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методическая разработка (11 класс) по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:

Схема написания дискуссионного сочинения.

Discursive essays.

1        тип: 'For' and 'Against' essays (formal style)

Paragraph 1 

- present the topic and state the problem, make a general remark about it without

giving your opinion.

Paragraph 2

-Arguments "for" or “against” (2-3 points)

(say about the result/support your arguments with examples)

Paragraph 3

-Arguments "against" or “for” (2-3 points)

(say about the result/support your arguments with examples)

Paragraph 4

- Summary or conclusion. You may write your opinion, giving argument(s)

2 тип: Opinion essays (formal style) 

Paragraph 1 

- introduce the subject and state your opinion

 Paragraph 2

- express your personal opinion and give reasons for it, supported by reasons (and examples)

Paragraph 3

- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

Paragraph 4

- summarize what you've said/ draw a conclusion

Useful Language 

I.        Introduction.

 State the topic /problem, talk generally about the topic,

You may:

  1. ask a question or start with a quotation
  2. refer to history of the subject
  3. introduce the opposite views.
  1. Since time immemorial … For centuries … people have been arguing / thinking about … struggling for … Today we still …
  2. People have always wanted …
  3. Some people believe that … while others claim that … Both sides have their reasons. Let’s consider them.
  4. As a general rule … It is popularly believed that … It is often suggested … People often
  5. claim that … A lot of people think that … Many people are in favour of … / are
  6. convinced that …We all know that...
  7. Can you imagine … ? Isn't it amazing …? Have you ever thought of ...? Isn't it
  8. strange...?
  9. There are both advantages and disadvantages …Let's begin with …

II.        Main Body

Points «for» and «against», along with your justification, appear in two separate paragraphs (2nd and 3rd)

        To introduce points

  1. The main / most important / greatest advantage of … is that        
  2. Another advantage/ disadvantage of …        A further advantage/disadvantage of …
  3. One point of view in favour of/ against... The best/ worst thing about         … is …

        To list points

  1. In the first place ... First of all … To start with... To begin with...
  2. Secondly ... Thirdly … Finally … Last but not least …

•        To add more points to the same topic

  1. What is more ... Furthermore … Moreover … Another advantage is …
  2. In addition to this ... Besides … Apart from this …

•        To make contrasting points (3d paragraph)

  1. On the other hand … /however … /in spite of the fact that … /despite
  2. the fact that …
  3. while… /nevertheless .../ even though … /although … it can be
  4. argued that        

•        To introduce contrasting viewpoints

  1. It is argued that … /People argue that … /Opponents of this view say …/
  2. There are people who oppose … /Contrary to what most believe …

To introduce examples

  1. for example… /for instance ... /such as …/ like ...

III. Conclusion

You give either your opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic, or give the reader something to consider, or to end with a quotation

 -to conclude …/to sum up … /all in all … /on the whole … /in conclusion … /

taking everything into account        /as it  was previously stated … /

All things considered … /although there are some disadvantages … / I believe ...

All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages …

All in all, I still feel that the benefits of        outweigh the disadvantages.


в "FOR and AGAINST" эссе мы можем дать своё мнение только в ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИИ. Это сбалансированное сочинение, в котором аргументами поддерживаются обе точки зрения.

в "Opinion" эссе мы даём своё мнение дважды - в начале и в конце сочинения.

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