My pet
методическая разработка по теме

Схематическая таблица для развития навыков говорения по те "Мой питомец"


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Предварительный просмотр:

My Pet

                                dog                                                                             funny                                fair(шерсть)                        fluffy

                                cat                                                         cute                                feathers(перья)                bright

                                hamster                                                 smart                                tail(хвост)                        long/short

                                turtle                                                         nice                                shell(панцирь)                strong

I have got a pet. It is a …         parrot                  Its name is … .         My pet is …        lazy (ленивый).        Its         eyes(глаза)              is/are          beautiful.  



ferret (хорёк)

I love my pet and I must (должен) look after (заботиться о) my pet. I feed my pet everyday, I give water to my pet, I wash my pet and walk my pet everyday. I like playing with my pet, I like talking to my pet, I like stroking(гладить) my pet. I am very happy, my pet is the best pet in the world.

вилять – wag. The dog  wags its tail.

чирикать – twitter. The bird twitters beautifully.