Talk-Show "It's not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves"
материал (10 класс) по теме
Занятие комплексного применения навыков с доминированием говорения и аудирования на основе принципа ролевой организации учебного материала и процесса обучения по методу доктора педагогических наук, профессора Г.А. Китайгородской.
Современные образовательные технологии, использованные при подготовке и проведении занятия:
- сотрудничества (работа в группе из 6 человек);
- проблемно-поисковая (ответ на вопрос "Почему люди рискуют?");
- мультимедийная (на этапах подготовки к занятию и презентации);
- ролевая игра (встреча с путешественниками);
- интеграции с уроками географии и ИКТ.
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В 10 КЛАССЕ ГОУ ЦО № 953
Talk-Show “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves”
(Edmund Hillary, New Zealand explorer)
Характеристика группы
Количество учащихся: 16
Год обучения: шестой
Грамматическая база: соответствует окончанию I четверти 10 класса
Учебно-методические комплексы:
- Основной: «Up & Up 10».
Издательский центр «Академия» под редакцией В.Г. Тимофеева.
- Дополнительный: «New Opportunities». Russian Edition. Intermediate.
Longman. Авторы: М. Харрис, Д. Моур и другие.
- Дополнительный: «Round-Up 4», «Round-Up 5». Intermediate.
Longman. Автор: Верджиния Эванс.
Уровень обученности: 82%.
Отношение учащихся к предмету: положительное, мотивированное
на изучение иностранного языка.
Индивидуальные особенности учащихся: развитие детей соответствует возрастной группе.
Оснащение занятия
1. Портреты известных людей из англо-говорящих стран, их высказывания, связанные с темой «Adventure»
- Компьютер
- Интерактивная доска
- Сигнальные флайеры
- Флаги России и Великобритании
- Таблицы, которые дети должны заполнить в течение ток-шоу
Тип занятия
Занятие комплексного применения навыков с доминированием говорения и аудирования.
Используется принцип ролевой организации учебного материала и процесса обучения по методу доктора педагогических наук, профессора Г.А.Китайгородской.
Задачи занятия
Образовательная – повторение и закрепление активной лексики уроков темы "Adventure”, повторение образования различных типов вопросов в разных временах английского языка; развитие коммуникативной культуры учащихся; развитие навыков неподготовленной речи и культуры устных выступлений.
Развивающая – развитие навыков учащихся в говорении и аудировании; развитие внимания, памяти и мышления (использование знаний, полученных на уроках географии и ИКТ), а также способностей к логическому изложению своих мыслей, к формулированию выводов и, как следствие, цельности высказываний в монологе и диалоге.
Воспитательная – развитие самостоятельности и умения сотрудничать, любознательности и мотивации к изучению английского языка; формирование уважения к культуре и традициям своей страны и страны изучаемого языка; формирование культуры речи при употребление связывающих слов и выражений (Linkings).
Цель занятия
Решение образовательной, развивающей и воспитательной задач урока. Формирование компетенции высказывания.
Методический сценарий занятия
Телевизионная студия, в которой 3 стола:
1стол – гости передачи, российский путешественник Фёдор Конюхов
и путешественница из Великобритании Сара Оутен;
2 стол – сторонники экстремальных видов путешествий;
3 стол – противники экстремальных видов путешествий.
На доске – тема занятия, цитата Эдмунда Хилари, австралийского путешественника
На стене – портреты известных людей и их высказывания.
- “Adventure is the champagne of life.”
(G.K. Chesterton, English writer)
- “Drama is life with the dull bits left out.”
(Alfred Hitchcock, British film director)
- “He travels the fastest who travels alone.”
(Rudyard Kipling, British writer)
- “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
(Edmund Hillary, New Zealand explorer)
- “Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly”
(Ivan Pavlov, Russian scientist)
1. Организационный момент (1 минута):
Teacher: Hello, dear guests of our studio. We are very glad to see you here. Sit down comfortably and take part in the conversation. I would like to introduce you our anchors (Kseniya and Julia) and two groups of pupils.
2. Речевая зарядка (5 минут):
Julia: Welcome to our TV studio in Ostankino!
Kseniya: Welcome to our talk-show “Around the World”!
Julia: Today the project of our talk-show is…
Kseniya: Stop, Julia! Let’s not tell what we’ll speak about.
Dear friends, let’s look through “The list of projects” on your tables.
Учащиеся знакомятся со списком тем.
Julia: We scheduled this list using quotations of some famous people. Their portraits you can see on the stand.
Kseniya: Now you’ll watch the film segment and after that try to guess the project of our today talk-show.
Демонстрация путешествия, фрагмента фильма или коллаж.
Julia: When you are ready to answer, raise a flyer, please.
Kseniya: What’s your opinion about the project? Why?
Высказывания учащихся.
Group 1: We’ve chosen “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” because…
Group 2: In our opinion it’s also “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” because…
На Smart Board появляется название темы.
Teacher: Well. Now I can tell you the purpose of our lesson. It will be the answer to the question: “Is it necessary to travel so dangerously?”
During the talk-show you should listen to everybody very attentively choose and write some information in the tables that you can see in front of you. Don’t forget to write your surname.
Kseniya: We’ve chosen such projects because many people like travelling. Some of them like to travel in comfortable conditions, the others prefer to get adrenalin rush… But there are only a few brave persons who made travelling their profession and carried their weight in science. With great pleasure I introduce you two famous travellers, Sarah Outen from Great Britain …
Встаёт, зрители аплодируют.
Julia: I think you have heard or read about Sarah. She is a young traveller. She is making round the world journey and currently she has stopped in Moscow. Sarah Outen has her own blog on the Internet.
Kseniya: … and Fyodor Konyukhov from Russia …
Встаёт, зрители аплодируют.
Julia: Fyodor is a very ambitious person. He was the first traveller in the world who managed to reach the five poles of our planet.
3. Ролевая игра (30 минут):
Ролевая игра объединяет:
Проверку домашнего задания (8 минут):
Предъявление материала (12 минут):
Тренировку (10 минут):
Julia: I am sure our audience jump at the chance and ask our famous travellers their questions. Travellers, are you ready to answer?
S.O. Yeah! I’ll try to answer them with great pleasure.
F.K. I’m always glad to meet children as they are very curious.
Kseniya: Well. The first question.
Pupil 1 (Полина): I’m interested a lot in your person and your travels. So my question is, “When and where did you start to travel?”
Kseniya: Ok. The second question.
Pupil 2 (Евгения): I am your fan. I know much about your travels. I know you crossed the Azov alone when you were 14 years old. My question is to Fyodor Konyukhov, “What did your parents think about your first travel?”
Kseniya: You please.
Pupil 3 (Любовь): I couldn’t dream to meet you and I’m very happy now. I want to know who or what influenced you to become a traveller?
Kseniya: Just a moment.
Pupil 4 (Наталья): I’m really surprised to see you here today. I’ve read about you so much and I’d like to know more interesting information about you. Please, tell me, have you ever faced with any frightening situations and did you overcome them?
Kseniya: I see.
Pupil 5 (Майя): One of the most important problems of such travels is food and drink. I’d like to know how do you solve this problem? What food do you usually store? How do you keep it?
Kseniya: I’m coming.
Pupil 6 (Юлия): It’s very exiting for me to meet you. I’ve read about some of your voyages in GEO-magazines. Today I want to know why do you prefer to travel alone?
Kseniya: Your question.
Pupil 7 (Александр): Fyodor, I know you have a wife and a daughter. My question is what do they think about such extreme expeditions and have they ever taken part in them?
Kseniya: Well.
Pupil 8 (Александр): I’ve read books about famous travellers since my childhood and I know about your successful travels. But my question isn’t about them. What education have you got and what are you doing now?
Kseniya: OK.
Pupil 9 (Артём): Good afternoon. I often watch different educational programmes on TV. Some days ago they told about modern travellers. Could you tell about your most memorable journey?
Рассказывает Cара Оутен и сопровождает свой рассказ фильмом.
S.O. I think my most important and interesting journey is the journey around the world “London2London via the World”. I started my travelling in London from Tower Bridge on the 1st of April in 2011. I went to France along the Thames. Then I crossed Europe and now I’m in Russia. I’m planning to reach the Far East of your country, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and North America. I’m going to return to London in 2013, in summer. I use only a kayak, a bicycle and a boat. I am the engine – this is human power all the way.
Рассказывает Фёдор Конюхов и сопровождает свой рассказ фильмом.
F.K. The most memorable edition took place in 2002. I always dreamed about crossing the ocean alone, you know… And 35 years later after my crossing the Azov Sea I decided to do anything that both me and the world would never forget. I decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean. So, on October 15th I set off from the sea shore of Canary Islands. I was travelling on a massive paddle boat – so massive that it could fit 400kg of goods. I had to cross 5200 km. I’ve arrived in my final destination on December 1st after 45 days of travelling. I was the first Russian to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Teacher: May I also ask a question – not to our travellers but to our audience?
Kseniya: Yes, of course.
Teacher: What’s your opinion about such dangerous but very exciting and challenging travelling? Discuss in the groups.
Дети совещаются, потом отвечают.
Pupil 10 (Егор): We decided it’s very dangerous. Besides that, if something happens with you, different rescue services and techniques will come to save you. It’ll be very expensive. We understood that, on the one hand, you get a lot of pleasure from your journeys and, on the other hand, it’s great worriment for your family.
Pupil 11 (Ксения): And our group has the opposite opinion. We think extreme travelling is very cool! It was very interesting for us to know more about it from real modern travellers. We understood extreme travelling is very challenging, but very fascinating. This kind of travelling is only for brave and active people who like living and want to get a lot of positive emotions.
Kseniya: The opinions are very different…
Julia: Oh. We have got a question again!
Pupil 12 (Александра): I’ve watched a documentary about your expeditions recently. That’s why I’m interested a lot, why do you risk? And if is there any scientific importance in such dangerous travels?
S.O. My journey is all about human power. I am sure it will be challenging and also it will be an incredible experience which my team and I plan to share with people all over the world.
F.K. As for me, it’s rather difficult to answer this question. Mostly, I organize expeditions to get a world record or a private record. All my great achievements are great achievements for our nation. But I’m always ready to help our scientists in proving different theories.
Julia: And that’s the answer. Our talk-show is over. Thank you, our guests and participants. Thanks Sarah and Fyodor. We wish you new travels.
Kseniya: Finally, we can notice that people support different points of view. One group thinks extreme expeditions are very dangerous and expensive, but another one thinks it’s very good and useful. On the one hand, explorers risk their lives, but on the other hand, they help to develop our science and explore something new that can be useful for our humanity. Each explorer has a right to decide if this job is dangerous or not. Any expedition makes explorers famous and their bravery makes them heroes. To my mind, such profession as explorer is always extreme, exciting and of course challenging.
Julia: Dear guests, if you want to take part in our next audience participation show, our telephone number is 8-499-909-18-00, talk-show “Around the world.” See you again. Good bye!
Kseniya: See you!
На Smart Board: Welcome to our talk-show “Around the world”
4. Заключение (3 минуты):
Teacher: I think it was interesting for you to meet such famous travellers. I hope that you’ve enjoyed our lesson.
5. Подведение итогов (1минута):
Teacher: You all have worked hard today. Thank you. The marks of Kseniya and Julia, the anchors of “Around the world” talk-show, and also Sofia and Svyatoslav, who acted the roles of famous travellers, are fives. The other participants will get their marks next lesson after filling the table till the end.
6. Домашнее задание (2 минуты):
Teacher: So your homework is:
- Fill the table till the end and check up the information. If you forget anything,
use New Opportunities (Students’ book, p. 129) and the Internet.
Our lesson is over. Thanks everybody. Good bye!
* * *
Name ______________________________________________________
The list of projects
- “Adventure is the champagne of life.”
(G.K. Chesterton, English writer)
- “Drama is life with the dull bits left out.”
(Alfred Hitchcock, British film director)
- “He travels the fastest who travels alone.”
(Rudyard Kipling, British writer)
- “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
(Edmund Hillary, New Zealand explorer)
- “Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly”
(Ivan Pavlov, Russian scientist)
* * *
Name ______________________________________________________
Fyodor Konyukhov | Sarah Outen | Teacher’s marks (true/false) | |||
First travel | Year | ||||
Place | |||||
Parents were happy when they knew about the first travel (yes/no) | |||||
They travel alone because… | |||||
Food | |||||
Dangers during their travelling | |||||
Their families support them now (yes/no) | |||||
Profession | After graduating | ||||
Nowadays | |||||
Scientific importance | |||||
The most memorable journey | Year | ||||
Place | |||||
Who/What influenced their choice to travel? | |||||
Results |
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