Итоговые тесты к УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English" 5 класс
тест (5 класс) по теме
Тесты содержат задания по аудированию, чтению и грамматике, основаны на учебном материале УМК "Английский с удовольствием" 5-6 кл.
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Итоговые тесты к УМК «Enjoy English” 5 класс (Биболетова М.З и др.)
Unit 2
- Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный ответ
- Children are going to organize … a) a picnic b) a party c) disco.
- The picnic will be organized… a) next Sunday b) next Monday c) next Saturday.
- Steve will be responsible for … a) flowers b) music c) games.
- Catherine will be responsible for … a) sandwiches b) music c) games.
- Julia is going … a) to dance b) to sing a song c) make a birthday cake.
- Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие приведенных утверждений содержанию прочитанного (True/False).
Dad: Listen, boys. Do you remember it is your mother’s birthday tomorrow? We could arrange a party for her, couldn’t we?
Jack: Of course we can.
Bob: Not a bad idea! Let’s think about it right now.
Jack: I know! I’ll be responsible for the music.
Dad: I’m going to buy beautiful flowers. And you, Bob?
Bob: I’m going to clean the flat and buy a nice box of sweets. And who is going to make a birthday cake? Jack, you are a god cook, aren’t you?
Jack: Am I? Why me? I think we should make a birthday cake together, shouldn’t we?
Dad: All right. Let’s make it together.
True or False
- The father and his sons are going to arrange a birthday party for their mother.
- Jack is going to buy the flowers.
- Dad will be responsible for the music.
- Bob is going to clean the flat.
- They will make a birthday cake together.
Unit 3
- Прослушайте текст и установите соответствие приведенных утверждений содержанию прослушанного.
True or false
- Sara lives in London.
- She doesn’t work at weekends.
- She works both with books and people.
- She helps to find books and magazines.
- Her job is very important.
- She doesn’t like job.
- She is a librarian.
- Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ.
Yesterday we had a very interesting lesson. We spoke about professions and jobs. I wrote everything about everybody in my notebook because our teacher Miss Elson asked me to combine information and make a report.
The two students are going to be doctors. The three girls want to be models. The four students want to be lawyers. People always need advice about laws. Kate is going to be a computer programmer. Her mother is a programmer and she works at the bank. Nobody is going to be a litter man. Though everybody thinks it is very important to collect litter. Bob Harris is going to be a weatherman. He thinks it’s the most important profession nowadays. Bob wants to forecast the weather.
- Why did Nancy write everything about everybody in her notebook?
- She was learning everything about everybody.
- Her classmates asked her to make a survey.
- Her teacher asked her to combine information and make a report.
- What are 2 students going to be?
- Doctors; b) Lawyers; c) Litter men.
- How many girls want to be models?
- 2 b) 3 c) 4
- Why does Kate want to be a computer programmer?
- She does well in Computing.
- Her Mum is a computer programmer.
- She has got a computer at home.
- What does Bob Harris want to do?
- To advise people about laws. c) To forecast the weather.
- To have a well paid job.
Unit 3
Use of English (vocabulary/grammar)
- Выбери лишнее слово.
- Sociable, independent, talkative, responsible.
- Unfriendly, unreal, unhappy, polite.
- Nurse, librarian, dentist, mother.
- Writing, dancing, dreaming, making.
- Putting, cutting, swimming, walking.
- Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
- The boys are watching a video in their room at the moment.
- Мальчики обычно смотрят видео в своей комнате.
- Мальчики сейчас смотрят видео в своей комнате.
- Мальчики собираются смотреть видео в своей комнате.
- His parents often read newspapers in the evening.
- Его родители часто читают газеты по вечерам.
- Его родители сейчас читают вечерние газеты.
- Его родители прочитали газеты вечером.
- Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Progressive.
- He … .(sit) at the desk.
- They … (play) football.
- You … (read) a book.
- I … (watch) TV.
- Mum … (make) a cake.
- The dog … (sleep).
- The girls … (sing).
- Поставьте слова в нужном порядке.
- Talking/ phone/ not/is/ he/the/on.
- Not/watching/ she/ is/ TV.
- You/going/shops/ are/to/the?
- Playing/ am/ at the moment/ I/ computer games.
- Listen to the text “What attracts the Browns to England?”
True or false
1. The Browns are reading a leaflet.
2. Mr. Brown wants to visit the Tower of London.
3. Mrs. Brown wants to visit national parks.
4. Their son wants to take part in horse races.
5. Their daughter doesn’t want to visit Liverpool.
- Read the text “Things to see and to do in Moscow”.
Sam’s family decided to visit Russia. While his patents are discussing their visit to this wonderful country Tom is reading a leaflet. The leaflet tells about Moscow. There are a lot of things to see and to do in Moscow on sunny and rainy days. Tom is planning their holidays in Moscow. On Saturday he wants to see the Kremlin and the Red Square. On Sunday he wants to visit the Tretyakov gallery. On Monday he wants to go to the zoo. On Tuesday he wants to walk in the park and enjoy attractions. On Wednesday he would like to buy souvenirs. On Thursday he wants to see a football match in the Luzhniki. He wants to take photos. Tom’s father likes his plan. But Tom’s mother doesn’t want to see a football match. She wants to go to the theatre. They all hope to have a good time in Moscow.
- Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.
- He wants to visit the Tretyakov gallery.
- He wants to see the Kremlin and the Red Square.
- He would like to buy souvenirs.
- He wants to go to the zoo.
- He wants to see a football match.
3. Finish the sentences.
1. While Tom’s parents are discussing their visit to Russia Tom _______________.
2._________ tells about Moscow.
3. In Moscow there are a lot of things to see and to do ______________________.
4. Tom wants to see the Kremlin and Red Square _____________.
5. He would like ______________ on Wednesday
6. Tom’s mother wants _________________ on Thursday.
Unit 4
Use of English (vocabulary/grammar)
- Выпишите лишнее слово.
- Palace, museum, gallery, blood
- Bloody, well-known, real, square
- To take place ,to be like, voice, to be founded
- Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
- You can hear some beautiful … on the radio.
- Voice b) information c) music
- Our city museum was … in 1975.
- Founded b) like c) known
- Different meetings take … in Hyde Park.
- Place b) care c) part
- The … says that The Tower has a bloody history.
- Museum b) voice c) legend
- Where is Kate? – She is playing at the … .
- Art gallery b) stadium c) tower
- Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
- This little dog … a warm house and a hospitable family.
- Needs b) is needing c) need
- Look at this group of English pupils … along the street.
- Are going b) going c) go
- We … a lot of trees through the window.
- Are seeing b) sees c) can see
- Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
- Сейчас ему необходим только отдых.
- He is needing only a rest at the moment.
- He needs only a rest at the moment.
- Что вы видите?
- What do you see?
- What are you seeing?
- Тише! Они пишут контрольную работу.
- Keep silence! They are writing test.
- Silence! They write test.
Тексты для аудирования.
Unit 2.
Catherine: It’s Frank’s birthday next Saturday, isn’t it? What present are we going to give him? What ideas, Steve?
Steve: Let’s have a surprise party for him. We can organize a picnic.
Julia: That’s great idea – a birthday picnic.
Catherine: Let’s arrange the date now.
Steve: Well, I think next Saturday, the fourth of September, is the best day. Is that OK with you, Catherine?
Catherine: Yes, it is. I’ll be responsible for sandwiches and drinks then. And what about you, Julia?
Julia: Why don’t I make a special birthday cake for Frank?
Steve: Great. I’ll be responsible for the music. I’ve got a lot of new CDs.
Julia: I hope Frank will like his picnic party.
Catherine: I’m sure he will.
Unit 3.
I’m Sara Clifford. I live in Bath. I work from 9.00 till 6 p.m. I don’t work at weekends or on holidays. There are a lot of different books, newspapers and magazines at my workplace. I work with both books and people. And I always try to be friendly and polite. I help people to find books and magazines. My favourite part of the job is to answer questions about modern writers and the novels. I love my job. I think it’s very important.
Unit 4.
What attracts the Browns to England?
The Browns are planning their June holidays in England. They are packing their things. Mr. Brown wants to see every part of London. Mrs. Brown wants to visit national parks. Their son wants to take part in boat races. Their daughter wants to visit Liverpool. And they all want to visit famous museums and buy many souvenirs.
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