topic 'Shopping'
статья (6 класс) на тему

Кушнарёва Анна Сергеевна

Тема к зачету для 6-1 класса


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There are small food shops and big self-service shops which are called supermarkets. There you can buy all you need. Supermarkets are very popular among the people. First of all, they have a lot of different goods. Secondly, you take and look closely at the thing before you buy it. Then, the service is quick and you can save a lot of time if you buy everything under one roof. In the supermarket you go in, take a basket or a trolley, go along the shelves, take what you need and finally you pay at the cash desk.

There are many kinds of food shops: the baker’s, the grocer’s, the greengrocer’s, the butcher’s, the fishmonger’s, the diary’s, the sweet shop, the confectionary.

At the baker’s you can buy loaves of brown and white bread, rolls and buns.

At the grocer’s you can buy a bag of sugar or flour, a packet of tea, a jar of coffee, a bottle of oil, some pasta, salt.

At the greengrocer’s you can buy all kinds of vegetables and fruit

At the butcher’s you can buy meat products for example beef, pork, bacon, liver and sausages.

At the fishmonger’s you can buy fresh fish, frozen fish, smoked fish, salt fish, tinned fish, caviar and other products.

At the dairy’s you can buy a carton of yogurt, cream or sour cream, a bottle of milk, some cheese, cottage cheese and butter.

At the sweet shop you can buy a packet of biscuits, a bar of chocolate, some cakes and candies.

As for my family, we usually do the shopping at _____________________________because_____________________________.

Most often we buy _______________________________________________________________.

Not so often we buy _______________________________________________________________.