Сценарий праздника для 3 класса "The English year round". Внеклассная работа
методическая разработка по теме

Ачилдиева Татьяна Александровна


Главная задача учителя иностранного языка - создать условия практического овладения языком для каждого учащегося, выбрать такие методы обучения, которые позволили бы каждому ученику проявить свою активность, своё творчество, а также активизировать познавательную деятельность учащегося в процессе обучения иностранным языкам не только на уроках, но и во внеурочное время.


Предмет «английский язык» помогает всестороннему развитию личности, чему способствует обьединение основного образования и внеклассной работы.  Постановка и участие в праздниках (спектаклях) помогает учащимся раскрыть и совершенствовать свои возможности, таланты и способности, позволяют преодолеть трудности в обучении и самоутверждении. Единство учебной и внеурочной деятельности – это реализация права каждого ребенка на творческое развитие, фактор развития личности. Внеклассная работа объединяет детей на добровольной основе независимо от умственных способностей и возможностей, позволяет раскрыть личностные возможности каждого ребенка.  


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Сценарий праздника в 3 классе  “The English year round”

Отчетный концерт для родителей в конце учебного года.

Участники в соответствующих костюмах:

  1. Времена года – 4 человека
  2. “Halloween” – 4 человека
  3. “Christmas” – 3 человека
  4. “St.Valentine’s Day” – 4 человека
  5. “Father’s Day” – 3 человека

Песни, исполняемые во время спектакля:

  1. «Weather song» N 62 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)
  2. Halloween Chant N 79 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)
  3. “Halloween Song” chant N 87 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)
  4. “Winter chant” N 78 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)
  5. “Must be Santa”
  6. “You are my sunshine”
  7. “Father’s Day”
  8. “Four seasons song” N 82 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентации: “You are my sunshine”, “My dad”

Ход мероприятия

Учащиеся в костюмах времена года 4 человека: «Осень», «Зима», «Весна», «Лето»


«Осень» Autumn is yellow

«Зима» Winter is white

«Весна» Spring is green

«Лето»  Summer is bright

Музыкальный номер: «Weather song» N 62 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children). Под песню выходят участники спектакля.

Nice and sunny, nice and warm

The weather nice today

Look at the sun, look at the sky

The weather’s nice today.

Thunder, lightning. Look at the sky.

The weather’s bad today.

Foggy, windy, stormy, cold

The weather’s bad today.

Listen to the thunder. Look at the lightning.

The weather’s bad today.

Foggy, windy, stormy, cold

The weather’s bad today.

Сцена 1

Autumn: «Осень»

This is the season when fruit is sweet

This is the season when school friends meet

What season is it?

Pupils: It’s autumn

Autumn: «Осень»

Put on your jacket and jeans for fall

Now it’s cold to play football

Leaves turn orange, red and brown

And they all are falling down

Winter, spring, summer, fall

I like fall best of all.

On the 31st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children – Halloween.         

Музыкальный номер: Halloween Chant N 79 (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children). Под песню появляются 4 ученика в костюмах Halloween.

Halloween, Halloween, magic night.

We are glad and very bright.

We all dance and sing and recite,

“Welcome! Welcome! Halloween night!”        

PI: Hallowe'en is coming.      

What will you wear?

P2: I might wear a blanket        

And be a brown bear.

P1: Hallowe'en is coming.        

Who will you meet?

P2: I might meet a princess

Skipping down the street.

P1: Hallowe'en is coming.

What will you do?

P3: I might go trick-or-treating.

How about you?

PI: Hallowe'en is coming.

What will you be?

P3: I might be a pirate

On the deep blue sea.

P1: Hallowe'en is coming.

What will you see?

P4: I might see a Jack-o'-Lantern

Winking at me.

P1: Hallowe’en is coming

What will you be?

P1-4: It's a secret,

So, wait and see!

 Музыкальный номер: chant N 87  “Halloween Song” (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)

I was a monster the other night

And I gave everyone such a fright

It was the scariest Halloween

I've ever seen

     I saw a fairy princess

     In a wig and silver dress

    It was the scariest Halloween

    I've ever seen

Сцена 2

Winter:  «Зима»

It’s winter now, so bundle up tight

Warm mittens and caps will be just right.

Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,

Time to ski and skate all around.

Winter, spring, summer, fall

I like winter best of all.

On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday for lots of people – Christmas.

Появляются нарядные учащиеся (новогодние костюмы). Исполняют “Winter chant” N 78  (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)

Snow. Snowballs, snowflakes, wow

Let’s make a snowman right now.

I can’t make a snowman, I don’t know how,

I can teach you, right now

Snow, snowballs, snowflakes, wow

Put on your skis right now.

I can’t go skiing, I don’t know how

I can teach you, right now

Pupil 1

You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I’m telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

Pupil 2

He is making a list

And checking it twice

Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice

Santa Claus is coming to town

Pupil 3

He sees you when you are sleeping

He knows when you are awake

He knows if you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake.

Pupil 1

O! You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I’m telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

Песня: “Must be Santa”

Сцена 3. Появляются учащиеся с «Валентинками» в руках.

Pupil 1

St Valentine’s Day. Boys and girls, husbands and wives, relatives and friends send cards to each others.

Pupil 2

Love! Happiness! Beauty! There’re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. At St Valentine’s Day we have an excellent chance to feel the atmosphere of love.

Pupil 1

Here’s special valentine

With lots of love for you,

And since you’re very special

Here are hugs and kisses, too!

Pupil 3

I hope that Valentine’s Day

Will bring you lots of fun

He thinks you’re specially nice,

And so does everyone.

Pupil 4

You’re just the nicest kind of girl

So very grown up, too

No wonder that this Valentine

Brings lots of love for you.

Песня: “You are my sunshine”, песня сопровождается слайдами презентации

Spring: «Весна»

Spring is here, summer is near

Grass is green, so nice and clean

Winter, spring, summer, fall

I like spring best of all

Summer:  «Лето»

The summer sun shines hot and high

Baby birds now learn to fly

Green green leaves and tasty fruit

All the things are so good

In June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards and give presents to their fathers.

Pupil 1

My dear dear father

I love you so much

I want you to be happy

I love you very much.

Pupil 2

A Dad is a person
who is loving and kind,
And often he knows
what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens,
suggests, and defends.
A dad can be one
of your very best friends!
Pupil 3

Thank you, Dad...
for listening and caring,
for giving and sharing,
but, especially, for just being you!
Happy Father's Day.

Песня “Father’s Day” сопровождается слайдами презентации «Мой папа»


«Осень» There are four seasons in the  year,

«Зима»  Аll of them are beautiful and nice.

«Весна» They all have wonderful holidays,

«Лето»  Which make us happy and bright.

Финальная песня:

Song N 82: “Four seasons song” (Longman “Picture Dictionary’ for children)

I like spring, I like summer

I like winter, I like fall

I like all the seasons

Summer, winter, spring and fall – 3

I like all the seasons

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