Урок викторина о Лондоне
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Урок викторина « Лондон»
Цели урока:
- расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся, приобретение знаний о Великобритании.
- активизировать лексику по теме «Лондон».
- развитие языковых способностей учащихся, умения самостоятельной работы, творческого мышления, готовности к коммуникации.
- прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран.
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, группе, паре.
Оборудование: карточки с предложениями
- тесты,
- кроссворды для каждой команды.
План урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Фонетическая разминка.
- Актуализация знаний. Проверка домашнего задания.
- Викторина.
- Контроль (выполнение теста).
- Подведение итогов.
- Объяснение домашнего задания.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Т: Good morning, my friends! We have spoken much about places of interest of London. Today we will have the “London. Sightseeing.” quiz. You should be very attentive today and each team will get a point for the correct answer. Let’s start our lesson!
2. Фонетическая разминка.
Read names of some sights in London.
3. The Quiz.
T: Samuel Johnson said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford”. Today, more than 200 years later, Johnson’s words still ring true. There are few places that offer such a variety of sights, entertainments, educational and business opportunities, world famous museums and theaters.
Now the first task.
T: There are a lot of places of interest in London. Would you like to see the famous London sights? We have divided in two teams the previous lesson. The homework for each team was to prepare the presentation about the sights of London and to speak about them. Our teams will tell us what is worth seeing in the capital of Britain
Ps: present the famous sights of London and speak about them T. shows slides.
(Each team gets points for their homework)
London lies on the river Thames. The population of the city is about 9 million people. It is an ancient city, for it is more than 2000 years old. London consists of three main parts: the City, The West End and the East End. The City is the most important commercial and financial center of the country; there are banks and offices of companies from all over the world there. The West End is a district where most of theaters, bars, restaurants and hotels are situated. The popular place is Piccadilly Circus.It is a square in the central part of London, where we can see people of many nationalities. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of six streets. London’s famous restaurants and best-known theatres and cinemas are on Piccadilly Circus. Covent Garden is a tourist shopping center with cafes and restaurants. In the East End there are most of the factories and docks.
There are a lot of parks and gardens in London. In Regent Park there is London Zoo. It’s one of the biggest zoos in the world. Near the Buckingham Palace there are two parks: Green Park and St. James Park, where we can see pelicans and ducks. Hyde Park covers an area of 360 acres. On the north of Hyde Park there is a very famous place called ‘Speaker’s Corner’ where, only on Sundays, any person can talk on any subject. One of the most famous speakers there is Lord Soper who is a politician. Here you will see what we call "hecklers". They are people who try to upset the person speaking. It is well worth a visit on Sunday from 10.00 until they finish.
First of all, traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. In England we keep to the left side of the road and not to the right.You can see many buses, cars and taxis in the streets. There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker and the red single-decker. Some double-deckers have automatic doors and you may pay the driver when you go in. In single-deckers you buy your ticket from a machine in the bus. But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only 5 people are allowed to stand when the seats are full.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Her Majesty the Queen and her family. It isn't open to the public. The first monarch who took residence there was Queen Victoria. When Her Majesty is in residence the Royal Standard flies over the east front of Buckingham Palace. It has 600 hundred rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom, a nuclear cellar and a garden, which is like a private park. In summer the Queen gives three garden parties for about 9,000 guests. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place daily in the forecourt at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour. To the sound of music, the guardsmen in their traditional bearskins arrive and pass the palace keys to an other group.
The City's greatest monument, St. Paul's Cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1710 to replace the old Cathedral that was largely destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666. The Cathedral is second in size only to St. Peter's in Rome. Between the two west towers rises the famous dome. It is 365 feet high and beneath it is the celebrated "Whispering Gallery". Unfortunately Christopher Wren died before its completion. He is buried there. Among the many memorials to famous men within the Cathedral are the tombs of Wellington, victor of Waterloo, and Nelson, hero of Trafalgar.
Trafalgar square is a very famous square where on New Year's Eve people gather to celebrate. At midnight people jump into the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves. In the middle of the square there is a very famous statue "Nelson's Column" which is over 170 feet high.The statue on the top is in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson who won the most famous sea battle at Trafalgar. This column is cleaned once every seven years. It is a very difficult job as they have to climb to the top and clean all the mess the pigeons have made on the statue. Trafalgar Square has become famous as a rallying point for all kinds of demonstra tions, marches and political meetings.
The whole of the north side of Trafalgar Square is dominated by the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. It has a priceless collection of paintings by the famous artists Van Gogh, Reubens, Constable and any other painter you wish to name.
It is a very old building, - nine hundred years old! In the early days of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now the Tower of London is a museum housing the National Collection of Amour and Royal Regalias, and many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. Something that should not be missed is the Crown Jewels, a priceless collection of every jewel known. The Tower is still guarded by the Yeomen Warders, the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteen-century uniform.
It was opened in 1894. It takes its name from the Tower of London. The hydraulic mechanism can raise and lower the bridge in about one and a half minutes. The covered walkway between the two towers is open to the public and offers a spectacular view of London.
It is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. Beneath the roof of this Gothic building there are also the graves and memorial slabs of statesmen, philosophers, men of letters and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Geoffrey Chaucer, Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.
The Houses of Parliament is a very large building which stands near the Thames. Once a royal palace, the Houses of Parliament are now the seat of the Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by fire. The new building was built between 1840-1852. It contains 500 apartments. Among them are the Central Hall, Clock Tower (St. Stephen's Tower), the House of Lords, the House of Commons. The Houses of Parliament stretch for nearly 1000 feet along the north bank of the Thames. When the House is in session a Union Jack flies from the tower by day, and a light burns in the Clock Tower by night.Clock Tower is 320 feet high and is famous for its immense hour bell. The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858. The clock has four faces and five big bells. The biggest bell is known as Big Ben. The bell weighs 13 tons. Originally, the man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. He was very tall and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too. Sometimes people call the clock and the Clock Tower Big Ben. The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sounds of the bell every hour. On New Year's night people come to the Clock Tower to see in the New Year.
2.The second task.
T: Now, my friends, let’s summarize what we can see in London.
T: Name these sights. (Teams have to answer the questions in turns.)
- … Park (Hyde)
- … Square (Trafalgar)
- … Gallery (National)
- … of London (The Tower)
- … Cathedral (St. Paul’s)
- … Bridge (Tower)
- … Abbey (Westminster)
- … Palace (Buckingham)
- The River…(Thames)
- The Houses of …(Parliament)
3. The third task.
T: Well, my friends, and now answer the questions!
(Teams have to answer the questions in turns.)
- What is the capital of Scotland?
- What is the capital of Wales?
- What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
- What is the capital of England?
- What is the symbol of Wales?
- What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
- What is the symbol of England?
- What is the symbol of Scotland?
- Where is the seat of the British Parliament?
- Who lives in Buckingham Palace?
- Name the famous river in London?
- Who was the architect of Saint Paul’s Cathedral?
- Whose statue can you see in Trafalgar Square?
- What is the Tower of London famous for?
- Where does the coronation of all Queens and kings take place?
- What is the name of this bridge?
4.The fourth task.
T: Now, it is time to have a fun!
The task for each team is to do the crossword. Which team will be the fastest and the cleverest!
5.The fifth task
And now each team has some cards with sentences on the tables. Your task is – arrange the sentences in a logical order and act out the dialogue. Whose team will be the best?
- You are welcome. Have a nice day.
- Good. Go along that street it will lead you to Trafalgar Square.
- Yes, I can.
- Oh, it’s very easy. Can you see that wide street over there?
- Thank you very much.
- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square.
6. The sixth tasк
Do the test in the worksheets. Choose the correct answer; change your works with the other team, check each other and give marks. (What team will get more good marks?)
Test “London. Sightseeing”.
1. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
- Piccadilly Circus
- Hyde Park
- Trafalgar Square
2. …is very democratic park.
- Hyde Park
- Regent’s Park
- St. James’s Park
3. London Zoo is in …
- Regent’s Park
- St. James’s Park
- Hyde Park
4. They change the Guard every day at…
- 9:30 a.m.
- 11:30 a.m.
- 12 o’clock
5. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of …
- 5 streets
- 7 streets
- 6 streets
6. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …
- Pelicans
- Ravens
- Ducks
7. The London home of the Queen is …
- Buckingham Palace
- Westminster Abbey
- Covent Garden
8. The seat of the British Government is
- The Houses of Parliament
- Buckingham Palace
- Piccadilly Circus
7. Подведение итогов.
T: Thanks a lot. Did you enjoy our quiz? What places of interest in London do you like best?
T: analyzes teams’ work and give the marks.
8. Объяснение домашнего задания.
T: Your home task is to write a letter to your new friend about your impressions of London. For extra work you should add information which hasn’t been mentioned today.
You have worked very well. Thank you. Goodbye.
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