid, г. USA TODAY, the guardian).
Поставленные практические задачи факультативного курса разрешаются путем широкого и обязательного использования страноведческого материала, созданного носителями английского языка (видео и аудиоматериалы, мультимедийные компьютерные программы, фотоальбомы, художественная и историческая литература, иллюстрированные издания, карты, схемы, планы городов – при помощи компьютерной программы Google.
Форма проведения занятий личносто - ориентированное на индивидуальное восприятие и развитие практических речевых умений и навыков учащихся: КСО, полилог, диалог, беседы, диспут, презентация, проект.
Факультативный страноведческий курс рассчитан на 2 года. Для учащихся 11 классов. Общий объем курса 35часов Педагогическая ценность программы:
1. Учащиеся учатся самостоятельно применять знания и умения для получения информации по данному курсу через проектную методику.
2. Данная программа соответствует современным направлениям в педагогической теории и практике, широко используя ИКТ.
3. Востребованность программы состоит в том, что учащиеся знакомятся с иноязычной культурой; они готовы к пониманию образа мыслей носителей английского языка, а также оценивают культуру англо-говорящих стран в сравнении с культурой своей страны.
4. Приложения «Тесты по страноведению и вопросы по темам для Америки и Великобритании» (29 стр.).
Учебно – тематический план
N/N | Наименование темы | Количество учебных часов |
Великобритания 35 |
1. | История Британии. Географическое положение. | 1 |
2. | Политическое устройство Великобритании. | 1 |
3. | Парламент. Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс, Северная Ирландия | 1 |
4. | Mass Media Великобритании. | 1 |
5. | Достопримечательности Лондона. Лондилиум. Британский Музей. Кавент Гарден. Музей Транспорта. Королевская Академия. Темза. Тауэр. Современные музеи. | 2 |
6. | Система образования в Британии. Школьная жизнь. Экзамены. Начальная, Средняя, Старшая школа. Оксбридж. | 1 |
7. | Британцы. (Британский английский). Мудрость народа в пословицах. | 1 |
8. | Праздники и фестивали. Рождество. День Святого Валентина. Пасха. Уикенды. ( Свободное время). | 1 |
9. | Мой дом – моя крепость. | 1 |
10. | Английская трапеза. Завтрак. Ланч. Чай. Обед. Ужин. Английские пабы. | 1 |
11. | Спорт в Британии. | 1 |
12. | Обычаи и традиции Британии. Церемония - «Ключи». | 1 |
13. | Культура Британии. Живопись. Литература. Архитектура. | 1 |
14. | Королевская семья. | 1 |
Второй год факультативного курса 11 класс Америка |
15. | США. Открытие Америки. Происхождение слова. Америка. Американский флаг. Гимн Америки. Девиз. Официальный язык. | 2 |
16. | Географическое положение. Климат. Штаты. Коренные американцы. Афро–американцы. Эмигранты. «Плавильный Котел». | 1 |
17 | Политическая система Америки. | 1 |
Нью – Йорк. Вашингтон – крупный город, столица (Белый дом). | 1 |
18 | Достопримечательности – Манхеттен. Музей Современного Искусства. Статуя свободы. Голливуд. Бродвей. | 2 |
19 | Знаменитые люди Америки – Дж. Вашингтон, Абрам Линкольн, Ф. Рузвельт, Дж. Кеннеди. | 1 |
20 | Образование в Америке. | 1 |
21 | Культура и средства массовой информации. Радио. И Телевидение. Кино и театры Америки. | 1 |
22 | Американские праздники. День Независимости. День всех Святых. День Благодарения. Рождество. | 2 |
23 | Американская кухня. Фаст – фуды. Кока – кола. | 1 |
24. | Спорт в Америке. | 1 |
Россия |
25 | Географическое положение России. | 1 |
26 | Политическое устройство России. | 1 |
27 | Достопримечательности. Москва. Петербург. Третьяковская галерея. Большой театр. Эрмитаж. Культура и искусство. Кремль. Петропавловская крепость. | 1 |
28 | Великие исторические имена прошлого и современности. Иван Грозный, Петр Великий, Декабристы, А. Сахаров, А. Солженицын, Р. Ростропович. | 2 |
29 | Русская литература. Пушкин, Лермонтов, Толстой, Достоевский. | 1 |
30 | Музыка и балет. | 1 |
4 урока-резерв на усмотрение учителя.
Содержание курса
11 класс. Великобритания.
1. Теоретическое занятие -. Просмотр видеофильма.
Практическое занятие. Составление диалогов о географическом положении. Подготовка тем о историческом и географическом положении Великобритании. Составление и разгадывание кроссвордов.
2. Теоретическое занятие – Схема политического устройства Великобритании.
Практическое занятие – Составление рассказов о политическом устройстве.
3 Теоретическое занятие. – Знакомство с различными видами mass media Великобритании.
Практическое занятие. – Чтение и перевод газет, пересказ статьи из газеты по алгоритму
5. Теоретическое занятие. – Лондон - столица Великобритании. Просмотр видеофильма
Практическое занятие – Составление диалогов по теме.
Проведение игры «Знаешь ли ты Лондон?»
Виртуальное посещение музеев.
6. Теоретическое занятие – Лекция о системе образования в Британии.
Практическое занятие – Школьная жизнь. Экзамены. Составление собственных рассказов и диалогов.
Начальная, Средняя, Старшая школа. (фильм о Оксфорде и Кембридже).
7. Теоретическое занятие –. Знакомство с характером Британцев, и с английскими пословицами. Отработка речевого этикета.
Практическое занятие –. Практическое применение пословиц в разговорной речи в написании эссе (подготовка к ЕГЭ).
8. Теоретическое занятие –Рождество – любимый праздник британцев. Как празднуют Рождество в Великобритании.
Практическое занятие –1. Разучивание английских стихов, песен к рождеству.
Написание поздравительных открыток, выпуск праздничной газеты.
9. Практическое занятие – Микросообщение учащихся об английском доме и отношении англичан к собственному дому.
10. Теоретическое занятие – Английские национальные блюда. Просмотр и обсуждение фрагментов видеофильмов по данной теме. Знакомство с рецептами английской кухни, их переводы.
Практическое занятие –. Составление рецепта любимого блюда. Чтение и перевод аутентичных текстов от особенности национальной кухни. Ролевая игра «В английском пабе».
11. Теоретическое занятие –. Происхождение истинно английских игр.
Практическое занятие –Микросообщения учащихся об английских играх.
12. Теоретическое занятие –. Обычаи и традиции британцев.
Практическое занятие –. Знакомство учащихся с работой в сети Интернет для получения информации об обычаях и традициях британцев .
13. Теоретическое занятие – 1ч. Просмотр фильма об английских художниках и архитекторах Великобритании.
Практическое занятие – 1ч. Составление устных, письменных рассказов, о понравившейся картине и архитектурном памятнике Великобритании.
14. Теоретическое занятие – 1ч. Знакомство с историей английских королей. Генеалогическое древо английских королей.
Практическое занятие – 2ч. 1. Работа с аутентическими текстами.
2. составление микрорассказов об английских королях и современных принцах. Выполнение тестов по теме из журнала Speak – out.
ласс. Америка.
15 Теоретическое занятие – Открытие Америки. Происхождение слова Америка. Этнодемографические данные.
Практическое занятие – Составление сообщений о гимне Америки, девизе, языке.
16. Теоретические занятия –. Географическое положение. Климат США.
Практическое занятие –. Закрепление лексического материала, работа с картой. Составление диалогов о географическом положении Америки, ее городах.
17. Теоретическое занятие – Знакомство с политической системой Америки.
Практическое занятие – Закрепление лексического материала. Подготовка сообщений о политической системе Америки.
18. Теоретическое занятие –Месторасположение Нью – Йорка, Вашингтона.
Практическое занятие – Виртуальное знакомство с крупными городами Америки. Микросообщения о Нью – Йорке, Вашингтоне, и других крупных городах.
19. Теоретическое занятие –. История появления Манхеттена. Показ достопримечательностей на плане города, просмотр фотографий, буклетов.
Практическое занятие –. Составление и обсуждение учащимися программ одно и двухдневного пребывания в Нью – Йорке (Вашингтоне). Работа с планом Вашингтона: покажи эти достопримечательности на плане, после прослушивания текста показать маршрут экскурсии по Вашингтону. Составление собственного рассказа о столице Америки, ее достопримечательностях.
20 Теоретическое занятие – Знакомство со знаменитыми людьми Америки. Дж. Вашингтон, Абрам Линкольн, Ф. Рузвельт, Дж. Кеннеди.
Практическое занятие – Составление микрорассказов о знаменитых людях Америки по алгоритму.
21. Теоретическое занятие –. Структура образования в Америке.
Практическое занятие – Составление микросообщений и диалогов об образовании в Америке.
22. Теоретическое занятие – Знакомство с СМИ Америки. Голливуд и театральная жизнь.
Практическое занятие – Чтение и перевод газет, пересказ статьи из газеты по алгоритму. Микросообщение о театральной жизни и Голливуде.
23 Теоретическое занятие –День Независимости, день всех Святых, День Благодарения, Рождество – любимый праздник американцев. Как эти праздники отмечают в Америке.
24. Американская национальная кухня. Появления фаст-фуда в Америке. Изобретение Коко-колы.
Спорт в Америке. История появления баскетбола.
Практическое занятие –. Микрорассказы об американском
футболе, баскетболе, легкой атлетике.
25. Географическое положение. Страны граничащие с Россией, крупные города. Просмотр видеофильма «Россия».
Практическое занятие – Работа с картой. Составление диалогов о географическом положении России, городах, краях, областях. Составление и разгадывание кроссвордов «Россия – Родина моя».
26 Политическое устройство России. Схема политической структуры.
Практическое занятие –. Составление собственного рассказа о политическом устройстве России.
27. Теоретическое занятие – Москва – столица России. Наиболее известные достопримечательности – Третьяковская Галерея, Большой театр, Кремль. Петербург – Северная столица России. (Петро – Павловская Крепость, Эрмитаж). Суздаль, Новгород – древнерусские города. Деревянное зодчество. Просмотр фильма.
Практическое занятие –Составление собственных рассказов о Москве и Петербурге. Знаменитые русские церкви и соборы.
28 Великие исторические имена прошлого и современности. Иван Грозный, Петр Великий, Декабристы, А. Сахаров, А. Солженицын, Р. Ростропович.
Практическое занятие –Чтение и перевод отрывков из произведений о великих людях России.
29. Теоретическое занятие –Великие русские писатели – Пушкин, Лермонтов, Толстой, Достоевский.
Практическое занятие –Составление устных и письменных сообщений о любимом писателе, любимой книге.
30 Теоретическое занятие –. П. И. Чайковский, А. Бородин, М. Мусорский, Н. Римский – Корсаков.
Анна Павлова, Майя Плисецкая, Борис Васильев – великие представители русской балетной школы.
Практическое занятие –Подготовка микрорассказов и диалогов по теме музыка и балет.
Требования к уровню подготовки выпускников.
К концу изучения факультативного курса учащиеся должны обладать следующими знаниями, умениями, навыками:
1. дать требуемую информацию устно или письменно по вопросам входящим в круг повседневного общения;
2. подготовить рассказ, сообщение, презентацию с использованием ИКТ о географическом положении, политической структуре, природных условиях Великобритании, Америке, России их истории, вкладе в мировую культуру;
3.читать и понимать аутентичные тексты (художественную, журнальную, газетную информацию), написанную носителями язык;
4. уметь написать открытку, эссе, резюме.
Учебно – методическое обеспечение программы.
Факультативный курс страноведения опирается на материал, пройденный учащимися в предыдущие годы обучения и отражает в новых ситуациях знакомую им тематику. Широко используются оригинальные аутентичные тексты английских, американских авторов и отечественные лингвострановедческие материалы.
При проведении всех видов занятий используется разнообразный материал (карточки, творческие и проверочные работы, варианты вопросов для устных, письменных, творческих работ, вопросы для обсуждений, задания для микрогрупп и презентации, подготовленные самими учащимися). Проверочные и контрольные работы проводятся как в традиционной форме (вопрос – ответ, творческое задание, решение) так и в игровой, соревновательной форме (парная работа и работа в микрогруппах). На занятиях применяются технические средства обучения, аудио – видеотехника, компьютер (просмотр видеофильмов, прослушивание музыки и песен, компьютерные программы). Работа с интерактивной доской.
Библиографический список
1. Словарь употребительных английских пословиц. Авторы. М. В. Буковская, С. И. Вяльцева, З. И. Дубяжская и др. Москва 2007г.
2. First Certificate Pass Key. Student’s Book. Nick Kenney. Heinemann.
Heinemann English Language Teaching. A division of Reed Educational Publishing Ltd. Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ.
3. In Britain. Alison Burch, Liz Woodbridge, Helga Holtkamp Лицензионное издание. Издательство «Титул». 2004.
4. English? Yes, please. (1,2,3 части) Over 1 000 illustrated words with games, activities and comics. European language institute. 2009
5. Кауфман К. И. «Страницы Британской истории» книга для чтения по английскому языку в 7 – 11 классов общеобразовательной школы. Издательство «титул» 2010г.
6. Елена Занина. 95 устных тем по английскому языку. Москва. Издательство Айрис. Пресс 2002.
7. Компьютерная программа “Language in USA” курс английского языка из Кембриджа. 3-ий уровень. Фирма «Новый диск»
Basic for the text retelling
I’ve read an extract the text ...
The author of it is … and I know that he (she)...
It’s very pity that I don’t know from where this extract is and who is the author of this story.
I’m convinced (убеждение) that he wanted to tell us about ...
The main idea of this extract is ...
The author used such interesting words and expressions ... comparisons (сравнение) – (as ... as)
... than
not so ... as
more beautiful.
This extract makes me feel deeply impressed (глубокое впечатление) and involved (вовлекать) into the situation.
The words of the hero(es) are full of passion (страсть);sadness (печаль); happiness (счастье); surprise (удивление).
The canvas of the story is quite (rice, gloomy – мрачный, угрюмый, happy).
The action of the story takes place in ... (время, место).
I was strucked – я был поражен.
I’d like to know the end of the story..
Plot for the text retelling
The book is … (interesting and easy to read; full of information about …).
The name of the book is … .
It was written by … .
In the book we have a description of … .
I like the main characters of the book because … .
What I like best in the book is … .
What makes this book so popular is that … (it arouses your interest in …; it is the type of the book that makes you think, it is very original and very funny; the book shows life very realistically; the author has created very believable characters; we enjoy the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales; it teaches us to be kind and clever, to be hard-working, to be brave and honest, to understand other people).
The reason why the book is so interesting (popular) is that … (it makes easy and interesting reading; this is a very truthful story, the author has described the atmosphere of the time with great skill).
Basic questions
Who is the story about?
What do we know about the main character?
Do you like him (her) or not? Why?
Which character do you like more? Why?
What pictures can you imagine while reading the story? What helps you to see them?
Do you like the story? Why? Etc.
A Plan for Retelling
Information about the author and the book from which the passage is taken. E.g.:
I would like to tell you a story … written by … . He/she was a well-known … . The book is about … who … .
The story I would like to speak about is written by … . We know that the author … The book is devoted to … .
We’ve read a very unusual (thrilling, exaggerated, exciting, etc.) story by … . It touches upon (deals with) the problems of … .
General characteristics of the text (its slant, type of narration, etc.),
Introduction of the main character (appearance, characteristic features, the way he/she is presented in the text) and opening events.
Description of events as they appear in the extract. Pay attention to:
the variety of expressive means, e.g.:
the narration begins with …;
draw(s) the reader’s attention to …;
… making the reader believe …;
serve(s) to stress …;
prepare(s) the ground for …;
the emotional state of the character is revealed …;
the author’s presentation of …;
the use of stylistic devices, e.g.:
repetitions; their rile in the narration (to create the atmosphere of …; to convey the feelings and emotions of …; to give an explanation …; to express the idea …; to underline …; etc.).
The main idea of the story.
Your attitude towards the things described.
Plan for retelling poems
What does the poem deal with? What does it describe? What is the main idea?
What executive task would you put up while reading the poem?
Do any pictures arise in your imagination? What are they?
What bright details help you to see the picture meant by the author?
What are the artistic means which help to disclose the ideas of the poem? (the author’s characteristics; mutual characteristics; portraiture; landscape; thoughts, actions; the character’s actions and speech; the role of details)
Comment on the use of stylistic devices. Indicate their relevance with the context.
Comment on the author’s position towards the things described.
Speak on your attitude towards the poem.
Great Britain. History
When did the first men and women settle in Britain?
What is the traditional name for the first inhabitants of Britain?
Where was William the Conqueror crowned?
Where is Magna Carta now?
What war lasted from 1337 to 1453?
What was the first record or register of all land-holdings called?
What king was put on trial, found guilty and executed?
What is the 1605 conspiracy to blow up Parliament at the opening session called?
Who made himself Head of State, as Lord Protector?
Where were Napoleon’s imperial dreams crushed by the English under Wellington?
Who made himself the Head of the Church of England?
How long did Queen Victoria reign?
Where was the battle fought in which the Normans won?
What islands did the British recapture from Argentina in 1982?
Great Britain. Literature
What Germanic folk epic is the earliest work of literature in English?
What king is called the “Father of English Prose”?
Who is the most popular hero of the English ballads?
Who is the first English humanist of the Renaissance?
Who is the father of English poetry?
What is the first of Shakespeare’s great tragedies?
Who was the greatest satirist of the age of Enlightenment?
What is the masterpiece of William Makepeace Thackeray?
Who is called by the British people “Our National Bard”, “The Bard of Avon”?
Who is the main hero of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”?
Who is considered the national poet of Scotland?
What are the principal characters of Bernard Shaw’s play “Pygmalion”?
What book did Herbert Wells choose to send to Leo Tolstoy?
Who is the author of “Hamlet”?
Great Britain. Education and Culture
What is the largest museum in G.B.?
Who set up the first English printing-press in Westminster?
Who is the founder of the Royal Academy of Arts?
What is the oldest public school in England?
Who painted “Marriage a la Mode”?
Where was the first university in England founded?
Where does Royal Shakespeare Company perform?
Where is the Poets’ Corner?
Where does the Royal Opera House give performances?
What theatre did Shakespeare write most of his plays for?
Where was the second university of England formed?
What group is responsible for the so-called “pop revolution” in the West?
What was Benjamin Britten?
What were the litters of the Anglo-Saxons called?
Great Britain. Famous People
What is the name of the Archbishop of Canterbury murdered by four of the King’s knights?
Who was the first to discover the “Dark Continent”?
Who sailed round the world in 1577 – 80 and defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
Who helped to annex Newfoundland in 1583 and Virginia in 1584 and whose expedition returned with a strange new luxury called tobacco?
Name the great English explorer who reached the South Pole after Amundsen?
Who discovered penicillin?
Who discovered electromagnetic induction?
Who defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar?
What English poet was a philosopher and a painter?
Who discovered Australia?
Who was the first woman prime minister of Great Britain?
Who is the author of the gravitation theory?
With whose name is the revolution in natural science associated?
What famous English architect planned and built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
(The answers to questions)
Great Britain. History
250,000 B.C.
The Iberians.
In Westminster Abbey.
In the British Museum.
The Hundred Years’ War.
The Domesday Book.
Charles I.
The Gunpowder Plot.
Oliver Cromwell.
At Waterloo.
Henry VIII.
Sixty-four years.
Near the town of Hastings.
The Falkland Islands.
2. Great Britain. Literature
Alfred the Great.
Robin Hood.
Thomas More.
Geoffrey Chaucer.
“Romeo and Juliet”.
Jonathan Swift.
“Vanity Fair”.
William Shakespeare.
Robert Burns.
Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins.
“The War of the Worlds”.
William Shakespeare.
Great Britain. Education and Culture
The British Museum.
William Caxton.
Joshua Reynolds.
William Hogarth.
At the town of Oxford.
At Stratford-on-Avon.
In Westminster Abbey.
At Covent Garden.
The Globe Theatre.
At Cambridge.
The Beatles.
A composer.
Great Britain. Famous People
Thomas a Becket.
David Livingstone.
Sir Francis Drake.
Sir Walter Raleigh.
Captain Robert Scott.
Sir Alexander Fleming.
Michael Faraday.
Admiral Nelson.
William Blake.
Captain James Cook.
Margaret Thatcher.
Isaac Newton.
… that is the name of Charles Darwin.
Christopher Wren.
The USA. History
What was the first English settlement in North America?
What tea party is a historical event?
Who was the first President of the USA?
What was the group of Puritans called who came to America in 1620?
What name did the British give to the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam?
Who is believed to have sewn the first American flag?
What was the number of the first English colonies in America?
What was the price for Manhattan the Dutch traiders paid to the Indians?
How many lives were lost in the Civil War?
What President was caught in the Watergate political scandal?
How did Lincoln turn a political war into a moral one?
When was the Declaration of Independence issued?
Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out?
What ship brought a group of English Protestants to America in 1620?
The USA. Literature
Who is considered to be “The Father of American Literature”?
Who wrote the story “The Old Man and the Sea”?
Who was “An American Tragedy” written by?
What American writer went to the Klondike during the goldrush as a gold miner?
Who is known in Europe as “the American Walter Scott”?
Who was the first chronicler of the English colonies?
To whom did Abraham Lincoln once remark, “So you are the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war”?
Who is the founder of the modern detective story?
Who is the author of “Poor Richard’s Almanach”?
What is the real name of Mark Twain?
What is the pen-name of William Sidney Porter?
Who is the author of the story “The Luck of the Roaring Camp”?
Who is the author of the novel “The Martian Chronicles”?
Who is the greatest pamphlet writer of the American Revolution?
The USA. Education, Culture, Science
Who is the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty?
What is the national anthem of the USA?
Where is the Sleeping Beauty’s Castle situated?
How many patents are attributed to Thomas Edison?
Who is the founder of the University of Virginia?
What was the first American University?
What is the famous library in Washington?
What did George Eastman call his camera?
During the term of Martin Van Buren a very common American expression came into usage. What is it?
What memorial is built in honor of the 16th President of the USA?
What is the second name of the Washington memorial?
Who is the unchallenged “King” of rock-and-roll?
Who is the Father of the telephone?
What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA?
The USA. Famous People
Who is considered to be the “Father of His Country”?
Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA?
Who was the American Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Western Europe during World War II?
Who delivered the “I have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963?
Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor?
Who is the 43rd President of the USA?
Who became the South’s most famous hero?
Who is traditionally thought to be the discoverer of America?
What President was assassinated in Dallas?
Who gave his name to America?
Who is the First Lady of the USA nowadays?
Who is the present Vice-President?
Who is considered to be the Father of the Continental Congress?
Who is considered to be the Father of American History?
(The answers to questions)
The USA. History
Boston Tea Party.
George Washington.
The Pilgrim Fathers.
New York.
Betsy Ross.
About twenty-four dollars.
Over 600,000.
Richard Nixon.
He issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
On July 4, 1776.
In Philadelphia.
The “Mayflower”.
The USA. Literature
Washington Irving.
Ernest Hemingway.
Theodore Driser.
Jack London.
James Fenimore Cooper.
John Smith.
To Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Edgar Allan Poe.
Benjamin Franklin.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
Francis Bret Harte.
Ray Bradbury.
Thomas Paine.
The USA. Education, Culture, Science
Frederic Bartholdi.
The Star-Spangled Banner.
In Disneyland.
Over 1000.
Thomas Jefferson.
Harvard College.
The Library of Congress.
Number One Kodak.
The Lincoln Memorial.
“The pencil”.
Elvis Presley.
Alexander Graham Bell.
The USA. Famous People
George Washington.
Walt Disney.
Dwight David Eisenhower.
Martin Luther King.
Ronald Reagan.
Jorge Bush.
Robert E.Lee.
Christopher Columbus.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Amerigo Vespucci.
Lora Bush.
Benjamin Franklin.
William Bradford.
Викторина по темам: ”Great Britain”, “The USA”
What kind of state is the UK?
republic, b) parliamentary monarchy, c)monarchy.
What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, have?
Prince of Wales, b) Prince of Scotland, c) Prince of England.
What does the word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, mean?
white, b) green, c) red.
What is the national emblem of England?
violet, b) rose, c) tulip.
What is the name of the oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain?
Norwich, b) Bath, c) Eton.
Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
Admiral Nelson, b) General Washington, c) Former prime minister Winston Churchill.
What is real English football called?
soccer, b) rugby, c) cricket.
What is another name for the Houses of Parliament?
the Clearness Palace, b) St. James’s Palace, c) Palace of Westminster.
What is oldest university of Great Britain?
Oxford, b) Cambridge, c) Exeter.
What park of London is the Speaker’s Corner situated in?
Regents Park, b) Hyde Park, c) Green Park.
Where does the President of the USA live and work?
in Congress, b) in the White House, c) in the Pentagon.
Which is the biggest state of the USA?
Texas, b) California, c) Alaska.
Who was the first president of the USA?
George Washington, b) Abraham Lincoln, c) Ulysses Grant.
Who made the first American flag “Stars and Stripes”?
Eliza Brown, b) Betsy Ross, c) Cecily Cardew.
What city of the USA is called “The city of the Yellow Devil”?
San Francisko, b) New York, c) Washington.
What beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?
Niagara, b) Victoria, c) Anchel.
Who was the President of the USA when “Emancipation Proclamation” was adopted and the slaves were freed?
Washington, b) Lincoln, c) Jefferson.
In which city is Hollywood?
New York, b) San Francisco, c) Los Angeles.
What are the main political parties of the USA?
Democratic and Republican, b) Conservative and Labour, c) Liberal and Conservative.
Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
in the New York Harbour, b) in the Gulf of Mexico, c) in the Irish Sea.
Keys: 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a, 7 a, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b, 11 b, 12 c, 13 a, 14 b, 15 b, 16 a, 17 b, 18 c, 19 a, 20 a.
Викторина по темам: ”Great Britain”, “USA”, “Australia”, “New Zealand”
What kind of state is the UK?
republic, b) parliamentary monarchy, c) monarchy.
What is nickname of the flag of UK?
Stars and stripes, b) Union Jack, c) Flag of St. Patrick’s Cross.
What is the name of the London’s residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
Windsor Palace, b) Kensington Palace, c) Buckingham Palace.
What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of UK?
No. 10 Downing Street, b) Baker’s street, c) Whitehall.
What is name of the town where William Shakespeare was born?
Sheffield, b) Coventry, c) Stratford-on-Avon.
What part of Britain is called “land of song”?
England, b) Wales, c) Scotland.
In what town is the residence of the head of the English Church?
Canterbury, b) Manchester, c)Liverpool.
Who is the architect of the famous St.Paul's Cathedral?
Michelangelo, b) Sir Christofer Wren, c) Rastrelly.
What is the nickname of London’s Underground?
Metro, b) Subway, c) the Tube.
What theatre was organized by W.Shakespeare?
Globe Theatre, b) Old Vic Theatre, c) Royal Theatre.
How many states are there in the USA?
48, b) 52, c) 50.
Why do the Americans celebrate the 4th of July?
the first Moon landing, b) Declaration of Independence, c) the end of the American Civil War.
What ship did Pilgrim Fathers (the first American settlers) sale to America in?
the Mayflower, b) The Aurora, c) Santa Maria.
What state does the capital of the USA Washington belong to?
to the state of Pensylvania, b) to the District of Columbia, c) to the State of Maryland.
What is the main industry of Washington?
government industry, b) heavy industry, c) cotton industry.
Who is the main figure in the emblem of the USA?
owl, b) eagle, c) cuckoo.
What is “Disneyland”?
industrial town, b) name of the square, c) Children’s Park of Wonder.
What is capital of Australia?
Sydney, b) Canberra, c) Melbourne.
Who was the first Englishman to come to Australia.
Captain James Cook, b) Admiral Nelson, c) Captain Drake.
What is the national emblem of New Zealand?
kangaroo, b) kiwi bird, c) coala.
Keys: 1 b, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 c, 6 b, 7 a, 8 b, 9 c, 10 a, 11 c, 12 b, 13 a, 14 b, 15 a, 16 b, 17 c, 18 b, 19 a, 20 b.
London Quiz
No 10 Downing street.
Madame Tussaud’s.
Tower Bridge.
Trafalgar Square.
The Tower of London.
The Houses of Parliament.
Membley Stadium.
Marble Arch.
St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Piccadilly Circus.
Buckingham Palace.
Westminster Abbey.
Match the name of each building / Place with the sentences below.
This is where the Prime Minister lives.
Here you can see wax models of famous people.
This is the Queen’s residence in London.
MP’s debate and argue here, and there is a clock tower with a famous bell in it.
Thus building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666. It has a famous “Whispering Gallery”.
English kings and queens are usually married here. Many of them are also buried here, as well as many famous writers.
This place has a memorial to Admiral Nelson and is also famous for its many pigeons.
This round place is often called the Centre of London. There is a statue of Eros in the middle of it.
It is quite near the City of London. It opens to let ships through.
It was a fortress, royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.
This is a stadium where Britain’s Cup Final is played each year.
The arch is situated in the North-East of Hyde Park, at the entrance to Buckingham Palace.
Keys: A 1, B 2, C 11, D 6, E 9, F 12, G 4, H 10, I 3, J 5, K 7, L 8.
UK quiz
Queen Elizabeth II has got
4 children, b) 3 children, c)2 children/
Was the Princess of Wales married to …?
Prince Andrew, b) Prince Philip, c) Prince Charles.
Is the main Scottish residence of the Royal Family …?
Buckingham Palace, b) Windsor Castle, c) Balmoral.
Where is the Loch Ness Monster supposed to live?
England, b) Scotland, c) Wales.
“Ulster” is another name for
Scotland, b) Northern Ireland, c) Republic of Ireland.
You must go to school in Great Britain
from the age of 5 until you are 16, b) from the age of 6 until you are 17, c) from the age of 7 until you are 18.
What are these: The Guardian, The News of the World, The Independent?
newspaper, b) TV programmes, c) towns.
68 degrees Fahrenheit is
15 degrees Celsius, b) 20 degrees Celsius, c) 25 degrees Celsius.
Is a mile about …?
1,000 metres, b) 1,600 metres, c) 2,000 metres.
What is a population of Great Britain?
35 mln, b) 45 mln, c) 55 mln.
Keys: 1 a, 2 c, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a, 7 a, 8 b, 9 b, 10 c.
The USA (Part I)
What part of the North American continent is the USA situated in?
northern; b) central; c) southern.
How many square kilometres is the area of the USA?
about 8 m;1 b) over 10 m; c) over 9 m.
Where are the Appalachian Mountains situated?
in the east; b) in the west; c) in the north.
How many metres high is the highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains?
2,037; b) 3,037; c) 4,037.
Where are the Rocky Mountains situated?
in the east; b) in the west; c) in the south.
How many metres high is the highest peak of the Cordillera in the USA?
5,193; b) 6,193; c) 7,193.
Where are the five Great Lakes located?
between the USA and Canada; b) between the USA and Mexico.
Where is the Great Salt Lake?
in the north; b) in the south; c) in the west.
What do hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring?
Cyclones; b) typhoons; c) hurricanes.
What region is known for its changeable weather?
around the Great Lakes; B) along the Atlantic coast; c) along the Pacific coast.
Key: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9b, 10a.
The USA (Part 2)
What is the population of the USA?
about 206 m;1 b) more than 236 m; c) more than 256 m.
How many million black people are there in the USA?
26,5; b)36,5; c) 46,5.
What is the capital of the USA?
New York; b) Chicago; c) Washington.
Which city is the financial and business centre in the USA?
New York; b) Washington; c) Los Angeles.
How many universities are there in Boston?
1; b) 2; c) 3.
What is the second largest city in the USA after New York?
Washington; b) Chicago; c) Boston.
7. What kind of industry is highly developed in Philadelphia?
heavy; b) light; c) show business.
Where is Detroit situated?
in the Great Lakes district; b) on the Pacific coast; c) on the Atlantic coast.
Which is a big port and ship-building centre?
Washington; b) San Francisco; c) Chicago.
In which city is Hollywood?
Los Angeles; b) Las Vegas; c) San Francisco.
Key: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10a.
The USA (Part 3)
What kind of state is the United States of America?
a parliamentary monarchy, b) a federal republic, c) a monarchy.
How many states are there in the USA?
48; b) 49; c) 50.
Which is the biggest state in the USA?
Alaska; b) New York; c) Michigan.
Who was the first President of the USA?
Abraham Lincoln; b) George Washington; c) Thomas Jefferson.
When and where was the present constitution proclaimed?
1820, New York; b) 1763, Boston; c) 1787, Philadelphia.
Who is head of the state and government nowadays?
the Prime Minister; b) the President; c) the Secretary of State.
How many houses does the US Congress consist of?
1; b) 2; с) 3.
How many members are there in the House of Representatives?
435; b) 335; с) 535.
How many senators are there in the Senate?
98; b) 100; с) 102.
In which month is Election Day?
September; b) October; c) November.
Key: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10c.
Explain the symbolism of the stars and the stripes on the U.S. flag.
In which city did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774?
What was the “Homestead Act”?
Which U.S. legal holiday – held every four years – falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?
When did American women receive the right to vote?
Who was the first President elected as a member of the Republican Party?
Who was the first President to serve only one term?
Name the longest serving U.S. President.
Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the U.S.?
What is impeachment? Name one President it threatened.
From which two states was the original District of Columbia carved?
After the Vice-President, which political figure is next in line to succeed the President?
Name the two political parties in the U.S. and the animals that symbolize each party.
Which U.S. government agency is charged with the collection of taxes?
(The answers to questions)
50 stars = 50 states; 13 stripes = 13 original colonies.
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The transfer of land from the U.S. government to a “homesteader” after five years of residence at a nominal price.
Election Day.
In 1920.
Abraham Lincoln.
John Adams, the 2nd U.S. President.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
John F. Kennedy.
A formal accusation against a public official; Andrew Johnson, or Richard Nixon, or Bill Clinton.
Maryland and Virginia.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Democrats – donkey; Republicans – elephant.
Internal Revenue Service – IRS.
In which famous location do people in New York City celebrate New Year’s Day?
What are the ingredients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner?
What do the terms “melting pot” and “salad bowl” mean to U.S. society and culture?
Which art museum in New York City is a spiral-shaped building and what is the name of the architect who built it?
Which American artist painted portraits of outstanding historical leaders and scenes of important historical events, including “The Declaration of Independence” and three famous portraits of George Washington?
Who is the American composer who wrote “West Side Story”?
Who is the famous American dancer, singer and actor who acted in many films together with his partner Ginger Rogers?
Which American artist chose painting mother and child as the main theme of her creative work, spent the better part of her life in Paris, and was very close to the Impressionists?
Which American rock0and-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee?
Which American silent-movie star is called the “Little Tramp”?
What monument in Washington, D.C., dedicated to an American President, is nicknamed “The Pencil”?
What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the U.S.?
Which Russian-born American choreographer created the “modern style of classical American ballet”?
What is the name of the famous collection of museums in Washington, D.C.?
Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America?
Under which two names did the most famous American boxer of the 1960s – 1970s fight in the ring?
What do Americans call the championship game of American football?
In which U.S. city were the 1996 Summer Olympics held?
(The answers to questions)
In Times Square.
Turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.
That the U.S. is a country of immigrants who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities.
The Guggenheim Museum; Frank Lloyd Wright.
Gilbert Stuart.
Leonard Bernstein.
Fred Astaire.
Mary Cassatt.
Elvis Presley.
Charlie Chaplin.
Washington Monument.
Oscars, or Academy Awards.
Georgi Balanchivadze.
Smithsonian Institution.
Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay.
Super Bowl.
In Atlanta, Georgia.
What major American historical event did Rip Van Winkle miss in his sleep?
Which 19th-century American writer is said to be the founder of the detective genre?
Which famous Edgar A. Poe’s poem is named for a bird?
What pen-name did an American writer use to sign the humorous stories which he wrote in prison?
Which famous event that had happened in California in 1849 was glorified in films and books?
Name the American science fiction writer born in Russia who wrote “I, Robot”.
Volkov’s book, “The Wizard of the Emerald Town”, is an adaptation of a book written by an American writer. What is the title of the book and is the American author?
Which American family compiled the first dictionary of the American variant of the English language?
Which two novels by Mark Twain are often called “the first modern American novels”?
Which famous novel of Herman Melville is concerned with an aquatic mammal?
During which periods in American history was the novel “Gone with the Wind” set?
Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”.
Which famous poem of Longfellow was translated into Russian by Ivan Bunin?
Which American author wrote “The Last of the Mohicans”?
Which famous American document begins with the words, “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”?
Name the largest library in the U.S.
(The answers to questions)
The American War of Independence.
Edgar A. Poe.
“The Raven”.
O. Henry.
The gold rush.
Isaac Asimov.
“The (Wonderful) Wizard of Oz”; L. Frank Baum.
“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.
“Moby Dick”.
The Civil War and Reconstruction.
Ernest Hemingway.
“The Song of Hiawatha”.
James Fenimore Cooper.
The Constitution of the United States.
The Library of Congress.
1. Give the names of the three ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America.
2. What is the name of the Dutch settlement which became New York City?
3. With which “supernatural” event is the old whaling town of Salem, Massachusetts, associated?
4. What was the colonists’ motto during the “Boston Tea Party”?
5. In which city and state is the Liberty Bell located?
6. Which country presented the U.S. with the Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion?
7. Which American President was the first to live in the White House?
8. Who were the “Blues” and who were the “Greys” during the American Civil War?
9. Which American architect is called the “Father of the Skyscraper”?
10. Who were the two brothers who invented the airplane and when and where did the first flight take place?
11. What is the name of the American naval base that the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941? In which state is it located?
12. Which American general, who later became the 34th President, commanded all U.S. forces during World War II?
13. Which American President attended the Potsdam Conference?
In which U.S. city was the United Nations’ Charter approved in 1945?
14. Who was the American President during the Cuban missile crisis?
15. Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon and what was the year?
16. What was the name of his spaceship?
(The answers to questions)
1. Ninya, Pinta, Santa Maria.
2. The colony was the New Netherlands; the capital city was New Amsterdam.
3. Witchcraft.
4. “No Taxation Without Representation”.
5. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
6. France; the 100-year anniversary of the Franco-American alliance during the American War of Independence.
7. John Adams, the 2nd U.S. President.
8. The “Blues” were the North (Union), the “Greys” were the South (Confederacy).
9. Louis Henry Sullivan.
10. Orville and Wilbur Wright; 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
11. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
12. Dwight David Eisenhower.
13. Harry Truman.
14. In San Francisco, California.
15. John F. Kennedy.
16. Neil Armstrong; 1969; Apollo II.
1. What was Henry Hudson and which geographical feature in New York State is named after him?
2. The continental U.S. is divided into ho many time zones?
3. Which American state was the last to acquire “state” status?
4. In which state do the highest trees in the world grow and what are they called?
5. What is the name of the first U.S. national park and in which state is it located?
6. Which city in the state of Florida has the same name as a Russian city?
7. In which mountain are the faces of four American Presidents chiselled?
8. In which city and state is Disney World located?
9. What are the pet names for the Mississippi River?
10. Name the six New England states and explain why they are known as “New England”.
11. Name the five Great Lakes; which one is entirely within the U.S.?
12. Name the highest mountain range in the eastern U.S.
13. Which American state (excluding Hawaii and Alaska) borders only one other state?
14. Name the lowest spot in the continental U.S.
15. Which Caribbean Sea island has a commonwealth status with the U.S.?
16. Name the smallest U.S. state.
17.In which western U.S. state, originally on part of the Nez Perce Indian Reservation, is the city of Moscow located?
18. Where is the “Rust Belt” in the U.S.?
(The answers to questions)
1. An English explorer; the Hudson River.
2. Four.
3. Hawaii.
4. In California; “redwood”, or “sequoia”.
5. Yellowstone; in Wyoming.
6. St. Petersburg.
7. In Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.
8. In Orlando, Florida.
9. “The Old Man”, “The Big Muddy”.
10. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut; named by Captain John Smith for their resemblance to the coast of England.
11. Lakes Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior; Lake Michigan.
12. The Appalachian Mountains.
13. Maine.
14. Death Valley, California.
15. Puerto Rico.
16. Rhode Island.
17. In Idaho.
18. In the industrial north-central and north-eastern states.
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